So, devil's advocate for both sides:
A) The reason it is pushed so hard (my understanding) is that the numbers back up a huge increase in how much each guest spends when using RC as well as frequency of shopping. I've genuinely adopted the attitude that we aren't "selling" a guest a RC but honestly educating them about the benefits. The struggle has been to change the culture around them, especially after the breach last year.
B) They are weighted very heavily and not all stores are created equal. My store struggles weekly to hit our conversion but we blow other stores out of the water in % of sales with RC. i.e. we have a lot of return guests already using their cards! Lower income stores in our district can have 20 a day but 18 get declined, which looks better on paper but drives much lower sales in reality. Not fair at all.
Options, in my opinion:
1. Rule #76 - No excuses, play like a champion. Change your outlook, complain less and put that effort into changing the "culture" of RC at your store into a positive, recognition-based program that is win/win when applied for. I've personally talked to our DTL, BPs, Regional whoevers about how excited we are around the culture of improving the guest experience and knowledge around RC benefits even when we miss conversion. I feel our store (and myself) get much better feedback; genuine "wow, here's 20 more things you can try" vs. "why are you such a crappy store?". Own the off weeks and find the ways to improve. Focus on developing your team and share those wins. #tonyrobbinsrantover
2. Complain and bring down those around you. Hate your job. Yes, this is a choice.
3. Organize and win a battle royale with CEO candidates and make the rules yourself. I will apply for a credit and debit at your store if anyone can make this happen.