Archived They want to rehire- but I applied for a position at another store. HELP!

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Flow: Electronics, HBA, Home/Stat and Backroom
Dec 11, 2015
Hey guys! If any of you had read my previous posts, you'd know about the drama that I went through, but if not, that's okay!

My boyfriend still works at Target, and yesterday he said our TL wants me back, bad, apparently. I went in today and the TL apologized and a bunch of stuff, and said if I want my job back, to just apply as soon as possible so he can go in tomorrow and tell them he needs me. (This is so good for me, by the way.)

I went to go online to try and apply for the store I was working at before, but I had forgotten that in the last 60 days I had applied at an alternate location about 45 minutes away, so they won't take another application.

Is there anything that I can do about this, or should I go in and see if there's someone from HR I can talk to so my TL can have my application tomorrow?

Thanks guys!
Thank you both! I contacted the other store earlier, but they said that they didn't have any HR employees in and to call back tomorrow, which is unfortunate because my TL wanted it super fast to try and get me in. I guess he'll have to deal.

And thanks, Jenna! I'm hoping it works out this time. 🙂 if they want me back that must mean something, right? Our old ETL JUST got transferred to another store too. Coincidence?
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