Archived The "Vent about all the crazy shit that happened during your shift" thread

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Clearing the bulk steel today and found a bunch of Sterlite container cases striped on pallets with mixed DPCIs. It's not that hard to read DPCIs and match them. To be fair, I wish Sterlite would make the box a bit different somehow when '1757' containers have 3 or 4 colors.

Also I cleared a few section extra and I know it'll just be trashed next week by people dumping freight in the big empty spaces instead of trying to keep the organization. Keeps me busy I guess
Clearing the bulk steel today and found a bunch of Sterlite container cases striped on pallets with mixed DPCIs. It's not that hard to read DPCIs and match them. To be fair, I wish Sterlite would make the box a bit different somehow when '1757' containers have 3 or 4 colors.

Also I cleared a few section extra and I know it'll just be trashed next week by people dumping freight in the big empty spaces instead of trying to keep the organization. Keeps me busy I guess
Job security!
"You don't have a single drop of coffee?? You're worse than {local convenience chain}!!"
"Sorry sir, we've always closed at 8PM on Sundays. I dumped the last coffee nearly a half hour ago, and the registers have literally been turned off because they're about to be replaced." And oh yeah, I recognize you from the last 3 times you did this.

I genuinely wonder what older, rude, entitled people think they're accomplishing when they say they're taking their business elsewhere. All I think is, "Great! One less jerk I have to deal with if you actually keep your word!!" Everyone half his age just accepts it when I say I'm closed... it's really not that difficult a concept.
They're vastly overestimating just how much their spending affects a multimillion dollar business. Or how much an underpaid hourly worker cares.

Today could have gone a lot worse but I'm just tired of being the only person who is capable of simple little things like zip-tying ESIM bags, organizing repacks, putting the load bars back in the trailer, throwing away old seals, putting vehicles away, taking care of the full plastic bags everyone still keeps stuffing plastic into.

So much time spent on little things that I never got around to the big ones. Like the cart with an expired MIR I never did get around to boxing up and shipping. Or the last MIR left from last week. Or the cart of wine still floating around the backroom. Or trying to find a way to deal with the endcap of vendor product that just went up and an ETL decided without warning it had to go down for a vendor they like more. Or fixing the defectives tub which while it's technically empty is still a mess. I could go on about all the things I need to do and never find the time for.

And all day long I'm getting asked to put a salvage pallet up in the steel. One pallet. That requires a key I still don't have. Which the person asking me has and is more than capable of taking 5 minutes to do it themselves Yeah, I'll put it on my list. Somewhere near the bottom.
Today when I walked in, it looked like a tornado had gone through the fitting room. It was understandable, the TM before me is really new, but it also meant that I needed a huge chunk of time to turn it from "chaos" to "organized chaos". That's not my vent though. When I was putting away reshop at the far end of RTW, a guest was at the fitting room and asked someone walking by if she could go in. Does the TM tell her "go ahead"? Nope. Does the TM stay with her when he radios me so I could say "Tell her go ahead"? Nope. He walks away and then radios me. I hear him say she wanted in the fitting room and I was not thrilled, as that meant stopping the reshop, walking all the way back, telling the guest to go ahead in, and then walk back to the stuff I was putting away. Even though I was speed walking, I still could have put away all million pieces of swimwear and moved on in that same amount of time. I was really hoping he radioed me because the guest was either asking a bunch of clothing-specific questions or the guest was a Gulf War double amputee veteran that needed physical assistance, but nope, she was just waiting for someone to tell her it was okay to go in.
she was just waiting for someone to tell her it was okay to go in.
That is ridiculous. Even our special needs TMs who do not work fitting room will tell guests to go in to the rooms but bring out all of their items when they are done if they are passing by the fitting room.
So venting.....

There was a guest trying on an Xhilaration dress, the long white one with the purple flowers. She walked out of the fitting room and onto the sales floor to model it to her friends or family or whoever the other two women were. Since she walked past me, I turned to keep an eye on the merchandise walking away and it was clear as day that she was wearing a hot pink thong. With the way the mirrors are positioned she must have seen it was glowing through the fabric of the dress. Gah! I quit watching the merchandise, I just couldn't look at that. When she was done trying on stuff and walked out, I mentioned that she should hit up intimate apparel for a slip or slip shorts and while she said thanks she acted like she had no idea why I would mention that. Guess she was simply an exhibitionist.
I hope there is a special place in hell for guests who come up to the check lanes with an over flowing cart of market product and then have to scan..........

BEFORE YouPutItIntoYourCartYou

OK. I'm good now.
I hope there is a special place in hell for guests who come up to the check lanes with an over flowing cart of market product and then have to scan..........

BEFORE YouPutItIntoYourCartYou

OK. I'm good now.
Yeah in my lane if anyone else is in like you're getting a "while you scan these items, I'm going to help another guest. You can wait right here and I'll take you as soon as you're ready. Thanks!"
I hope there is a special place in hell for guests who come up to the check lanes with an over flowing cart of market product and then have to scan..........

BEFORE YouPutItIntoYourCartYou

OK. I'm good now.

Nope you can scan everything then get in line. Next guest please.. Today was not the day to pull that stunt or bitch that you thought all clothing was %20 off. No cartwheel no deal. Don't have cartwheel? Download it and learn to use it in a hurry cause we are not just giving you the %20 every fucking sign in the building was clear. No we won't adjust it this once.

TTOETL: You are the most lazy bitch I have ever fucking seen. You are told that shoes need to be in boxes, ok fine. What do you do? Tell your crew just throw them into any box and just turn the box around so the label is hidden. NO JOKE, NO LIE.. Thank you, you just fucked over every one in the building. How the fuck do you think that is a good idea. Pricing now refuses to scan through shoes until you sort that shit out. We have had almost every SPU order either cancelled or returned cause the guys can't find the shoes and guests go the wrong shoes in the wrong box.. Your response? go on vacation and do NOTHING or tell anyone to stop doing that..
I'm so sick of Sales Floor TLs tying their POGS on Saturday nights and then not setting them. Every Sunday for months it seems like there is a new POG that they tie that just drops into the autos on Sundays. So to make their numbers look good and not do their own work of pulling they screw over the BR. We waste the time pulling it and then it either gets backstocked again or just sits around taking up tubs/3 tiers in the back until they get around to setting it.

I wouldn't mind pulling their POGS if I had an heads up about it, or if it was just more than me and one other person doing the early morning shift in the BR. Especially because I am usually only scheduled 4 hours on Sunday so if pulls are huge I don't have time to do other tasks before my shift is over.
This isn't really crazy as it is gross, but I was trying to help a guest get her broken fit bit band off her Charge 2 and apparently this woman never takes it off because there was so much dead skin STUCK to it and the band was practically painted in it. I seldom use the hand sanitizer we have on the counter, but I definitely had to use it then because I felt so gross and tainted afterwards.
I'm so sick of Sales Floor TLs tying their POGS on Saturday nights and then not setting them. Every Sunday for months it seems like there is a new POG that they tie that just drops into the autos on Sundays. So to make their numbers look good and not do their own work of pulling they screw over the BR. We waste the time pulling it and then it either gets backstocked again or just sits around taking up tubs/3 tiers in the back until they get around to setting it.

I wouldn't mind pulling their POGS if I had an heads up about it, or if it was just more than me and one other person doing the early morning shift in the BR. Especially because I am usually only scheduled 4 hours on Sunday so if pulls are huge I don't have time to do other tasks before my shift is over.

You need to bring this up with your boss, and have them fight it out, cause that is confusing for salesfloor cause they are trying to reshop items to places that don't exist, you are pulling batches that will go nowhere and they are not actually setting the pogs. Or just straight up not bother to pull them.
This isn't really crazy as it is gross, but I was trying to help a guest get her broken fit bit band off her Charge 2 and apparently this woman never takes it off because there was so much dead skin STUCK to it and the band was practically painted in it. I seldom use the hand sanitizer we have on the counter, but I definitely had to use it then because I felt so gross and tainted afterwards.
When we used to put in watch batteries and put on watch bands, it was just disgusting sometimes.
Yep, some of the girls were complaining about 'no jewelry'.
I pointed to their aprons (covered in mocha, frap base, etc) & asked if they wanted that caked on their bling.
I've said it before and I'll say it again. They need to schedule more cashiers. They need to, as much as they don't want to. It's pretty sad when I have to tell a guest to call back in about 10 minutes since no one who has the information she needs is available. I did that because I have absolutely no product knowledge of what she needed, not even enough to find it, and I was the only person still on the sales floor because everyone else was on backup. (I phrased it that the people she needed to talk to were with guests and those guests were needing a great deal of time so the hold time was not of a reasonable length.)
We just got notified by our TL that a fellow TM is promoted to team lead and is off training at another store. We all rolled our eyes and look at each other confused. This was the TM that I caught doing the checklane POG incorrectly and proceeded to blame two other people. Leadership material, y'all. 🙄

Our TL even was like "Meh, I didn't think he was ready at all."
We just got notified by our TL that a fellow TM is promoted to team lead and is off training at another store. We all rolled our eyes and look at each other confused. This was the TM that I caught doing the checklane POG incorrectly and proceeded to blame two other people. Leadership material, y'all. 🙄

Our TL even was like "Meh, I didn't think he was ready at all."

It's called promote out the problem. Or promote him to term him, he will fail miserably at being a TL and that is your excuse to be rid of him. What my store would do once in a while. My favorite would be when the ETL promotes his pet then that ETL transfers stores leaving the pet to have to sink or swim?? Yeah they always sank like a dead body with cement shoes..
Between Saturday and Monday, we received ~30 pallets worth of BTS transition. None of it got sorted because both days there was just one person in the backroom.

Today was the second day of the metered unload process that our flow team is now doing, and we took a double. It was one of the biggest clusterfucks that I've witnessed in the few years I've worked here.

They had three people on the line, one thrower, and one pusher/pallet puller. It took them over 6 hours to finish unloading, including having to stop and clock out for lunch. When they finished unloading, they had filled every single black pallet, flat, and uboat in the store.

The line was still completely full when I left, and the LOD will have to somehow clear it to set the line for another truck tomorrow.
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