Archived Things Guests Say For A $300 Alex

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Former Signing Ninja
Staff member
Jun 10, 2011
This is mostly about the odd things you overhear guests say while you are working.

I heard a girl of about 7 or 8 say to her mother "All my friends are as pretty as I am, I just dress better."

A young woman talking to a man who was walking ahead of her "Keep calling me names, it reminds me of how much I love you."

Two old ladies looking through window blinds, "Of course they don't match, the other ones burned."
A 13-yr-old's response to his mom's question as to why his younger brother was crying: "I was just holding out my fist & he ran into it. I swear!"

Girl talking into her cellphone: "Yah, it was totally a LOL moment!"
I'm a TPS, so I have a uniform on, badge with Bullseye, and AP patch... This girl about 18-21 comes up to me and says, and directly quoting in a HEAVY valley girl accent, "So, I, like, know you're, like, a security guard... So, you must, like, walk around the store a lot... So, like, do you, like, know where the hair (something) is?"

Yes, that would be in *Aisle Number*.

"Oh, I, like, looked there. Thanks for nothing, jerk."
A young lady on her cellphone, about going to a new church. "I looked at their events & programs, it's seems to be geared to old ladies." "nothing for young folks".
Too weird, thinking to myself. In god eyes, does it matter? nope!
A couple of girls, probably around 18 or so, were looking at the Merona clothing in Ready to Wear, one girl picks something off the rack and says, "Is this maternity?" the other says, "No, that's just ugly."

I chuckled, I'm not a fan of most of the Merona stuff either.
I have a couple. I was dealing with a woman once who drove "45 minutes" because her friend called her and said something was on "sale" at another store and was pissed when it wasn't at my store. I told her some things are on sale differently at different stores and that we don't price match, I suggested she just drive to the store her friend was at. A store which mind you is 10 minutes away, both stores are on the interstate, so you hop on the highway and its straight there. She spent a good 30 mintes arguing with various people about it, and while she was arguing with me about it her little 5 year old kid kept saying "You better give my mom what she wants." "Why won't this mean man give you what you want." "My mom is right and you are wrong." It gave me nothing more than pleasure when I called up the ETL who spent another 15 mintes and sent the woman out the door with nothing.

That same day I overheard two guys walking into the store and one said "I like Target, it's like Walmart without the regret."
I have a couple. I was dealing with a woman once who drove "45 minutes" because her friend called her and said something was on "sale" at another store and was pissed when it wasn't at my store. I told her some things are on sale differently at different stores and that we don't price match, I suggested she just drive to the store her friend was at. A store which mind you is 10 minutes away, both stores are on the interstate, so you hop on the highway and its straight there. She spent a good 30 mintes arguing with various people about it, and while she was arguing with me about it her little 5 year old kid kept saying "You better give my mom what she wants." "Why won't this mean man give you what you want." "My mom is right and you are wrong." It gave me nothing more than pleasure when I called up the ETL who spent another 15 mintes and sent the woman out the door with nothing.
I had a pharmacy guest the other day who "drove an hour and a half out of the city" to pick up her daughter's medicine, which was only a partial fill because it's not something we normally carry in the amount the doctor ordered. Mind you, we had called the daughter and left a message stating the remainder would be in the next day. I offered to rerun it so she could pick up the rest but the mom "didn't have time to wait", but wanted to know if she could STILL pick up the remainder somewhere else. I said "No, not unless I rerun it because it will change the copay amount, days supply, and 'technically' give her a refill". So, rather than wait the extra 5 minutes (or less) it would have taken me to rerun it, she chose to pay the full amount, leave, and drive the (basically) extra four and a half hours in and out of the city again to pick up the other half of the medication!!!
A guest(my mom) today asked if I wanted to contribute some money so a guest of large size at the Target Cafe could buy G or H cup bra. I guess they were flopping all around.
couple of guys came up to me when I was stocking chemicals.

"yo dude, so do you know de rubermaid is at?"

Yeah it's gonna be in housewares

"no no, de OTHER rubermaid"

ummm near pharmacy...

"thanks bro. your the BOMB!"

my co worker asked them if they were getting some lady action tonight and lets just say the response left us speechless for the night...
This one person on Facebook asked when the Target headquarters was moving to the Dallas/Fort Worth area. Of course, that got no replies.
I feel for the cashiers for having to deal with some of those people who post on that page. I'd love to hear the cashiers' sides of those stories because I'm sure those guests are not the saints they make themselves out to be.
This one person on Facebook asked when the Target headquarters was moving to the Dallas/Fort Worth area. Of course, that got no replies.
I feel for the cashiers for having to deal with some of those people who post on that page. I'd love to hear the cashiers' sides of those stories because I'm sure those guests are not the saints they make themselves out to be.

Our guests are really dumb, but other than that, they're not the least bit interesting.
Our guests are really dumb, but other than that, they're not the least bit interesting.

They don't read the coupons and yet they blame the cashiers for not being able to read.
One time, I went shopping at Target and I overheard a cashier in another lane reading a coupon for tampons to a guest. The guest had bought the wrong size and wouldn't believe the cashier.
Some of these guests are so obsessed with coupons and some think it's unethical for Target not to give overages. I think it's hilarious that they think they can get away with the stuff they try to pull and I have no sympathy for them when they get caught. My sympathies lie with the poor cashiers who have to deal with these entitlement b****es yelling and screaming.
And somehow, we always hear "GSTL, could you please come to Guest Service?" from a nearby walkie before we even get a chance to request their assistance. I swear, these guests bring friends with them who cause problems at Guest Service just so the GSTL isn't around when they go to cash out.
OK, this thread might be a little dusty, bit it's still a goldmine for laughs and thought-provoking moments...

Two that spring to mind for me are: 1.) Elderly lady who still very much has her wits about her and loves a good laugh ( she is a semi-regular ) comes through my checklane. She is buying numerous items, including a couple of packages of underwear ( like, Hanes Her Way, or something like that ). She is a little unclear about how accurate the sizing is, and I am trying to advise her. She stops me, and says, " You know what? I'll get 'em. Why not? At my age, I can do what I want...And who's gonna be checking, anyway? " ( This is where I collapse into laughter...thank heaven for people who can joke and laugh, especially at themselves and their own situations... )

2. ) ( Presumably at the endcap display of the DVD/Blu-Ray of "Ted" ); ( Mother to child of around ten years old ) : " ...Just because it has a teddy bear that DOESN'T make it APPROPRIATE!"
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