Today when I walked in, it looked like a tornado had gone through the fitting room. It was understandable, the TM before me is really new, but it also meant that I needed a huge chunk of time to turn it from "chaos" to "organized chaos". That's not my vent though. When I was putting away reshop at the far end of RTW, a guest was at the fitting room and asked someone walking by if she could go in. Does the TM tell her "go ahead"? Nope. Does the TM stay with her when he radios me so I could say "Tell her go ahead"? Nope. He walks away and then radios me. I hear him say she wanted in the fitting room and I was not thrilled, as that meant stopping the reshop, walking all the way back, telling the guest to go ahead in, and then walk back to the stuff I was putting away. Even though I was speed walking, I still could have put away all million pieces of swimwear and moved on in that same amount of time. I was really hoping he radioed me because the guest was either asking a bunch of clothing-specific questions or the guest was a Gulf War double amputee veteran that needed physical assistance, but nope, she was just waiting for someone to tell her it was okay to go in.