Archived Tl Bench Date

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Jun 21, 2011
Hi there, does anyone know if there are set dates for TL bench interviews or if they say I'm ready then can I interview at any time? My ETL-HR said she emailed the person in charge of scheduling bench interviews but it's been 2 weeks and no answer yet. I'll probably miss 4th quarter interviews but do I really have to wait til the end of 1st quarter to interview if they say I'm ready? My ETLs all say I'm ready but can't give me a date or even timeframe on when I might be able to interview? Any advice or tips? I mocked with our entire leadership team and they all said I'm ready but now nothing for almost 3 weeks now. Any advice is appreciated! I love this site!
Thanks Headlines! Just really excited because all my mocks went very well I was told and now just waiting to see when they will be able to get an interview with our DTL scheduled.
It used to be that districts did round robin interviews a few times a year where each store sent all their TL candidates to do their three interviews with a collection of ETLs/STLs that spent the day or two just doing interviews. Now the interviews are usually done in the store that you will be a TL for and then a scheduled interview with the DTL.
It used to be that districts did round robin interviews a few times a year where each store sent all their TL candidates to do their three interviews with a collection of ETLs/STLs that spent the day or two just doing interviews. Now the interviews are usually done in the store that you will be a TL for and then a scheduled interview with the DTL.

Well today my STL called me into the office and said that due to our store having to lose 4 TL positions and we just got a 2nd TL on our store's bench that they appreciate my dedication to development and I'm ready, but they won't be scheduling my interview because there just isn't a need for me at my store. In short words, I was crushed, my best friend found out today she passed her interview the same day I found out I won't be getting one period, some days Target just sucks.

I know it is rough. Stay with spot.
Thanks Hardlinesmaster, I have always appreciated your words and insight. I am sure that my story is quite a common one across the country today as AE 14 went official at most stores. I do quite enjoy my work at Target and this website has taught me so much more than even some of the leadership at my store has, for that I am grateful!
It used to be that districts did round robin interviews a few times a year where each store sent all their TL candidates to do their three interviews with a collection of ETLs/STLs that spent the day or two just doing interviews. Now the interviews are usually done in the store that you will be a TL for and then a scheduled interview with the DTL.

Well today my STL called me into the office and said that due to our store having to lose 4 TL positions and we just got a 2nd TL on our store's bench that they appreciate my dedication to development and I'm ready, but they won't be scheduling my interview because there just isn't a need for me at my store. In short words, I was crushed, my best friend found out today she passed her interview the same day I found out I won't be getting one period, some days Target just sucks.

Sorry to hear that.
I hope things turn around at the store so that a position opens up for you.
Good luck.

If not, I hope you find a place where you'll be appreciated.
The worst part is, that just because your best friend passed her interview, there's no guarantee that she'll get off the TL bench. With all of these cuts going down, she could end up being told that it won't be happening for her, either.
Thanks Commie and Retail! Yeah I had a meeting with my ETL who oversaw my development and she actually told me that she knows it was shitty and that once this all settles in there may be opps at other stores who may have started closer to headcount before this all went down. This site is really an amazing resource and I know has helped me in my development!
Don't forget that the bench TL's have passed all the interviews and technical stuff, so they're really just waiting to be placed. If a bench tm excels in their work center and the ETL's really want to promote them, it might not necessarily be long before you see a TL offer. I know a decent amount of TM's from my store visit this website so without getting too specific, basically every position is up in the air for the people who are qualified to be team leaders. Quite a few stores in my group are using their list of TL's and bench-TL's to create an "ideal team" of leaders, and it sounds like it'll be mostly from scratch. Whoever's left over is phased out by attrition.

(Information passed to me from ETL-HR and ETL-LOG on separate occasions)
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