Archived TM from another store causing trouble, what to do?

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Finally almost getting paid enough.
Oct 6, 2016
So today, someone comes to the service desk making a fuss about a coupon not applied, a $10 category coupon I suppose. Our very experienced GS TM assists, and it turns out there was only $9.xx of the category purchased; so they make it right by applying a $9.xx target coupon to the transaction. But that’s not good enough and the person makes a fuss, saying to my longtime, courteous GS TM “you don’t know what you’re doing, this is dumb, this wouldn’t happen at my store”. Once the guest leaves, I ask the service desk TM if that person used a TM discount and they said yes, so I had the transaction reviewed and got that person’s info, they’re a TM at a neighboring store who has been with the company for less than a year.

What should I do? I know I’d want to know if one of my TMs was being a somewhat fishy asshole at another store. At the same time, with them being off the clock, I don’t know what I’d do with that information. My leaders haven’t really been too supportive of my endeavor, but they’ve been very careful to not make any suggestions that I drop it either.

tl;dr someone from another store came and treated my service desk TM like shit while bitching about a coupon they weren’t even using right, should I tell their leadership?
I would partner with your AP, giving them all the info you have. They can then review it and determine what course of action can be taken, if any. It does sound like some type of abuse occurred, whether it be the coupon, the discount, or both. AP will have a better idea if it's an actionable offense.
I would partner with your AP, giving them all the info you have. They can then review it and determine what course of action can be taken, if any. It does sound like some type of abuse occurred, whether it be the coupon, the discount, or both. AP will have a better idea if it's an actionable offense.
I think the coupon thing was more a stupidity on the ‘guests’ part as it was an override amounting to less than a dollar. Partnered with the APS on getting the TMs info from the transaction, they weren’t particularly bothered by the transaction itself. I guess I’m more wondering if there’s an HR conversation to be had regarding disorderly/improper conduct.
Contact TMs store and talk to their ETL-HR or LOD and explain the issue. Say you were concerned about TMs inappropriate behavior. Leave it to them to handle it. If Tm comes in again and does the same thing take action
With it being another store TM, you will need to get with your ETL-GS and AP. If they feel like it something that needs to be reported to the other store, they will go through their channels. Just don't go over their heads and report it yourself to that store.
Don't forget the parking lot option.

If you can figure out their car at their store, leave a diaper bomb on their hood or next to their car door.
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