Archived Time off for cosmetic surgery?

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It's cool.. It was not lost on me either as I was getting laser blasted the second time. But at least I could see at night after the 2nd time.

I am 3 years out still good. It only really does you good if your current script is stable, if not I would not laser. For exactly that reason. Unless your eyes are so bad that you could almost reset the clock so to speak, if you degrade again your correction in glasses would be much less than you are now? Don't know if it works like that, cause mine would change every 5years or so. It was bad but predictable bad. Like I could not see the dash of a car from the drivers seat it was a blur.

Am I turning Left or Right right now? I can't tell.. I am about at that point. lmao.

Eh, well as a busty woman, I'm extremely skeptical that breast reductions are done for medical purposes. Except for in extreme cases. Back pain caused by breasts is so illogical. Wear a good bra, and you shouldn't have problems. The body knows how to carry it's own weight. You're more likely to have back problems from just wearing shitty shoes, or sleeping funny.
As an equally busty woman, I've been fitted professionally & pay a small fortune for my bras (that contain everything but scaffolding) & I STILL have back problems. I am a candidate for redux but can't afford it right now.
True, I thought you were referring more to implants. Eh, well as a busty woman, I'm extremely skeptical that breast reductions are done for medical purposes. Except for in extreme cases. Back pain caused by breasts is so illogical. Wear a good bra, and you shouldn't have problems. The body knows how to carry it's own weight. You're more likely to have back problems from just wearing shitty shoes, or sleeping funny.

However, I don't see anything wrong with cosmetic surgery. I just wish people would be honest about it. I don't understand why there's such a stigma around it. Personally, I consider it unnecessary, but at the end of the day, I don't exactly feel any need to rally against like some people do.

A girl I worked with at summer camp was 4' 9" and her boobs were each EASILY the size of her head, if not bigger. When she sat down, back straight, her boobs rested in her lap AND were still high enough for cleavage. She could barely walk some days.

So, yeah, reductions can be extremely necessary.
As an equally busty woman, I've been fitted professionally & pay a small fortune for my bras (that contain everything but scaffolding) & I STILL have back problems. I am a candidate for redux but can't afford it right now.

A girl I worked with at summer camp was 4' 9" and her boobs were each EASILY the size of her head, if not bigger. When she sat down, back straight, her boobs rested in her lap AND were still high enough for cleavage. She could barely walk some days.

So, yeah, reductions can be extremely necessary.

True. All I'm saying is, other factors need to be taken into consideration before such an invasive procedure where to occur. I'd rather work out my back muscles than cut and hack into my flesh.
Ditto on that.
My back got plenty of workout managing my own freight & shelving 40 lb boxes overhead.
There comes a point where that no longer works.

Only if you're sure breasts are even effecting your back. There are so many things that cause back pain. I don't know why breasts are the first thing people jump to. Basically my point is, I'm just extremely skeptical of those claims due to the dynamic causes of back pain.
...which is why I went to an orthopedic doctor first.
I have two sisters who are even bustier & both have the 'dowager's hump', something the orthopedic guy warned me about.
I had to get written documentation from my doctor for ENT surgery to be off 2 weeks while still under 90 days.
Yep, husband had to have surgery for deviated septum which left him with two black eyes.
We had fun coming up with various explanations - walked into a bulkhead on the Tardis, getting into a brawl over String Theory, attempting to initiate a Klingon mating ritual (unsuccessfully)....
Only if you're sure breasts are even effecting your back. There are so many things that cause back pain. I don't know why breasts are the first thing people jump to. Basically my point is, I'm just extremely skeptical of those claims due to the dynamic causes of back pain.

As a woman who has several back issues oh I know exactly. I will stop there before I get angry.
As a woman who has several back issues oh I know exactly. I will stop there before I get angry.

Hey, well it's unfortunate your back pain is caused by that. I can't tell you whether or not your case is an exception to my criticism, nor do I need to as I'm not trying to validate anyone. I'm simply talking about one of the facets of reduction that DOES exist. If it's not applicable to you, then awesome!

Personally, I will always be skeptical about the need for a reduction, based on my own experiences. I hated when girls would make snide comments like, "Omg, have you ever thought about a reduction?" or "Oh, your back must hurt." No! Never! Any time I've hurt by back, it's because I did something stupid. I hate the implication that just because someone doesn't fall into the standard size chart of A-DDD, they have to slice themselves up to conform. It's sickening. I think there's a stigma against large breasts, and that leads to an unusual eagerness for reductions.

Once, I hurt my back because I used a chair from the dinner table at my computer desk. It was seemingly harmless, but after 8 hours, my back was wrecked. Had to get a prescription for muscle relaxants (that didn't even work) and eat Advil like M&Ms. But that was a completely isolated incident caused by bad posture and a shitty chair.
If it impacts your health, get the reduction done. I know some folks who had it done & their health got much better. Less call outs & sick days.
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