Archived TL Interview Tips..

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Dec 3, 2012
I am being considered for a TL position. My ETL knows that I can handle the position but I have a difficult time expresding that in my interviews, this is slowing down the process. I am being told that my examples are to simple and not complex enough. How do I make them more complex?
Look more globally. Think about what have you done that really made a difference to a team/dept. They're recommending you because they know you have your stuff together, but you have to demonstrate you can work with peers and think more about the store than what you were doing. Your situations need to be focused on what you specifically did, who you partnered with, how you turned the opportunity into a win for the store. It has to showcase your talents and show that you were the reason the situation turned out how it did. If you make it seem others took charge or your situations don't incorporate others, that's the problem.

Think outside the box with your answers as well. My issue when I started interviewing was that I was taking the questions too literally. I had great situations- turning red depts into district-topping green scores- but I never "got the right question". Twist the question and answer it with one of your strong examples. Come up with 5 or so situations that exemplify the leadership expectations.
Simply put expand your response to include more people and how what you did affected others. Add in a bunchy of vibey stuff and voial your amazing!

Sarcastically true
Thanks everyone! I have a mock with my ETL tomorrow. I wrote down 5 situations and recorded myself saying them.(I want yo make sure that what I am saying sounds good) I am really nervous! :mda:
Thanks everyone! I have a mock with my ETL tomorrow. I wrote down 5 situations and recorded myself saying them.(I want yo make sure that what I am saying sounds good) I am really nervous! :mda:

Don't be! Walk in there, set the tone immediately with your presence and personality, and get right to business. You're telling the ETL/STL/DTL YOUR story about how you've impacted change at the store level and essentially, you're telling them why YOU deserve a promotion. If you come across as undeserving of a promotion and someone who can't lead a team due to timidity, well you probably won't get promoted. Don't let that intimidate you! It sounds like you were able to come up with great leadership examples; there's no reason to be nervous. Work it!
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