Archived TM Interaction

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Just curious to see how teams interact in and out of work. I know it depends on personalities and what not. And sorry if it sounds creepy, but I'm really just curious.

Back when I was in college, I worked at a store close to my parents' house during the summer and the holidays. Everyone was really nice and we were very close inside and outside of work.

After I graduated, I transferred to another store that was close to my other job at the time, which I am currently at this store full time. I've been at this store for a couple years now. I get along with pretty much everyone on this team, but I feel like not a lot of TM's hang out outside of work. There are maybe a few small groups like two people maybe, but not like a big group of us. I've hung out with a couple TM's, but I wish I could get to know more of them better since they're really the only people I know. I'm kind of afraid to ask some of my work friends to hang or have a big group outing because what if they don't want to hang out or what not? Any advice?

I work mostly in SL at this store. Everyone in SL gets along well. We're kinda like a clique. I do kinda feel like the brand/truck TM's are a clique and then the other SL is one, but generally we all get along. In fact, my ETL-HR says she only hires people in SL who knows will get along with the others. But I feel like HL/Elec isn't very close at my store. I mean they get along but I feel like they don't have as strong of a bond as SL. My other store HL/elec had a pretty strong bond. At my current store, most of them interact with us in SL occasionally. The other dayside TM's don't really seem to have a clique.

Sorry for the long post, but again just curious to see how other teams interact.
my old store was like your current store. only a handful of people hung out. i still have like a few really close friends from when i worked there.

at my current store tho EVERYONE hangs out outside of work. there's never not a time when we're all going out to dinner or hanging out at someone's house. this store also has a lot of drama between the team members so there's also that. ive made some of my closest friends at this store so im really grateful for that and ive managed to move in with one of them and we're still close as can be! i've even seen ETLs hang outside of work. it's just crazy to me.
My understanding is that most drama comes from Softlines and Starbucks. Ironically the teams full of 16 to 24 year old girls.

They are also often the most likely to hang out outside of work. Exclude one person and cause a bunch of problems.

Tms often hang outside of work. TLs often hang outside of work. Even some tls hang out with tms. I always felt it was a bit odd for ETLs to hang out with tms though.

An HR should never hang out with anyone. My old ETL HR said she never hung out with people outside of work because of the detrimental conduct termination rule. Where you can get fired for something you do outside of work.
My understanding is that most drama comes from Softlines and Starbucks. Ironically the teams full of 16 to 24 year old girls.
ASANTS for sure. Starbucks team hang out all the time, and there is zero drama. The SL team doesn't have much drama, but they also don't hang out much. At my store, GSAs and Electronics are the sources of drama. And the STL, if I'm honest.
ASANTS for sure. Starbucks team hang out all the time, and there is zero drama. The SL team doesn't have much drama, but they also don't hang out much. At my store, GSAs and Electronics are the sources of drama. And the STL, if I'm honest.

That's very interesting. It does seem that Starbucks and front end hang out a lot at my store too. SL is the same at my store. There's not much drama, but they don't hang out much.
The ones working the truck are the source of drama at my store. Usually soft lines truck people are the ones that cause the most drama. We have a mix clique of people from different departments that hang out. I don't really hang out with anyone from the store I'm at but I use to hang out with quite a few people at my old store.
When I was full time, more of us seemed to hang out more. Now I'm only in one day a week, so, I... just don't.

It might also be that when I was full time, I was younger. The other day, in the break room, I overheard a bunch of people talking about sneaking in to see It. At that point I realized everyone in the room was 16, and I was an entire person who could see an R-rated movie older than them...
My understanding is that most drama comes from Softlines and Starbucks. Ironically the teams full of 16 to 24 year old girls.
my store the drama is from the hardlines team members lol they're all close in age like 19-25.
ASANTS for sure. Starbucks team hang out all the time, and there is zero drama. The SL team doesn't have much drama, but they also don't hang out much. At my store, GSAs and Electronics are the sources of drama. And the STL, if I'm honest.

Agree on asants. My old Starbucks team they had much more drama despite being close. Typically hanging out and not inviting one person.

Interesting you guys get drama from electronics. At my store they overlap so little they work really well at not leaving messes for the others
I'm friends with a couple cashiers/ sales floor people who back-up cashier a lot or pick up cashier shifts, and we go out a lot together. We've never had any drama and it makes work so much more enjoyable when you can like BS and crack jokes with a couple people (when there's no guests of course). However there is a ton of drama I overhear in the breakroom between a lot of the older cashiers thinking so and so didn't deserve to be promoted or whatever, stupid stuff like that
I'm too old to hang out with the young crowd, and too young to hang out with the old crowd.
I know how you feel too. A lot of people I work with are either in their late teens/early 20's or in the older crowd lol. However, there are a handful of TM's who are either my age or around my age.
Just curious to see how teams interact in and out of work. I know it depends on personalities and what not. And sorry if it sounds creepy, but I'm really just curious.

Sorry for the long post, but again just curious to see how other teams interact.

Why do you care so much about having people to hang out with? Some of the younger people do at my store, but everyone else has their own lives. I myself am in my late 20s so most tms are younger or older than me. I'm friendly with many people at the store but don't hang out with anyone outside of work. I have friends I went through high school and college with and I'm good.
If I actually hung out with my "Friends" from work (which would involve drinking, otherwise, whats the point). I would be telling just about every TL in my store to stop telling their Brand TM's to call me, for help, grow some balls, then help them yourself. That is why you are here.
I've hung out once with a few of my guest service team members. We were friends from when I used to be guest service. I've hung out maybe three times with peers and GSAs. Usually to celebrate someone moving from GSA to GSTL.

Honestly, I tend to not hang out just because it can make you bias. Also I'm not the drama type.
Why do you care so much about having people to hang out with? Some of the younger people do at my store, but everyone else has their own lives. I myself am in my late 20s so most tms are younger or older than me. I'm friendly with many people at the store but don't hang out with anyone outside of work. I have friends I went through high school and college with and I'm good.

I care because they're the only people I really see on a day-to-day basis. I don't have a lot of friends outside of work, but I've met more people at the same time (I became part of a frisbee group). Then again, I've only lived where I live now for a little more than two years. Most of my friends live in my hometown which is about 2 hours away.
I’m well aware that SL at my store is cliquey. Unfortunately, that’s just the way it’s always been at my store, which is the closest to the local university and therefore has the highest percentage of younger TMs TLs, +. I always try to make people feel welcome as much as I can. I hang out with a couple TLs outside of work (one of which I knew as a TM), but mostly just SLTMs.
I've made a few good friends at Target. I hang out with about four people out of work. Three of them don't work there anymore but the five of us all became pretty close.
I'm part of a very tight team, being in AP, but I think that might just be the nature of our work department. We rely on each other in ways that other departments in the store don't, really. We joke around, help each other out, all that good stuff, etc... and I'd trust any of them with pretty much anything at all.

With that said, I don't hang out too often with others from my team. We'll have lunch every now and then or do a team-building outing, but... we never like... crash at each others' places or anything. So I guess they're work friends, not really friend friends. If that makes any sort of sense.
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