Archived The "Vent about all the crazy shit that happened during your shift" thread

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And totally forgot to mention our Pfresh is on the opposite side of the store from where our backroom coolers are AND we have to go through Seasonal and Mini Seasonal to get to Market..Thats sure fun!
I see people complain about that from time to time on here, but it never seemed like a big deal.

Well I finally saw a store that's setup like that and holy shit it is terrible. They have to exit the backroom through the electronics department, take the racetrack along the back of the store, turn to go past seasonal and mini, and then go past all of dry market.

All while pulling a big-ass Pfresh pallet.
Ugh, big truck, small team, AND a large chunk of aisles being reset. Not a great day to do this all...

Good things:
CAFs were small, and I actually had someone else scheduled to push them for me!

Bad things:
Said pusher isn't exactly fast at it, and took her break at a very bad time
Spent far too much time trying to find a mini-fridge for a Flex. Turns out it's on hold in a far corner of the backroom. Thanks, whoever put that there. Sorry to whoever else wanted it.
Audit never got done, found most of the errors in the elctronics lockup. GG guys
A bunch of the bedding and bath aisles got reset today, which left me with tubs upon tubs of backstock, on top of the backstock from todays truck. Barely touched any of it.


Some day I'll be able to actually leave the backroom in better shape than when I got there.
I see people complain about that from time to time on here, but it never seemed like a big deal.

Well I finally saw a store that's setup like that and holy shit it is terrible. They have to exit the backroom through the electronics department, take the racetrack along the back of the store, turn to go past seasonal and mini, and then go past all of dry market.

All while pulling a big-ass Pfresh pallet.

YEP!!! Exactly this 🙂 although we have a side door that leads out to seasonal that you can get metro racks through and if you prop open the door pallets too but its not a huge crash door like the one by electronics

I mean I guess its not THAT bad, its just all this extra small ammount of time adds up to ALOT of time and during the popular times in seasonal you can almost gurantee you are helping a guest back there each time you go by

The store I trained at before we opened pfresh had their doors lead right into Pfresh and their coolers were just to the left of the doors...everything was so nice. Even receiving was just a little past the doors in the middle of the backroom instead of being at one end, which im sure has its own challenges!

Seems like there is a good ammount of posts about backroom. I am Pfresh but closing Backroom every wednesday 12-7 because they need me to. It hasnt been too bad but sometimes the pulls are rediculous because alot of the product was backstocked from the truck.

Pulled the 12-5 autofills
Took care of cardboard on vehicles
Flexible fulfillment
Helped with Carryout
Pulled and pushed out MP Water since the backwall was completely empty
Price Change pulls
Plugged in Crown, Wave and Pallet Jack
Worked out 2 tubs of autofills, 2 flatbeds and a 3 tier and backstocked whatever was left

It was a productive day.
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My shift today was the typical and normal Sunday. It was busy as Hell, there was an FDC truck, and I was pretty much pulling CAF batches nonstop(I'm not hijacking this plane, I'm trying to save it). So let's begin. I come in at noon to start on the always fun and large 12pm CAF batches. For some strange, I have been told forever that I get to always pull the grocery side of the backroom when I'm working with another backroom team member. I think it's bullshit because the grocery side always pulls more than the hardlines side. The only day it does not is Black Friday. There should be hourly alternations or maybe 2 hour alternations. I shouldn't be stuck with the shitty side of the backroom. I have to deal with deli, produce, bakery, meat and grocery team members and vendors being in my way.
Okay so back to the clusterfuck. I pull the batches but I don't even put the health and beauty shit on the tub because it's backstock. To be honest, I don't think I put any health and beauty stuff that I pulled today on a tub. No point because lazy ass grocery team members won't work it. Apparently, it's too hard for them to walk 10 to 15 feet across from the grocery aisles to the health and beauty aisles.

So we barely finished the 12pm CAF batches before 1pm. I'm working with a new bubba. This was his 1st full weekend in the backroom with me and his speed hasn't improved. He was horribly trained by the Monday thru Fridayer backroom person. The person didn't even show him how to pull FF, use M-Delete, or what the fillgroups are and where they are located in the backroom. Just terrible but oh well. I'm used to it. I was carrying him the entire day. I didn't take my lunch until about 551pm. Couldn't squeeze a break in.
After the 12pm CAF batches, I had to get in the freezer and move pallets so the grocery team members wouldn't fuck up the freezer when the FDC truck arrived. I did the same thing in the dairy cooler after the 1pm CAF batches. When I have to do that shit, I complain tremendously about it and make it known that FDC is a lost cause and that the whole process is a joke and needs to be changed. I don't care if bosses don't like what I'm saying. FDC should not be arriving at 3pm while I'm pulling stuff off the shelves. That shit should be coming at 9pm, 10pm, or midnight. FDC and flow should happen when the store is closed or when it's about to close.
I purposely put the vendor ice scream at the front of the freezer by the wall because I know that dumbass vendor would come and make a mess like he always did. He was late today. The little shit usually comes in at 3pm but today it was 5pm. On FDC days, the freezer batch is the first CAF batch I pull every hour. I was able to pull the freezer batch at 5pm before he got there.
I also predicted something that he would do. I was pulling price change and there were some stowaways in GRC2 and HBO2 so I pulled those first and I saw the empty pallet and pallet jack that the stupid ice scream vendor used so I jacked his shit cause I thought he was gone. I pull the stuff and take the pallet to receiving. I parked it by some soda vendors because I was going to come back to it. I went ahead and moved the pumpkin pallets that were blocking the crowns. While I was doing that, that ice scream vendor is back there and he takes that pallet jack, lol. I stared him down and laughed very loudly. He didn't see me but I kept laughing. I knew as soon as I saw him that he was gonna take that pallet jack. So predictable.

Another funny thing that happen is when I'm heading to the time clock in the backroom to punch out for lunch, I tell my helper bubba "hey don't worry about the EXFs and POGs in the PDA, just backstock and clean up because there's no one to work EXFs and POGs right now". And he agrees so I'm thinking "okay, he's gonna backstock and clean up". Nope. Instead he pulled two big ass softlines EXFs and most of the shit that he pulled didn't go out because the LOD worked it. Just sad.

But yeah that's pretty much a Sunday for me. Oh I also loved how the meat team member backstocked a ton of case stock of raw meat and did not put any barcode stickers on the boxes so I had to open up probably a dozen full boxes of meat. Good times.

I agree with the flow push. Should be when the store isnt open. My store is a 6am process and push all it is a joke. Store looks absolutely terrible until 10 or so. I feel bad for the people I see in there having to dodge all the boxes and other random stuff all over the store.

The food unload. My store is usually first stop and is C&S. They usually come anywhere from 10am-2pm. We have a team 3 days a week come in to push it out AND backstock it from 3:30-7 although thats not enough time and when pfesh helps them that is the only time it gets close to being both pushed and backstocked.
I see people complain about that from time to time on here, but it never seemed like a big deal.

Well I finally saw a store that's setup like that and holy shit it is terrible. They have to exit the backroom through the electronics department, take the racetrack along the back of the store, turn to go past seasonal and mini, and then go past all of dry market.

All while pulling a big-ass Pfresh pallet.

That's how my store is. It's a relatively new prototype for P-Fresh stores, and it sucks for market TMs.
I wouldnt consider this crazy but more embarrassing: I was asking guests "Can I help you find something ma'am and or sir". I approached someone female clothes and female hair. I asked this person CIHYFSM and they turned around it looked to be a man with masculine looking face (had an adams apple) with breasts. Thing is, not that it matters, the face on that person looked to be in their 50s or later.

Never say to a customer sir or ma'am, that is my 2 cents
I wouldnt consider this crazy but more embarrassing: I was asking guests "Can I help you find something ma'am and or sir". I approached someone female clothes and female hair. I asked this person CIHYFSM and they turned around it looked to be a man with masculine looking face (had an adams apple) with breasts. Thing is, not that it matters, the face on that person looked to be in their 50s or later.

Never say to a customer sir or ma'am, that is my 2 cents
At my first job when I was 16, I had a regular customer, who at a glance looked like a man. Masculine build, short hair with a baseball cap pulled low. Only after she looked directly at me from < 3 feet away could I tell it was a woman. The first time I called her "sir" she was a little bit annoyed...But I kept doing it every time I saw her and would start cracking up when I realized I had done it again. She got so pissed and thought for sure I was doing it on purpose.
Found out the bad news when exactly the clusterfuck that is sales floor quantity is coming to the shithole Target that I work at. One more week before the storm. RIP SUBT999. It gave me that stupid message about "this will drastically change the sales floor quantity" today so I took that as a sign that it's dead. I also found out that I'm going to get to pull caf batches at 6pm in addition to price change batches. And wait it gets better. I will also get to work until 830pm too. Just a great day. I swear to Joseph Smith that I hope this sfq is a disaster. I really hope it's a disaster. I honestly don't give a fuck anymore. I constantly say that I want Target to go out of business in front of team members. Fuck this company and fuck retail. Sweatshop work.
This is the second time this week that I've found vendor water backstocked. Last time it was just a few cases. Today it was a pallet and somebody (same person who did it?) took down the backroom location label.
I will also get to work until 830pm too.
Don't you usually stay late anyways? They are going to be screwed if they need you to complete an extra hour or two of work in the same amount of time it took to get it done before.
a "Surprise" visit from group

.....Okay team.. The plane lands at 11:15, and there was no delay, so be ready we expect them at 11:45...

Not much of a surprise.
My ETL-LOG switched off with the BR TL and once again BR TL ran the flow process poorly. First off, BR TL had no breakout and didn't give me an assignment as I walked in at 4am.

I made my way to the line and settled into push bays 3 and 4, waiting for team members to arrive. A 9yr Flow veteran who sets up the line and puts the truck in push mode was there, filling the line. I asked for the truck size and he replied "2200". Backstock 1 arrived, push bays 1 and 2 arrived, and unloaders arrived about 5 minutes late. The unloaders noticed there were 3 of them and BR veteran and decided to leave the Flow vet and the younger, less fatigued unloader on the truck and settled into push bays 3 and backstock 2.

Then younger unloader yells that there's no pacer and they are approaching a pallet of water. Bay 3 switches out with me and I start pacing, my usual role lately during unload. All is well until backroom pulls the vet to pull autofills and bay 3 now begins unloading, leaving 2 on push and 2 backstock. The line quickly filled with boxes. It took about 45 minutes for BR TL to pull flow TMs from the floor to fill the missing spots on the line. We could have easily shaved a half hour off the 1hr 38min unload with some better leadership.
^Been there, seen that. My flow tl has every other weekend off. It never fails to turn into a shit show for the unload. Frankly I don't get it. Basically the same people are on the line everyday. Must be because my tl isn't on top of things and the Br tl assumes everyone knows what they are doing, so he doesn't keep in close contact. It's sad really.
We have this backroom team member who constantly packs the tubs like shit. I had a TM this evening almost run me over because she couldn't see over the boxes and half the stuff fell off because he does stupid crap like puts big boxes on little boxes. I was furious! I power walked to the backroom with the SrTL behind me because he could tell I was super pissed! I pushed the backroom doors open so hard the BRTM actually jumped because I startled him. I very politely told him he needed to start being more aware of how he's loading the tubs because it's a safety hazard to TM's and guests and walked away.
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Our current BR TL was our Flow TL (who hired me) and Flow TL was the BR TL. Our former ETL-LOG was promoted to STL in another district and on the day he formally announced it early this year, he announced the leadership changes. Current Flow TL is definitely on top of things and is active in the process, at times having thrown the truck.
We have this backroom team member who constantly packs the tubs like shit. I had a TM this evening almost run me over because she couldn't see over the boxes and half the stuff fell off because he does stupid crap like puts big boxes on little boxes. I was furious! I power walked to the backroom with the SrTL behind me because he could tell I was super pissed! I push the backroom doors open so hard the BRTM actually jumped because I startled him. I very politely told him he needed to start being more aware of how he's loading the tubs because it's a safety hazard to TM's and guests and walked away.

When they do this to my giant Dry Pulls I give it right back to them with my Freezer Back stock.
I swear, I work with idiots.
Also, C&S sucks balls.

We ended up getting double our normal shipment from C&S for various reasons. Pulled some people to help push, as usual. Even left it out slightly longer than I should have in order to try and push it all, but still had to bring a tub full of dairy back to be pushed later.

What really pisses me off though is I mentioned several times that the green rack we were using for backstock HAD to be brought back to the cooler, and I asked someone to take it back while I brought the tub and cardboard cage back.

I come back a few minutes later and it's just sitting out in market, everyone having left.
Apparently people don't understand the concept of food starting to spoil if left out too long.

To top it all off, none of the casepacks got monarched, so I spent 20+ minutes doing that when I could've been doing something else.


Oh... and the person who was scheduled to push CAFs for me tonight called out, and no one did the audit this morning. I'm surprised the backroom is as clean as it is honestly
I swear, I work with idiots.
Also, C&S sucks balls.

We ended up getting double our normal shipment from C&S for various reasons. Pulled some people to help push, as usual. Even left it out slightly longer than I should have in order to try and push it all, but still had to bring a tub full of dairy back to be pushed later.

What really pisses me off though is I mentioned several times that the green rack we were using for backstock HAD to be brought back to the cooler, and I asked someone to take it back while I brought the tub and cardboard cage back.

I come back a few minutes later and it's just sitting out in market, everyone having left.
Apparently people don't understand the concept of food starting to spoil if left out too long.

To top it all off, none of the casepacks got monarched, so I spent 20+ minutes doing that when I could've been doing something else.


Oh... and the person who was scheduled to push CAFs for me tonight called out, and no one did the audit this morning. I'm surprised the backroom is as clean as it is honestly

EVERYONE got extra tuesday. We got 2 and half times our normal dairy push
Our store was completely unprepared for it...
I clock in this morning and get told "main signing guy didn't come in today, can you do his job?" Its 9am, I'm just here for 4 1/2 hours. He's supposed to be in at 6 and works about eight hours. I got done in about four hours with putting up 7x11s and the missing endcap signs (okay, probably missed a few) with some help (and ETL got one of the blocks, I gave that stack for the Halloween deal to somebody else to put up) but still. Why couldn't they have gotten somebody on ad setup to start endcaps before I got in? Why did they have to wait 3 hours for me to show up just because I've covered for this guy before?

Oh well, I got about thirty minutes of instocks in today, unfucking two endcaps. Guess that'll have to be enough.

Edit: Forgot that one of those endcaps was missing every damn label. Including the POG label. It's been tied for at least two weeks now so what the hell? Also a whole shelf of product was just sitting in the backroom.

I'm half ready to just take all the labels off an endcap in each block and see how long it takes for anybody to give a shit.
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