Tonight I came into work ( I was off for lack off hrs) and they told me they had new rules. I was thinking oh lord new rules..... We recently got a new ETL for the front and I heard he was kinda strict but this was insane.... They said he said you need to get at least 3 but 2 is okay and if you don't automatic coaching and the GSA said he coached people the previous night so he really isn't joking. I mean previously we had talks with a GSA before our shift ended like try harder you might get written up but honestly they were idle threats.... However this time it's real 🙁 I mean I luckily I did get 2 redcards today but who knows about the next day or the next day after that......I've gotten to point where I say if they want to coach me go ahead....... I honestly tried but sometimes there are those days ( I have had them) where I can only get one and now they are going to hold it against me because I didn't get two?? Or I didn't get any at all?? Believe it or not there people who already have redcards 😵 or there are the people who don't carry checks so I can't help that and if they don't want to sign up for a credit card I can't exactly force them🙁🙁.