Archived TL to ETL without a degree. and...

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we recently had a SrTL ascend to ETL GE and good lord has it been a nightmare she left for training and on her way out the door said " I don't even know why they make me go to training I'm practically and ETL now" she came back as an with an even more inflated ego insisting that we call her ETL ___ over the walkie and address her as such. yeah that doesn't sound ridiculous at all does it " ETL ___ please ETL ____ can you go to 4? so yeah I'm with Death Dot on this one I think favoritism was involved
lol its spawned several nicknames for her im just waiting for someone to slip up on the walkie and say ETL Scrotum breath please I think I would die laughing at that point
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It definetly depends on your DTL. I am a SRTL and my old DTL told me i could go to interviews without a degree. He was transfered to another district and our new DTL said i couldnt go for interview.
We say ETL ___ 90% of the time in my store.

One of the GS-SrTLs gets pissy if we refer to her as gstl on her LOD shifts, but otherwise, it doesn't seem to bother anyone.
I'm a C and we're gonna have 1 for all of sales floor, 1 for SB, and 1 for FA.
I'm D, so we have one for the salesfloor and one for SB/cafe.
We don't have starbucks.. or pharmacy...

Our TL's are ..
GSTL (imo dumb decision to have ONLY over this area bc he's a senior been with target for 10+ years...)
Sales Floor (also a SrTL.. formerly the backroom tl been a Sr for 6 years now)
Logistics TL (key holder non senior, been with the company 19 years)
Pog/Pricing (3rd of 3 Sr TLs..)
Me... Just start back at Target in Jan, just started as TL over Café and Electronics more recently.. that's how it was for the last person as well whose now a Sr (moved to a completely diff part of the country)

Personally, I think they should have had the GSTL cover gstl and café, then me do electronics, toys, maybe seasonal.. But idk.. I sort of feel that one person is capable of doing all of sales floor so maybe this was an easy way to split it up as ele is one of the only parts of hardlines that have specific scores (besides surveys)... and since my café team is #1 in the group for survey scores and have had good visits they wanted to challenge me bc my STL is already talking about ETL interviews when I graduate... (in May) my electronics is 79% attachment year to date and also the 2nd best area in the store for surveys and #2 in group for attachment YTD.
I've worked with 5 ETLs that do not have a degree or any college credits. My ETL-Replen worked his way from TM to ETL and my trainer (ETL-LOG) did the same thing. I think it takes a combination of an awesome person and the support of your leadership. One STL is known for promoting to ETL from within. He prefers to select his own team over being given a fresh out of college student.
It has a lot to do with your DTL and your STL.

There's been rumors floating around our ETLs, STL and even our DTL (district home store, so we see our DTL all the time) that official policy may be getting reviewed and the bachelors requirement may be either totally removed, or lowered to an associates.

This had caused much consternation among our highly trained ETL team:

Archaeology major
Anthropology major
Two English majors
And our loveable double major in music and communications

It amuses me.
It has a lot to do with your DTL and your STL.

There's been rumors floating around our ETLs, STL and even our DTL (district home store, so we see our DTL all the time) that official policy may be getting reviewed and the bachelors requirement may be either totally removed, or lowered to an associates.

This had caused much consternation among our highly trained ETL team:

Archaeology major
Anthropology major
Two English majors
And our loveable double major in music and communications

It amuses me.

Is the rumor just for your district or for the entire company?

I don't really understand why so many employers nowadays are strict on having a degree, even if you have many years of experience with that company or field. What is the incentive for them to do that, is there some kind of tax break or something I don't know about? Lol

It would be nice if they get more lenient on this. I can understand if you are hiring an outside candidate, you would choose the one with a degree over the one without, but if you have someone that is within the company and is more than capable of excelling in a higher role, why limit their opportunities because of a piece of paper they don't have.....
It has a lot to do with your DTL and your STL.
This had caused much consternation among our highly trained ETL team:

Archaeology major
Anthropology major
Two English majors
And our loveable double major in music and communications

It amuses me.

Is the rumor just for your district or for the entire company?

No idea, honestly. Our STL is notorious for carrot dangling, and our store has a truly ridiculous turnover rate. Something like three or four out of every five TMs and one out of every four TLs.

It may just be damage control on their part, especially since we've just lost a combined 45 years worth of TL experience via two TLs quitting over the direction the company has taken. Both have already been hired at HEB.
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