Archived TL Issues

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Aug 13, 2015
I need some advice on how to handle my relationship with my TL. We don't really mesh well. Not sure why, but that's just the way its been. Recently my workcenter has a second TL kinda helping out with dealing with the team. I don't really trust that when I talk to either of them, what I say won't get repeated. They are chatting with each team member regularly now, so I kinda have no choice but to talk to them. Morale is extremely low in the department, and both TLs said they know tms are not comfortable talking to them. I told them about some general issues that the tms have, and the TLs seemed to listen, saying they were unaware of these issues and am glad I told them.

I'm actually closer with my ETL than either of them, and she is aware that I have no desire to promote, but apparently the TLs and the rest of the ETLs thought I would like to? They seemed very upset and taken aback when I told them i am happy where I am. I was told new tms will now be brought up to my level and will surpass me, but I don't really care. I feel like they view me as less of a valued member of the team after this discussion. I also growing more uncomfortable with these little chats. Not sure what to do.
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Depends on if you told them "Nope never" or " Just not right now"
Depends on if you told them "Nope never" or " Just not right now"

I told them no. We have a lot of long-time tms with no interest in moving up. Some people want to make a career out of working at Target, and that's ok. I'm just not one of them, and I foolishly thought that everyone knew that already.
If they bring it up again; just simply put it as thank you for thinking of me but I am really happy where I am. If that ever changes, ill let you know. Simply just saying no will get the interaction your getting.
If they bring it up again; just simply put it as thank you for thinking of me but I am really happy where I am. If that ever changes, ill let you know. Simply just saying no will get the interaction your getting.

I just don't know why they thought I was even remotely interested in a TL spot. My ETL and I have discussed it, and we're in agreement that I stay where I am. There is a tm in my store who they are begging to become a TL. She told leadership no, didn't have to give a reason. I'm a grad student and am Spot for the flexible scheduling. This isn't a career for me.
I need some advice on how to handle my relationship with my TL. We don't really mesh well. Not sure why, but that's just the way its been. Recently my workcenter has a second TL kinda helping out with dealing with the team. I don't really trust that when I talk to either of them, what I say won't get repeated. They are chatting with each team member regularly now, so I kinda have no choice but to talk to them. Morale is extremely low in the department, and both TLs said they know tms are not comfortable talking to them. I told them about some general issues that the tms have, and the TLs seemed to listen, saying they were unaware of these issues and am glad I told them.

I'm actually closer with my ETL than either of them, and she is aware that I have no desire to promote, but apparently the TLs and the rest of the ETLs thought I would like to? They seemed very upset and taken aback when I told them i am happy where I am. I was told new tms will now be brought up to my level and will surpass me, but I don't really care. I feel like they view me as less of a valued member of the team after this discussion. I also growing more uncomfortable with these little chats. Not sure what to do.

Why do you care what others think of you? If you are content being where you are then punch the clock, do your job and go about your business. . . You can always opt out of chats.
I was told new tms will now be brought up to my level and will surpass me
WTF does that even mean? 😵 Pay? Hours? They obviously can't force new TMs to be as quality of a worker as someone else, so if they choose to favorite someone just to spite you, that may bite them in the butt.

Your leads sound pretty insufferable, wow. I'm sorry.
Why do you care what others think of you? If you are content being where you are then punch the clock, do your job and go about your business. . . You can always opt out of chats.

Because these people have the power to give or deny me a raise? And because its unfair to blame me for the entire team's failure to finish the work? Opting out of chats isn't an option if I want to stay on everyone's good side.
WTF does that even mean? 😵 Pay? Hours? They obviously can't force new TMs to be as quality of a worker as someone else, so if they choose to favorite someone just to spite you, that may bite them in the butt.

Your leads sound pretty insufferable, wow. I'm sorry.

They already have their favorite/pick for the bench, but because my store promotes based on seniority, I guess they kinda have to at least pretend to consider me first. I am a pretty global tm and am known for that in my store. This bugs my leads, particularly the one, to no end. Sometimes I've gone weeks without being in my own workcenter and I get attitude because of it.
I can't imagine you not promoting being that big of a deal. Just be clear about what you want and I feel they have to respect that. Be consistent in that.

Just reading your post here I can't tell what you really want. It sounds like you want the respect of a leader but not the title.

If you are good at your job, just do your job without the drama is my two cents
I can't imagine you not promoting being that big of a deal. Just be clear about what you want and I feel they have to respect that. Be consistent in that.

Just reading your post here I can't tell what you really want. It sounds like you want the respect of a leader but not the title.

If you are good at your job, just do your job without the drama is my two cents
I can tell you from personal experiences, until you have that TL next to your name on the daily grid, the "respect" will barely be there. At the end of the day, what you do, granted it sounds like you are good at what you do, someone else will always feel like what they do is just as important. I agree with HRZONE, the posts is a bit confusing..
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