I'm Lost! The REDCard Thread

I believe that REDCard penetration percentage is the number of shoppers who use a REDCard, while the score he's looking for is the $$ amount of REDCard sales versus non-RC sales.

They got rid of the report you guys are talking about because the redcard sales % was part of the old DPS boards... However the vibe dashboard that took its place does display a MTD redcard sales % with the other sales information...
so tonight i was training a new GSTL from other store (thanks for letting me know in advance!) and i had her watching the lanes and i would back up cashier because she was fine by herself. I ended up getting 4 redcards tonight and my STL pulled me into his office and actually coached me on it. i am seriously pissed.
Penetration made me chuckle. Good to know I still haven't grown up lol

I giggle a little every time someone mentions it. Of course our penetration is only 15% - no wonder the VIBE is such a big deal.

With only 15% penetration you better be vibing like crazy for there to be any guest satisfaction.
Soooooooooo...... The HR stance on this is that a TM CANNOT loose their job because they are not doing well on metrics. This has been an HR issue the world over! The deal is you can do PDD which is Talks and such but it is unethical to be fired because you are trying to get red cards and can't. BUT if the TM is caught not asking or skipping promts it becomes a different matter. The best we can do is keep morale up> STLs and ETLs are held accountable for getting numbers, and while TL's are also held accountable we also have to be the "cheerleaders" for our team to keep them going and coming to work anxious to have some fun with their leaders.
Tell your team that the one at the end of the month with the highest conversion percentage gets to throw a pie in your face! that will get them going....

PS. If you can get the STL to take a pie all the better. I know a few of the people on my team would love to shove a pie in our STL's face.
This whole trying to get cashiers terminated for not getting enough red cards thing is ridiculous. If they're trying, what can you do? What can they do to get cards if they're already asking everyone...you can teach them the best way to ask, push the debit, etc...but that's all. You can't ask them to shake the guests down, that's anti-vibe to ask a guest 5 times for a red card in one visit, right? Conflicting ideas here.

Cashiers are getting paid slightly above minimum and they're being pushed extremely hard to basically be quasi salesmen pushing the red card. I understand it, but I mean, you have mostly younger people at the lanes, these are not seasoned sales professionals. A lot of times this is someone's first job. It's hard to get them to get 10 red cards a day, even if they're trying their best. This whole red card stuff is getting out of hand.
I agree it's getting out of hand! I've been talk to a number of times how I need to push the cards more. I'm not a cashier normally, but I ask every guest. But when they say no I'm not going to keep asking. "Are you sure?" "Just so you know, that debit you're using the Redcard is the same thing!" Nope. I will not do it. I know guest at my store are getting mad too. I had a number of guest tell me they don't want to shop at our target any more. And other team members have told me the same thing. It's not good. I've been told that if I guest complains about being asked to much, we won't get in trouble. It's seen as a good thing. What a backwards world Target lives in.
so tonight i was training a new GSTL from other store (thanks for letting me know in advance!) and i had her watching the lanes and i would back up cashier because she was fine by herself. I ended up getting 4 redcards tonight and my STL pulled me into his office and actually coached me on it. i am seriously pissed.

That is SO stupid. Lead by example?? C'mon target.
so tonight i was training a new GSTL from other store (thanks for letting me know in advance!) and i had her watching the lanes and i would back up cashier because she was fine by herself. I ended up getting 4 redcards tonight and my STL pulled me into his office and actually coached me on it. i am seriously pissed.

That in itself is pretty ****ed up.

He didn't do it because you left your trainee alone though did he (something BP advises against)? When I was getting GSA training, neither of us hopped on except for an emergency and was only temporary... Otherwise we focused on training/processes.
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I agree it's getting out of hand! I've been talk to a number of times how I need to push the cards more. I'm not a cashier normally, but I ask every guest. But when they say no I'm not going to keep asking. "Are you sure?" "Just so you know, that debit you're using the Redcard is the same thing!" Nope. I will not do it. I know guest at my store are getting mad too. I had a number of guest tell me they don't want to shop at our target any more. And other team members have told me the same thing. It's not good. I've been told that if I guest complains about being asked to much, we won't get in trouble. It's seen as a good thing. What a backwards world Target lives in.

This is how I see.
I will ask every guest about the RedCard but I will not harrass them about it.

It's the same mentality when "Can I Help You Find Something?" first rolled out. We were to ask every guest, no matter if someone had just asked them or not. Even if a guest complained about it, it was taken as a good sign we were doing our job.

so tonight i was training a new GSTL from other store (thanks for letting me know in advance!) and i had her watching the lanes and i would back up cashier because she was fine by herself. I ended up getting 4 redcards tonight and my STL pulled me into his office and actually coached me on it. i am seriously pissed.

That in itself is pretty ****ed up.

He didn't do it because you left your trainee alone though did he (something BP advises against)? When I was getting GSA training, neither of us hopped on except for an emergency and was only temporary... Otherwise we focused on training/processes.

no, she was on her 14th day of training. She didn't need any help at all and she was only sent to our store because the GSTL at the store closest to us called out and they didn't want her training with a GSA? It didn't really make sense because she could have ran the store for them. And i was only hoping on when we were having serious backups. My transactions for last week were 32.
My STL told us a couple of weeks ago that it makes no sense for any of the GSTL's or GSA's to have high conversion scores because we should focus our time on inspiring our cashiers to get more redcards. So because I got four cards in one shift i'm wasting my time. It doesn't matter anymore because when my ETL found out today she stormed to his office and took care of the problem and my "coaching" was thrown in the shredder.
so tonight i was training a new GSTL from other store (thanks for letting me know in advance!) and i had her watching the lanes and i would back up cashier because she was fine by herself. I ended up getting 4 redcards tonight and my STL pulled me into his office and actually coached me on it. i am seriously pissed.

That in itself is pretty ****ed up.

He didn't do it because you left your trainee alone though did he (something BP advises against)? When I was getting GSA training, neither of us hopped on except for an emergency and was only temporary... Otherwise we focused on training/processes.

no, she was on her 14th day of training. She didn't need any help at all and she was only sent to our store because the GSTL at the store closest to us called out and they didn't want her training with a GSA? It didn't really make sense because she could have ran the store for them. And i was only hoping on when we were having serious backups. My transactions for last week were 32.
My STL told us a couple of weeks ago that it makes no sense for any of the GSTL's or GSA's to have high conversion scores because we should focus our time on inspiring our cashiers to get more redcards. So because I got four cards in one shift i'm wasting my time. It doesn't matter anymore because when my ETL found out today she stormed to his office and took care of the problem and my "coaching" was thrown in the shredder.
How does one talk about Redcards without being pushy, demanding, or making the cashiers feel like cattle?
How often in a shift should they be brought up? I know that some front end leaders are VERY pushy about them and do not let up with the r.c. banter.

I would like to S a balance between making it understood that they are expected while still respecting the cashiers and not making them feel lots of stress or like failures when they do not get them.
I am not a gsa, gstl or etl ge but....when I'm at the front lanes I tell the guests to go ahead and slide their redcard. Then they would be like red card? what is that? or after the guests purchases their items you could say ma'am/sir would you like to receive free shipping and 5% off each trip to Target? If you see a guest with kids ask them if they would like to give 1% to the school of their choice, like their childrens school. With elderly guests I usually see them with prescriptions then I go ahead and mention about the prescription rewards from the card. Hope I helped a bit.
Benefits Benefits Benefits.

5% discount on purchases
Target matches 1% of the purchases and donates it to schools of your choice
Pharmacy Reward discounts
Extended return periods
Free shipping from Target.com
Make payments (for CCs) at Target
Links to your checking account (for DC)
Cash Back options
PIN Number security

Remind guests that its more economical to use the RedCard, and not air mile CCs.
Give guests a second reminder on applying on big/bulky purchases.

I have had fellow TMs basically hold guests merchandise hostage until they applied. They would not let them leave without them applying.

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