I have to roll my eyes and cringe a little bit anytime I hear the newer cashiers try and get people to sign up for REDCards. I understand that spot wants them like crazy, and I also know that the ETLs/LODs are constantly asking that you get more. But I can't stand it when the new people say, "hellowelcometotargetdoyouwannasignupforatargetREDCARDtodayandsave5%todayandeveryday!!!!?????" Seriously, there is no need to be a robot. I get it that you want to do good, but you don't have to act like those robots from Elysium giving Matt Daemon his pills. Chill out, be a human being please. Yes, maybe you do get more REDCards than me (I work outside so kinda pointless on your part), but it feels really weird when you act that way, I can tell as I walk by the guest looks at me like they want me to help them escape from hell.