Archived TLs taking long breaks?

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Mar 31, 2016
I always take a longer lunch or break. Average like 50 minute lunches and 23 minute “15s”. Given I have the freedom to just go on break or lunch whenever I please, and the ETLs and the STL invite me to the office, I still get my work done and I know it’s not fair but sometimes I have to work through my breaks (never my lunch) so I feel like it makes up for it.
I take 3 mintue 15's and haven't taken a lunch in a month.
My TLs usually only take the 31 minutes. And they leave their walkies on in case they're needed. Especially the PMT. I'm not a TL, but I leave mine on because I've been needed during breaks/lunches because softlines is its own circle of hell.
This post is dumb.
But yeah on the no taking breaks - I've seen that culture at a couple stores and I absolutely preach to take breaks including to my salaried management. No breaks is simply not good for you, trust me I know I was there it's really a morale destroyer.

As for taking long breaks - more people see you doing it than you realize and will resent you for it. Believe me
My walkie stays on during breaks and meals, and when I walk in, often there’s some kind of disaster happening up front that needs help before I punch in, and when I close, after punching out I typically walk the outside doors with the LOD. When we are short on people or there’s a lot going on, I’ll skip breaks too. Occasionally I make up for it with 16-23 minute 15s sometimes when I need a breather. Or I’m typing up coachings and reading emails/merch update etc. I won’t sit on my ass eating for longer than break is, but I will roll my off-stage work in with my breaks. It all evens out, and yes also joining the STL and ETLs can end up a giant slightly work related time suck.

Just don’t flaunt it to the TMs, and get all your shit done.
My walkie stays on during breaks and meals, and when I walk in, often there’s some kind of disaster happening up front that needs help before I punch in, and when I close, after punching out I typically walk the outside doors with the LOD. When we are short on people or there’s a lot going on, I’ll skip breaks too. Occasionally I make up for it with 16-23 minute 15s sometimes when I need a breather. Or I’m typing up coachings and reading emails/merch update etc. I won’t sit on my ass eating for longer than break is, but I will roll my off-stage work in with my breaks. It all evens out, and yes also joining the STL and ETLs can end up a giant slightly work related time suck.

Just don’t flaunt it to the TMs, and get all your shit done.
This is exactly the way to do it.
The breaks, I sorta get b/c GSA/GSTL is a shit position, but I think the lunches are exaggerated. Plus, are you clocking out for 50 minutes? Doesn't your name get on the time exceptions report?

GSTL probably has the most visibility as far as TLs go since your absence is immediately evident when the front resembles a rave party with all the flashing lights (of which, most seem to be hurr-duhrr questions that most seasoned cashiers can answer; evidence of lack of training...).
If you were my leader I wouldn't care about your long breaks as long as you let me and everyone else do the same with a wink and a nudge. I've had leaders at other jobs who were okay with rules being bent and weren't hypocrites about it, there was no drama and the world still turned. Although if your position is so terrible that you feel like long breaks are justified, I'd say that's a sign from the gods that it's time to transfer somewhere less shitty?

Just keep in mind that this puts you in a bad position when you're giving write-ups for the same thing. You *will* be retaliated against by the first TM who gets a hypocritical write-up. If they call the hotline you're toast. We come to work for that bread, not that toast.
...but I think the lunches are exaggerated. Plus, are you clocking out for 50 minutes? Doesn't your name get on the time exceptions report?
Lol! We usually cut OT with long lunches, whether we work during any of it or not, because coverage is so thin we can’t leave early or arrive late. When it comes to meal breaks, I’m usually 35-42 minutes, simply to keep the OT from piling up 😂 quite a few TMs also avoid OT with longer meals, it doesn’t raise an eyebrow at my store. Now, if someone who’s schedule 16 hours this week does it that’s a different story.
I’ve been having to take longer lunches lately. It feels like such a waste to not leave early though. I mean, like 15 minutes early. But eh.
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