do you have to ask for these evaluations or are you evaluated after your first year?
They happen yearly. Team Leads should be writing your reviews right now and will deliver them in a month or so.do you have to ask for these evaluations or are you evaluated after your first year?
And this is why it makes me angry when requested to change work centers and told to not "clock it in". There are a lot of unofficial workcenter changes that can ultimately affect a tm's pay and benefits.
Not what I meant AT ALL. I know that you don't change paygrades by changing WC. However, if you don't clock in WC changes, there is no way to know when your "50% or more" moves to another center resulting in either a move up or down. This is not likely to happen with flow tms, but for the past 6 months, our IS team has been told to go to the backroom to help with CAFs, cover electronics when there is a call in, work FDC, etc.etc.etc. When it happens multiple times in a week and is for hours at a time as opposed to "helping out" it should be documented. You can do it on the timeclock. There should be accountability for WC hours. If our task list isn't finished because we have been reallocated to another WC, it looks to our TL that we are slackers, incapable of completing our tasks in a timely manner. If tms don't change WC, there is no accountability and no true idea of how many hours any given WC actually needs to complete the work.IF you are done being MY FLOW TM, and go to PC, or IS or HL SF or something, YOU ARE CHANGING WC! I am NOT PAYING for your hours out of my bucket! 🙂 🙂 😉 That is more what the change in WC is for, at least of us, especially right now. I don't have hours to spare, and any extra hours spend has to be explained ie: the trucks wheels fell off, and we had to wait for it, space aliens abducted the driver. etc.. 🙂 😉
So my super talented TM(s), if they are not scheduled to go to PC etc., know they need to change WC.
Changing to a WC from say your PWC doesn't mean an upgrade in PAY, because if that was the case, I can guarantee that TGT and just about any other company would do the exact opposite as well ie: change to cashier, then drop you to the BASE CASHIER which is now $9 unless your state/city/township/boro/vllage/collective has a higher one which for a lot of my team would be a HUGE LOSS in $$$ right off the bat for most it would $1/hr, and some of the ones who do it regularly it would be probably $2-3/hr+!
If you are spending more than 50% of your time in a WC like ELEC then you should be changed to that WC, same with FLOW, same with some of the others which is a bump up from your base if worked.... Having to track even in 2016 that you went from Flow to say PA for 3 hours today, and thus should get $0.50/hr (or more) for those 3 hours... is a night mare... even if you change WC. It requires the TM to do the change, the payroll system to actually implement that change, and I can tell you getting things like that RIGHT is not as easy via a computer as you may think. The storm of "I didn't get my $0.50/hr for PA! for these 20 hours!" to fix and right all this...EVERY TWO WEEKS would be a nightmare. I don't care who you are.. there would be issues... from the TM doing the change in WC, or having it schedule right in myTime to actually doing the code to do it... doesn't matter TGT or IBM, it would be a huge monster to fight.
Went through this with a TM who was hired as X but was scheduled Y WC. For some reason they were never changed to this as their PWC. They were LOOSING $1.00/hr+ in this "glitch." This was right before I was there and the reasons were not as nefarious as you may think. Which hints to what I am going say next... that IF such a system was used, then I can guarantee that any swaps would be approved based on PAYROLL. And 99% of the swaps in my store would be DISAPPROVED because of x being in WC y and making $$$$ more. Doing that in swaps and even in scheduling would mean the talent pool would SHRINK IMMENSELY. PC would have no back up and/or assistance for huge work loads. Same with IS, BR, cashier, CA, SL, and HL. My flow team TM's cover and fill in A LOT of gaps!
I don't see TGT or any one else opening this Pandoras box to track WC changes and pay based on that.. because that CUTS BOTH WAYS.. and so CAREFUL what you wish for!
This is exactly the sort of thing that happened to me the first 8 months I worked for Target. More than 50% of my hours were spent in Electronics, but I was only treated as a hardlines salesfloor team member when it came to pay. I didn't know that there was a difference in the pay I should have gotten or I would have spoke up, and my TL rarely got me in my actual workcenter, so I ended up with IE ratings on my yearly review in a lot of categories because there were no chances to gauge my abilities in my actual workcenter.Not what I meant AT ALL. I know that you don't change paygrades by changing WC. However, if you don't clock in WC changes, there is no way to know when your "50% or more" moves to another center resulting in either a move up or down. This is not likely to happen with flow tms, but for the past 6 months, our IS team has been told to go to the backroom to help with CAFs, cover electronics when there is a call in, work FDC, etc.etc.etc. When it happens multiple times in a week and is for hours at a time as opposed to "helping out" it should be documented. You can do it on the timeclock. There should be accountability for WC hours. If our task list isn't finished because we have been reallocated to another WC, it looks to our TL that we are slackers, incapable of completing our tasks in a timely manner. If tms don't change WC, there is no accountability and no true idea of how many hours any given WC actually needs to complete the work.
This is not likely to happen with flow tms,
but for the past 6 months, our IS team has been told to go to the backroom to help with CAFs, cover electronics when there is a call in, work FDC, etc.etc.etc. When it happens multiple times in a week and is for hours at a time as opposed to "helping out" it should be documented. You can do it on the timeclock. There should be accountability for WC hours. If our task list isn't finished because we have been reallocated to another WC, it looks to our TL that we are slackers, incapable of completing our tasks in a timely manner. If tms don't change WC, there is no accountability and no true idea of how many hours any given WC actually needs to complete the work.
We are specifically told to not change.
We are specifically told to not change.
My store is the exact opposite. Everyone picks up flow hours, flow rarely helps with anything. Maybe pricing, but only backroom pull. Maybe Plano, but just pushing behind us. No salesfloor, cashier, or cart attendant. We have to trust arms to get black Friday coverage on the floor from many of them.Well maybe your Flow TM's... but my Flow TM(s) are for a large part the GLUE and spackle that fills in all the holes.
SF, HL, CA, Cafe, IS, PC, BR... With out these TM(s) there is no way to complete the schedule, and alot of the CO/NCNS coverage comes from these TM's.... and all those swaps that the SF gives up... would be CO if not for Flow. Only a handful of them are not cross trained in most of the rest of the store in some manner. And most of these are the newbies we got to keep for the first time in years after Q4.
The reverse is not the same.... SF and other specialties... help out Flow... HAHHAHAHHAAAAAHHHHAAAAAA... Yeah right! Most would rather be poked with a hot poker than push freight. Which is for the most part all the SF and specialties can do. On the line... nope, can't handle the pace. 😛 🙂 I appreciate that POG and others take over pushing Toys and Mini/Seasonal in Q4 and some rare times when the schedule implodes.. but well.. guess what.. when those teams want help.. SF don't have the backups for their spots, MY FLOW TM are ! 🙂 Most are on Flow for a reason. The early hours for one. I have some that just hate SF. A couple of the girls would be SLTM if they were hired in most cases. They were given choices for Flow, SL, and chose FLOW. They don't want SF. They will do back up in SL, and other areas, but don't want it primary WC.
I agree 10000000% if you are doing another WC work, then you CHANGE WC, Period. It is a step that I drill into the heads of TM(s)! They hate, as they have to "drudge" to the timeclock and change it... BUT Logistics are NOT paying HL. SL. or other WC workloads. There is accountability here, as if I let TM's go to say PC when not scheduled that way and they don't change WC.. that counts on MY WC HOURS... and doing this, adds up, and I am over and then there is "some splain'ng to do Lucy!" Especially right now... Spend 20 hours extra here, that 20 hours is coming out some where by the end of the week! Already in that situation this week due to disasters thanks to trucking companies. 😡
I agree TM go to other WC then they change WC's! It works for ME and the TM in the cases where working outside their primary WC would result in pay grade upgrades and/or a bump at least..
If your management is NOT enforcing WC changes, then DO IT YOURSELF! We keep a list of the WC codes by the timeclock. Most of my TM's know the ones they go to often... but some times they get one they have not done in awhile... This was so beaten into me early on... for EXACTLY WHY you posted...
My store is the exact opposite. Everyone picks up flow hours, flow rarely helps with anything.
We have to trust arms to get black Friday coverage on the floor from many of them.
But instocks pulls cafs, backstock dry grocery, pushes truck, does their own research pulls, and back up cashiers.
Plano covers gs and electronics breaks,
backup at sbux,
plus I often park c&s in the coolers to help.
they just pretend it's even in the end.
We are specifically told to not change.
So does anyone know if the base pay is definitely going up to $10 and if so when is that happening?
Would we get the increase right away or during our reviews?