LogisticsPeon- I just want to explain something to you that might help explain why you got the response you did by some of the TLs on this board. Let me tell you about 2 of the reviews I wrote.
TM#1- We sat down as a group (ETL-HR, 4 TLs, ETL-SF) and talked about this TM, I said she deserved an E. She is a good TM, if called at home, comes in maybe 15-25% of the time. She zones very fast, but never does special projects and has a very limited availability, so she is difficult to give any special training to. Great personality though. Everyone else in the group said she was an EX. This means, when I sit down to write her review, rather than give her mostly E's like I think she deserves, I now have to give mostly EXs. Now, jump forward a month and a half, I am now ready to write her review, lo and behold, I get an email from my HR saying her review score will now be E. Wow! They took my advice!---that's my first thought, then I realized we,as a store, gave out too many EXs, so some TMs had to be knocked down to an E. Oopsy! So, now I am glad I'll be giving a score I believe in, b/c it will make her review more honest, but I'm annoyed no one listened to me in the first place.
TM#2- (this one is actually from last year, which was my first year writing reviews) We decided, as a group a TM was going to be an EX. He was awesome, asked to be cross-trained everywhere, was the first to respond to back up, informed the LOD of any issues, got lots of REDcards (especially for a SF TM), came in almost every time he was called. I did his review and gave him all EX, except for one, which was an O. One month later, my ETL gives me back his review and said it was too generic. Did this TM really not have anything he was less than an EX at? I look over the review again and try to identify areas that needed improvement. I couldn't find any and discussed this with her. She chose two areas that he could improve on and cited lack of leadership as the reason. I personally don't feel a TM not being a leader is a reason to give him an IE or an E. Leadership is not involved in their core roles, but, now its not my choice. I had to give this TM an IE in one area and an E in the other. (To make myself feel somewhat ok about this unjustified score, I gave him an extra O as well, if the ETL-HR can make up E and IEs, why can't I make up Os?) Now come review time, the team member challenges these scores (and rightly so!) I came off as a blubbering idiot as I tried to justify it to him. I am sure I lost some of his respect for it. It was probably my least favorite situation that I've been in in my 2 years as a TL
Now, I've learned to mix it up a little more than I may feel is necessary. If I have to make up a score I don't believe in so it passes HR's scrutiny, I rack my brain as hard as possible, so when the TM questions it, I can at least speak to it.
Just understand this, the group decides your score. Your TL tries to look over the past year and assigns scores to each category, but for the purpose of your actual review score (and raise) this is meaningless. If your TL gives you an IE you don't agree on, don't worry. Do your best to improve on it, b/c we all can improve on any given aspect of our jobs, but don't take it to heart. Your TL might not believe in the score either, he just needs to make it look good on paper, b/c to Target, that can sometimes be the most important thing.
We hate this process! Tellmeaboutatime mentioned that TLs can fight for scores, but I can tell you, in the situations I've been in, its not quite as easy as that. We can fight, but we can also be overruled. The hostility you're feeling is mostly feelings of being frustrated by the whole process, I'm sorry it was directed toward you.