To That One Guest - II

Gas here is less than $2, $1.89 last time I filled up. Search of the cheapest four pack of AA batteries I found were $4.50.

Yeah, but why would you just buy a four pack? A 20 pack of Up & UP AA batteries costs $12.99. That's certainly cheaper than a tank of gas. You can do even better with Amazon brand batteries (really good and long-lasting from my experience) and get a 48 pack of AAs for $15.49. Batteries are cheap.
I will say the Ikea AA batteries are pretty good, I seem to recall the last time I bought them (six months ago) you got a dozen for $2.99 but that may have changed. My own experience was they lasted longer than our Up&Up AA batteries, at least in an ancient Sony Walkman tape player. 😉
TTOScammer: Nice try, but as soon as you said "Can you enter your TM number so I can get this coupon off? Because it only works if you guys do it." I knew something was up and you quickly realized that I knew because you gave up immediately and walked away.

Just because I'm disabled doesn't mean I'm stupid. 😂😂
TTOAsshole: Dude, I offered to help you by adjusting the price of the backpack you were purchasing, do you always react like the following when something isn't going your way?

"Tch, this was $10 cheaper on the shelf than it is here!"
"OK, well I can adj--"
"You know what? Fuck it I'll just get it for what it is cause I'm probably gonna take it up the ass anywhere else. Screw it *mumble mumble*"

OK, whatever, guy you clearly didn't want my help, so I left you alone.

But it didn't end there. You had a lot of stuff that took you a while to pack up. That's fine, no issues with that. While you were packing our AP guy was doing his regularly scheduled stroll around the store and I was doing a stray roundup at the registers. I saw that my bin was getting full so I called for a front end TM to come and grab it.

Before i could even finish making my call, you looked up and snapped at me "I've been here for five minutes, don't call your security guys on me for that! God!"

WTF-ever man. I don't give a rat's behind how long you take. Both myself and the TSS were just doing our jobs, you're the one that needed to calm down. 🙄🙄🙄
TTOG, thank you for finding me two aisles away from the dog food spill and letting me know about it. "I'm sorry, I was getting a (40 lb) bag of dogfood and the bag tore."

He and his wife left while I guarded the round kibble strewn across the whole aisle in about a one to two foot wide section.

While I waited for someone to bring the broom, hazard triangle, etc., a couple came by asking about dog food. I directed them to the product which was on the other side of the spill. The husband smartly went up the neighboring aisle and back down the aisle with the spill to the product. But, Karen, his wife couldn't be bothered with that. She walked right through it with an cousin of "ooo, look, I'm being careful." Ug. Tired of these lazy privileged asshats.
TTOG, thank you for finding me two aisles away from the dog food spill and letting me know about it. "I'm sorry, I was getting a (40 lb) bag of dogfood and the bag tore."

He and his wife left while I guarded the round kibble strewn across the whole aisle in about a one to two foot wide section.

While I waited for someone to bring the broom, hazard triangle, etc., a couple came by asking about dog food. I directed them to the product which was on the other side of the spill. The husband smartly went up the neighboring aisle and back down the aisle with the spill to the product. But, Karen, his wife couldn't be bothered with that. She walked right through it with an cousin of "ooo, look, I'm being careful." Ug. Tired of these lazy privileged asshats.
I always loved the guests that 'fessed up about damage. I didn't care that most of the time it was "It was already (insert type of damage here)" as a face saving, at least they didn't leave it messed up for someone else to buy.
I always loved the guests that 'fessed up about damage. I didn't care that most of the time it was "It was already (insert type of damage here)" as a face saving, at least they didn't leave it messed up for someone else to buy.
Yes. At GS, I’d much rather you just tell me straight up “oh I used this” when you’re returning so I can defect it. People think I’m gonna deny them if they do lol
Sounds like bull. Farther down the bottom of the cup means it's harder to squeeze it to deformation, allowing a firmer grip. And there's not really much need to apply that much pressure anyway, especially if you encircle with your fingers rather than have only two points of contact. There's nothing wrong with putting a drink on the counter instead of a direct handoff. I'm sure drive thru is more challenging (though how much more challenging than fast food soda cups?), but this wasn't drive thru.
I went through drive thru at Arbys. I used my card. The lady doesn't take my card. Instead she holds out with both hands, a card reader. I almost reached out to it until I realized just stick in my thing and get it on. This is how we do it. Everyone is different I guess. CoronaV has fubared all the rules. I felt dirty. She made me feel dirty. Almost like I was handing her cash laden with fecal matter, dirty.

It's not right. But that chicken & swiss & curly fries was still the sh#@$%&$#@!
TTOG: There's a sign at the register at our PIzza Hut counter stating that they are closed until further notice; the Icee & soda machines are also turned off so is it a reading comprehension problem?
I was filling shelves at Starbucks nearby as you stood at the register waiting.
Then you leaned over & said "Helloooooooooo! Anybody back there?!"
Me: "There's no one back there."
You: "When will they be back?"
Me: "We don't know."
You: "You don't know? How do you NOT KNOW?!"
Me: *points to the sign*

Mutters & wanders off.
TTGuyIPissedOff: If you don't want to pay with Wallet, then you need to take your Red Card off your barcode before you go to pay. You were already in a bad mood, so I wasn't about to tell you that I'd have to void the entire order and you'd have to start again. (I think you knew that was going to be my answer anyway, you just wanted to bitch)

This is why you should always carry your actual RedCard with you 🙄, but I can't be held responsible if you're upset that *you* forgot to take your payment off the app.
To be honest, that is a massive programming slap in the face, to not have a toggle for RC or other form of payment/no automatic payment. Should be guest friendly, including easy means to switch between methods of payments.
To be honest, that is a massive programming slap in the face, to not have a toggle for RC or other form of payment/no automatic payment. Should be guest friendly, including easy means to switch between methods of payments.

But there is, though. There's an X next to the Payment section that will disable the RC. Then you can just add it back under the Add Payment screen.

At least on the version of the iOS app that I have. The one that makes you show the barcode (which I find kind of annoying, but they might have done it to be easier to toggle off the RC).

Guest asked me if I would let her have our compost. When I told her no she asked if I would let her put her worms in our dumpster. After I explained the compactor to her, she was like I'll just go out back and put them there. Its. A. Closed. Dumpster. Woman!!! I just told her we would call pest control to have them removed 💁‍♀️

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