Can AP ask anyone for a merchandise receipt?

May 6, 2020
There has been someone hanging around electronics FOR HOURS playing video games all this week.

The electronics TM mentioned to AP that he didn't see this person buy anything but all of sudden they Target bags in their cart (i.e Amigo).

AP and the Night TL said he couldn't ask for the person's receipt even if they were leaving the store.

Is this true or does our AP and Night TL just been lazy?
I thought it would be funny to go up to that person in the cart (Amigo) then ask them whether they needed.

I would then casually drop a spider wrap in the cart! :p
Costco's chain wide policy is the receipt check at the door. No issues with that. If I was shopping and an AP person stopped me at the door and demanded a receipt I would flat out refuse to show it to them.
Costco's chain wide policy is the receipt check at the door. No issues with that. If I was shopping and an AP person stopped me at the door and demanded a receipt I would flat out refuse to show it to them.
Why? It's their store, they have the right to make sure you paid for something. It's ok for Costco but not anyone else?
This is simple stuff. If the store has no probable cause to suspect you of shoplifting, I would invoke my legal right to refuse to show a receipt. Shopper club stores such as Costco and Sams are different. It's their documented historic custom to ask. Think about it, if you're a smooth operator, exude confidence and present a normal appearance stealing shit at the SCO is simple. I accidentally wheeled out a 12 pack of seltzer from a local grocery store a few years ago. I simply forgot to take out of the lower part of the cart. I went back to pay. I'm certain that was on camera.
Club stores like Sam's, BJ's and Costco (or even the Oregon-area club chain called "Bi-Mart") aren't open to the general public. Members must be eligible to join by belonging to a field of membership (nowadays very easy), agree to comply with certain terms and conditions for shopping, and pay a membership fee on a periodic basis. These rules include the member agreeing to searches and receipt verification. If a member decides they don't want to comply with having their basket or bags looked at or their receipt checked, the "club" will politely remind them that out of fairness to other "members" the rules need to be followed by everybody. Clubs will go out of their way to explain this, but if the "member" is rebellious and decides not to obey the club's requests, the "club" can cancel their membership, possibly cancel and refund the member's purchase, and refund their membership fee. In some cases, the club can have the former member banned from re-joining (unless they make some sort of appeal).

I have seen some typical retail stores routinely check receipts, including many Wal-Mart stores, but local laws as well as insurance carrier rules play a role in whether receipt-checking is carried out.
Costco has friendly checkers, we all understand their policies. Different when some young wise ass gets in your face at the door. They picked the wrong person to screw with.
Costco has friendly checkers, we all understand their policies. Different when some young wise ass gets in your face at the door. They picked the wrong person to screw with.
Lmao ok tough guy. I don't believe for one minute that if someone asked you for a receipt you would get physically violent with them.
Of course I wouldn't get physical, I'd get mildly verbal. Also, watch your language. Think before you post.
I'd say the same to you.

It is within the rights of any store to ask to see a customer's receipt. They are not doing anything wrong when doing so, unless they are breaking discrimination laws.

What they can't do is detain someone if they refuse to show a receipt, unless the store has probable cause to suspect shoplifting or they are a membership club that requires it.
Obviously. Note I as a customer have the legal right to NOT produce a receipt. They have the legal right to call the local police. Got that so far? I can leave, I can stay. If I chose to have some fun go ahead and call them. I'll wait. Are you really sure you want to call them? Are you willing to get into a huge confrontation? Are you sure you have probable cause? Let the drama begin. 2nd to last sentence, the key.
Obviously. Note I as a customer have the legal right to NOT produce a receipt. They have the legal right to call the local police. Got that so far? I can leave, I can stay. If I chose to have some fun go ahead and call them. I'll wait. Are you really sure you want to call them? Are you willing to get into a huge confrontation? Are you sure you have probable cause? Let the drama begin. 2nd to last sentence, the key.
Or you could just show your receipt. If you've done nothing wrong, is it really worth the time and hassle to make a scene? Unless one feels that they are being discriminated against, why cause a kerfuffle?