Archived TMs evaluations and compensation changing in 2016?

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While I am happy that Target took steps to pay a bit more 50 cents is like 3 years with of rasies.

Would be nice if they gave everyone a raise.
I'm out $1.43 over the four raises I received. Most likely other new tm on my team will make more than me this year after reviews...cause I'm a bitch and they keep their mouth shut.
It was here that I learned about the specialist cuts so I was prepared when they called me in.
Didn't make it any less a kick to the teeth but at least I knew what was coming.
One of the others (who didn't believe me) came out in tears & went home early.
Yeah, I was really disappointed that Target decided to take that direction. I was really happy with my little title, it came with supervisor privileges and a nice bump in pay. But after getting busted down to TM and losing future pay raises, I started to feel jaded. I was still doing the same job, but without supervisor access and zero respect from management. It took years to get them to stop putting me in leadership roles without the title/pay. I am much happier in the pharmacy.
Our store is awful about putting people in supervisory roles without paying them for it. For some reason they refuse to hire GSAs, despite two of our GSAs stepping down to GSTM. We have cashiers running the lanes sometimes and I even have a cashier training in the CO, despite the fact that half our GSAs aren't even CO trained! It doesn't help that the trainee is a complete idiot, either. Well, brightside- at least they can't fire me.
Our store is awful about putting people in supervisory roles without paying them for it. For some reason they refuse to hire GSAs, despite two of our GSAs stepping down to GSTM. We have cashiers running the lanes sometimes and I even have a cashier training in the CO, despite the fact that half our GSAs aren't even CO trained! It doesn't help that the trainee is a complete idiot, either. Well, brightside- at least they can't fire me.

My store is a bit weird as far as the CO goes. None (and I do mean none) of the GSA's are CO trained. I don't even think that the GSTL is. I know the Sr. GSTL is, but that's it. We have 2 people who are CO trained, and both are CO/Cashiers.
I was hired 2 months ago as a seasonal cashier. I was talking to a co-worker (he's been there 18 months) who was so happy to have been promoted to GSA because he would be getting a raise. He named the amount he would be getting and it was 10¢ less than I was hired at. Did not have the heart to tell him.
I was hired 2 months ago as a seasonal cashier. I was talking to a co-worker (he's been there 18 months) who was so happy to have been promoted to GSA because he would be getting a raise. He named the amount he would be getting and it was 10¢ less than I was hired at. Did not have the heart to tell him.

I would tell him if I were you. He doesn't know that he is getting screwed over. There is no rule saying that you can't talk about your rate of pay and pay raises. If you aren't comfortable sharing your own rate of pay, that's okay too.

While I may not outright tell my fellow TMs my current rate of pay, I don't mind communicating how much my last pay raise was.

To each their own, I just think our compensation might be a little more fair if we could openly share what we make. That way we would have a little more bargaining power.
I feel so bad for my friends still at spot. They get treated like shit by the ETLs who have no real management experience. they get very little pay in return for their hard work.
My store is a bit weird as far as the CO goes. None (and I do mean none) of the GSA's are CO trained. I don't even think that the GSTL is. I know the Sr. GSTL is, but that's it. We have 2 people who are CO trained, and both are CO/Cashiers.
my store was the same way. none of the GSAs could do CO to save their life. Not even the GSTLs. I don't know who they are training to do CO now but I hope they are at least competent!
I was talking to my etl hr the other day andthere's a good change involving base pay. Etl didn't realize it super duper confidential and I wasn't supposed to know yet.

Well I think the CEO definitely has been leading the company in the right direction thus far, so I have no doubt whatever the change is should hopefully be for the better. I personally think that Target, if they wanted to make a change, should do it reasonably. I think the point here is that a brand new TM should not make as much as somebody who knows what they are doing. However, a experienced TM (say 2 years on the job) is about the same profitability wise as a TM who is very experienced (say 10 years on the job). The 10 year and the 2 year should honestly know about as much as each other in terms of responsibilities.

Perhaps all guest facing TMs (hardlines, softlines, cashier) should start at N03 and move to N05 after six months of good performance? Then move to N07 after another year? This is in addition to the merit increases which you get for your ACTUAL performance. The point of the system would be stop the unfairness when starting wages increase. If you are an N07 Hardlines TM (18 months on the job), you would move to the new N07 (still making more than new TMs)? Just a thought.
My STL told me that the new minimum wage is going to be $10.00 across the company. Not sure if this is old news, but didn't see it in this thread.
Well I think the CEO definitely has been leading the company in the right direction thus far, so I have no doubt whatever the change is should hopefully be for the better. I personally think that Target, if they wanted to make a change, should do it reasonably. I think the point here is that a brand new TM should not make as much as somebody who knows what they are doing. However, a experienced TM (say 2 years on the job) is about the same profitability wise as a TM who is very experienced (say 10 years on the job). The 10 year and the 2 year should honestly know about as much as each other in terms of responsibilities.

Perhaps all guest facing TMs (hardlines, softlines, cashier) should start at N03 and move to N05 after six months of good performance? Then move to N07 after another year? This is in addition to the merit increases which you get for your ACTUAL performance. The point of the system would be stop the unfairness when starting wages increase. If you are an N07 Hardlines TM (18 months on the job), you would move to the new N07 (still making more than new TMs)? Just a thought.
As someone who happens to be a Hardlines TM who has been on the job that long, that would be nice. My store has a notorious turnover rate, so they've cross trained me on everything but Starbucks and Food Ave. Yet I still only make $9.14/hr...
As someone who happens to be a Hardlines TM who has been on the job that long, that would be nice. My store has a notorious turnover rate, so they've cross trained me on everything but Starbucks and Food Ave. Yet I still only make $9.14/hr...
oh I know! I was cross trained in so much at Spot but after 10yrs I only made 9.66/hr it was an insult! and after hearing about how they are rising everyone to 10/hr... oh boy that would be enough to make my blood boil!
As someone who happens to be a Hardlines TM who has been on the job that long, that would be nice. My store has a notorious turnover rate, so they've cross trained me on everything but Starbucks and Food Ave. Yet I still only make $9.14/hr...

I'm sad to hear that. ..your store is taking advantage of you. Big Time. After the bump last year to $9, and a prorated raise since I had been with Spot for less than 6 mos. I was making $9.15.

I declined to train for SD specifically because there was no bump to my pay. Same for SCOs (I wasn't running around like a chicken with my head cut off) I was lucky in that Spot wasn't my primary source of income, so I didn't have to worry about repercussions. And there wasn't any.
I had a TL meeting today and asked about the raise to $10. My ETL-HR said she couldn't say anything, but there will be an announcement in February. So I'm taking that as a yes. I'm guessing that anyone who has worked for Target for less than 8, maybe 10 years will be making the same amount.

Is it fair? Certainly not. But 75% of the company is going to get a bigger raise than they would normally get. I'll take that as a win. Last year my store had about 5 people who got a raise of over $1.00. This year, I expect that number to be at least 50 out of ~130 TMs. If you got affected by the raise last year (which was probably anyone who worked for Target for less than about 6 years, assuming your store's minimum was bumped to $9.00), then you will get a raise of over $1.00 as long as your rating is at least the same as last year.

It's going to suck looking at all the new hires who make almost the same amount as people who have busted their ass for years, but I'm not going to complain about an extra dollar per hour, especially after getting nearly a dollar last year!
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