I'm Lost! The REDCard Thread

Just wait until we're green in RC's, and then the prizes start decreasing until it's flat $5s all around because logic.
My store is usually green for RCs, for the most part. Even $5 is decent, however. My store was giving a candy bar or a bottle of soda for awhile, Um yeah, gonna hound someone to win a candy bar. So they upped their incentives, and most people's RC counts have increased. Coincidence?
I was standing in line the other day and as the lady in front of me was paying, she leaned towards the cashier and whispered "Thanks for not asking me about that stupid redcard. I hate getting asked every time I shop here."
It's sorta along the same lines as the Redcards our store is using scare tactics now for 2 year service plans. Basically if we don't get so many in our shift get mark-ups and so many mark-ups AKA check by your name mean coachings which is really crazy. Now granted I try to get at least 5-7 sometimes 8 on my shift but they want at least 10. They are supposedly doing the same scare tactic for redcards really soon ( mark-ups) I really hope it doesn't come to that point. I have my good days with redcards and I have my bad days too. It just depends on how slow it is and how grumpy people are. I wonder if I used a scare tactic on the people who didn't want a service plan saying you know if you don't want a service plan I could possibly get so many mark-ups and I could get yelled at my boss and sooner or later get fired. Wonder how that would fly?? LOL
10 service plans per shift??? That assumes that you even have guests buying more than a $30 coffee pot come thru your lane. I almost never have guests with electronic items come thru my lane. ...$300 in groceries or clothes, but not electronics.

And speaking of being honest with guests, I do that with RC debit card sign ups. When I give them the at home sign up packet, I ask them to consider using my id as it helps me keep my job.
One of our ETLS totally grilled us for not getting enough red cards the day before!! Keep in mind, she is telling this to the presentation, pricing, and backroom team. Uhh okay? She said its one of our "core roles" to get red cards and that there is no excuse why we didnt meet our goal. We need to start asking every guest on the sales floor if they have a red card. Dream on...
Does anyone know if it's allowed to have different debit cards for different bank accounts? I had a guest ask me that last night.
Does anyone know if it's allowed to have different debit cards for different bank accounts? I had a guest ask me that last night.

I don't see why not.
You have separate debit cards for each account from the bank why can't you from Target?
Does anyone know if it's allowed to have different debit cards for different bank accounts? I had a guest ask me that last night.
Target will allow you to have a REDCard Debit on only one account at a time. For example, I have a checking account, my husband has a checking account and we have a joint checking account. I can only have one REDCard even though I own two accounts.

Is that even what you are asking?
Yes, that's what I was asking. She had a different checking account from the one her current debit card was linked to. She was asking if she could possibly get another RED debit with the different account. But if you're saying only one account at a time, I guess the answer is no.
*hypothetical question*

Why would anyone not want to sign up for the RedCard? Most responses are get are something like:

"I'm okay"
"I'm good"

Is it like I'm calling them poor and get offended when I ask them if they want to save 5%?

But seriously, why would someone not want to sign up?
Because they don't. Lord help us all if upper management starts requiring us to ask why.

I've worked for Target for over ten years. I literally only signed up for both, credit and debit, a month ago.

Why didn't I have one or two? Because I don't want one. Because I don't like debit cards in general. And I have a credit card that pays me cash back. The red card doesn't save me enough to offset that.
The interest rate is HIGH. Most people carry a balance, so they really aren't saving anything. And not to mention the guest service number suck.

So many guests are surprised and disappointed when I tell them I have to call the same number they do when they need help with their card. There are no special phone numbers or dialing codes... just the same people on the other end of the line.
I'm honestly thinking about canceling mine. I don't like pending charges on my account and I can just use my 10% team member discount.


My credit score is great and I was turned down for the cc (though they used equifax and I haven't looked at the equifax report in over a year). I reopened my target cu account though so I'll probably transfer money there when I use the discount. The redcard 5% is not worth the trouble. I've saved so little this year and when I think about it, I wouldn't have bought a bunch of stuff to begin with if I wasn't thinking about potential discounts. That 5% becomes an excuse more often than I'd like to admit

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