To That One Guest - II

TTOG: All I needed to do was confirm if this $5.99 39 oz bottle of shampoo matched the one you were showing me on your phone. Although the item shared the same name, the oz. number and fragrance didn't match up. Yeah, it came from the Target website. Yeah, it's popping up on your Target app. Don't you fucking "Seriously what the fuck bro" me and complain that I'm wasting your time and you have to go. Naw bruh, I'm not doing the price match. The DPCI/UPC numbers don't match. You wanna speak to my manager?

"Oh not to be a fucking dick, but I have every right to have this item price matched man so I don't mind having to get your manager."

All right, not to be fucking obvious but you're already a dick. For $2. Cool whatever, I'll grab my manager and have her deal with you. Here she is. Hey man, maybe if ya did a 180 degree on your piss-shit filled GI tract of an attitude, you could have gotten your way with $3.99. Oops, looks like you're getting your item price matched from Walmart because that's where you're supposedly getting the info instead of Target, so now it costs $5.76. Congratulations for implying my boss is stupid and may your shampoo eternally burn your retinas.
ttog no matter how many times you tell me what it is, we still don't sell it.
The other day a guest was like “do you all have a printer I can use” and I said no, he said “it’s really important” and I was like ah yes in that case let me get out the printer that we have but only for really important things 🙄 like dude go to staples or something
The other day a guest was like “do you all have a printer I can use” and I said no, he said “it’s really important” and I was like ah yes in that case let me get out the printer that we have but only for really important things 🙄 like dude go to staples or something

When I worked worked at the book store we would get people all the time, especially with the collecting books, coming up and ask if they can copy one of the pages from a book.
We aren't a library, we are trying to sell you the freaking book.
Go away you.
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Someone today asked if we have “qtip holders”. Like a specific cup for qtips. I’ve never heard of such a thing. Just buy any cup and put qtips in it!
There are q-tip dispensers where you put the q-tips in the holder and put the clear cover with a hole in it over the holder. There is a spring inside so when you push down on the dispenser one q-tip is pushed up through the hole. I didn’t know that they were still made, but found this children’s one on Amazon. 8471
Yeah they specifically used the word “cup”, lol. I know we have those travel cases, but they meant something you can put on the bathroom sink. Just buy any damn cup lol.
Any old cup? Noooo, there are holders or "cups" designed specifically for q-tips. They are usually clear with a lid and the q-tips fit perfectly. You can get ones that hold q-tips on one side and have room for cotton balls, etc on the other.

Google cotton swab holder and you'll find plenty.
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To that one guest: Sorry that I checked inside your luggage at self-checkout. I should have realized that you brought it from home since there were no tags on it. However, I was really surprised that a guest would bring in such large luggage into Target and I kind of panicked, not wanting AP to think I wasn't doing my job. Please let me know that the items were yours next time.
On another note, September needs to come around so that I don't have to ask guests to check their backpacks they are buying for their kids at self-checkout.
I just have to did the conversation end up there?
Unfortunately for me (an HBA TM) she just wanted to buy MP chicken for her dog and we didn't have any on the floor (we had it in the back though). She must've talked to me for about half an hour about how she feeds her dog people food and it's really changed his bowel movements
ttog please don't take things off my uboat while I was off helping another guest. you told me you packed out some items but those items were backstock so now who knows what shelf they're dumped on. and no I'm not opening this casepack for you because it's also backstock and its not even like they're assortment items, there are already six of it on the shelf. lastly please don't move my cardboard and garbage and casepacks around. it was sorted that way for a reason.
TTOG: No, I can't make XX drink because we don't have the ingredients. Why don't we have the ingredients? because we were aswarm this weekend with every parent & child in this part of the state doing back-to-school shopping.
Where the hell were YOU & what rock do you LIVE under?

yOU ShOuLd HaVe PrePAreD AHeAd oF tIMe aNd oRdEreD MoRE!!!!!! - Karen
TTOG: I don't know why you were so desperate to have a receipt with the "TARGET" header on it tonight. At first I thought that you were unhappy that the barcode was crunched up, so I had the SETL come and reprint it for you.

However, you literally refused to leave until you got one that had the header on it and you insisted on a new one. Both your son and I pointed out that the barcode was all that was needed if you needed to make a return and that it wouldn't matter if the Target header was on the receipt or not. (That and I really wasn't about to call the SETL back over for something like that; especially when he was dealing with both a jam at the desk and heavy backup at the lanes) Once I triple assured you it would be OK, you grumbled and said: "Ugh, why do I always pick the wrong checkout?"

😳🙄 Um...That's the first time I've ever had someone get that worked up over a receipt, but OK...
To all those guests who spend hours in the store wandering around the store with their kids, with their Starbucks, chatting on their phones, blocking the aisles, talking to their long lost classmates in the middle of the racetrack blocking other guests ...

Then they get the register and act all impatient because they inconvenienced by waiting for one person in front of them.

Get a life.
To that one guest who got mad when I tried to escort you nicely up front at closing time, it's nothing personal. I'm doing my damn job. Closed means CLOSED, don't keep shopping.

Fuck you for making everyone who can't leave until you do wait. We all want to go home too. Fuck you again for trying to start something when I left. Seriously?

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