To That One Guest - II

*Guest looks in pastry/sandwich case*
"Do you have the bacon gouda?"
"Yes! Would you like one?"
"What about the double smoked bacon?"
"Of course! Would you-"
"Mmmm, maybe the feta spinach wrap...."
"Good one! How would-"
"Is this all you have?" (9 different sandwiches & wraps, 2 types of egg bites, 16 different kinds of pastries/cookies/cakepops)
"Yep, everything you see in the case."
" don't have doughnuts?"
"Uh, no...."
"C'mon, babe....let's go to a REAL Starbucks!"

*SBTL finds me in the freezer shredding boxes bare-handed*
TTOG: 40 minutes to close and I'm buried so deep in reshop breathing is a fond memory. And yet, you had such a lost puppy attitude that I actually didn't mind stopping and helping you, even though you needed help with kitchen items. Your girlfriend must take really good care of you because judging from your questions you have never seen the inside of your kitchen.
TTOG (young kid): Stay with your family, already! I get it, you're bored, and you think they're ignoring you. You've run off twice because you're bored. We've locked down the store twice because you're bored. And while I'm out reshopping, I see your sister running around Domestics calling your name AGAIN. STAHP IT.
TTOG: Your daughter is 12 years old. She's growing and there's nothing wrong with the way she looks. You made a point to tell me and the three other softlines TMs in the fitting room how everything she tried on was too small for her, even though it clearly embarrassed her. "Can you believe she's my size?" Yes, I can believe it. You're a short woman with a pencil thin body and your daughter is the same height as you. Stop talking about her like she's not standing right next to you. Kids at that age are very self conscious about their bodies.

This hits home to me because it's exactly what I went through ten years ago. I was a tall kid. I hit puberty pretty early. I used to dread having company over because my mom would always show me around to her friends and family like I was some kind of spectacle: "Look how tall she got! She's taller than me! Can you believe her sister is the older one?" I just wanted to hide.
That reminds me of guests from winter before last. Little girl was 10 or 11 to my eye, a little pudgy but I think she'd lose most of that in the puberty growth spurt. She looked to be a girls' XL. Three women were there, getting her a winter coat. One of the women had a women's XL coat and before the little girl could try it on the oldest woman said "That won't fit her, it'll be too small." She grabbed an Ava & Viv 1X jacket and had the poor girl put it on and the women decided that size fit her. That poor little girl is going to have weight issues all her life, if the grown women in her life are telling her she's so fat she needs plus size clothes.
That reminds me of guests from winter before last. .................That poor little girl is going to have weight issues all her life, if the grown women in her life are telling her she's so fat she needs plus size clothes.

Years ago, I gained the privilege of co-parenting my step-daughters when they were approx 11-years old. Their Dad and I are/were very aware of the struggles of young girls and their body image; so we made a conscientious effort to NOT emphasize "diets", "sizes", "weight", etc. Instead, we (silently) incorporated better snack options, outdoor family activities, exploring numerous fashion options ( they loved shopping w/ me!!! ) etc. Our BIGGEST challenge was their own Mom. She claimed to not want them to be self-conscious about the bodies as well. HOWEVER, their Mom chose the other direction. NO guidance whatsoever. Eat whatever you want; buy whatever clothing you want, etc. In fact, she purchased push-up bras and g-strings for them (they're ELEVEN, ffs !) to make them "feel better about their bodies". Are you kidding me??????? NO 11-year old should not be encouraged to be "sexy" or "voluptuous". EVER.
TTOG - When I saw you I knew I had seen you before and that you were a huge creep, when I saw you were having a new TM help you "look for an outfit for a little' girl's birthday party" I knew that was a red flag, but gave you the benefit of the doubt. When she came up to me afterwards and told me all the nasty stuff you told her I was sadly not surprised. I felt bad because she was a new, naive TM that tried to help you "find an outfit" even after you were being a creep. Please do everyone a favor and don't leave your house. Ever.
TTOG: no, I will NOT “walk my ass up front” to get the key to undo the case for the DVD you want to purchase, you can walk your ass up front to purchase it! No, it’s NOT “my job” to ring your crap out as it’s a Target item and I’m NOT a Target employee. If you had asked nicely, I would have told you that you could take it up front with your receipt and they would remove it for you, but since you didn’t, you can take all your crap up there and wait for the 1 cashier to ring it out. Asshat!
TTOG: You are an idiot.

While I’m in BTS helping a guest find everything on her grandsons list:

Guest Yelling: I need College ruled binder paper.

I don’t realize she’s talking to me, I think she’s just shopping with her friend.

Guest yelling even louder: I need College ruled binder paper.

I’m laughing with the sweet old lady and just enjoying her while we are grabbing her items. She’s a fun Granny telling me about her 25(!!!!) grandkids!

Guest yelling: Hey. You. Target Employee.

Now I realize she’s yelling at me. I choose to ignore her. Instead I continue to help Granny.

Guest walks up BETWEEN me and Granny and says EXCUSE ME Do you understand English? I need college ruled binder paper

Granny rolls her eyes and thanks me for helping her and leaves.

I put a huge smile on my face and I tell her I’d be glad to show her the College Ruled paper. I take her to the back endcap and explain we have the standard and the reinforced.

She starts yelling how this is NOTEBOOK paper and she needs BINDER paper.

I explain that it’s the same thing and some people even call it filler paper.

She loses her mind telling me she’s not getting suckered into buying the wrong thing and she will spend her money elsewhere. Then walks out of BTS still yelling about how she needs binder paper.
TTOG: You are an idiot.

While I’m in BTS helping a guest find everything on her grandsons list:

Guest Yelling: I need College ruled binder paper.

I don’t realize she’s talking to me, I think she’s just shopping with her friend.

Guest yelling even louder: I need College ruled binder paper.

I’m laughing with the sweet old lady and just enjoying her while we are grabbing her items. She’s a fun Granny telling me about her 25(!!!!) grandkids!

Guest yelling: Hey. You. Target Employee.

Now I realize she’s yelling at me. I choose to ignore her. Instead I continue to help Granny.

Guest walks up BETWEEN me and Granny and says EXCUSE ME Do you understand English? I need college ruled binder paper

Granny rolls her eyes and thanks me for helping her and leaves.

I put a huge smile on my face and I tell her I’d be glad to show her the College Ruled paper. I take her to the back endcap and explain we have the standard and the reinforced.

She starts yelling how this is NOTEBOOK paper and she needs BINDER paper.

I explain that it’s the same thing and some people even call it filler paper.

She loses her mind telling me she’s not getting suckered into buying the wrong thing and she will spend her money elsewhere. Then walks out of BTS still yelling about how she needs binder paper.

Funniest shit when I hear someone call me "TARGET WORKER" or "TARGET EMPLOYEE" and I ignore the fuck out of them on purpose because yelling for my attention that way is fucking rude. I literally will stand 2 feet from someone yelling that at me and ignore them 100%. That's not how you get my attention and interrupting me when I'm with another guest is ridiculous. Every time it's some overweight, middle aged white lady that clearly has never worked a day in her life. Fuuuuck that shit. I'd rather deal with a group of teens on a saturday night in sporting goods. LOL
TTOG: No, you don't just (quite rudely) bud in front of another guest because "Someone's waiting outside." Especially when you were fourth in line. If you're in that much of a hurry, use the self-checkout. We only have 16 of them in the store.🙄🙄
Lord aljesusmighty I hate people.
Did you really have to take the fitting room that a young girl was using during the time she walked out to show the fit to her family? Walking four steps farther to two empty and clean rooms would not have damaged you in any way. And then refuse to give the girl her clothes like her mother demanded because you would be out in a minute? You weren't changing and your girl would not have been exposed if you opened the door enough to pass the clothes out. I was so hoping she'd lay into you the moment you walked out. Talk about entitlement mindset.
TTOG: Don’t think I didn’t hear you comment to your kid “honey, this is why we stay in school so you can get a good job, so you never have to stack fucking toothpaste like that kid” while I was right next to you zoning A. First of all, fuck you, don’t think I didn’t notice your fake LV purse and fake Gucci shoes that literally don’t even exist! Little do you fucking know I have $175,000 saved up at 19 years old, and only work at target so that I NEVER forget the value of money and working hard. I bust my ass 5 days a week 6-7 hours because I WANT TO. So screw you and your demeaning comment. Don’t be so fast to judge.
TTOG: Don’t think I didn’t hear you comment to your kid “honey, this is why we stay in school so you can get a good job, so you never have to stack fucking toothpaste like that kid” while I was right next to you zoning A. First of all, fuck you, don’t think I didn’t notice your fake LV purse and fake Gucci shoes that literally don’t even exist! Little do you fucking know I have $175,000 saved up at 19 years old, and only work at target so that I NEVER forget the value of money and working hard. I bust my ass 5 days a week 6-7 hours because I WANT TO. So screw you and your demeaning comment. Don’t be so fast to judge.
My employment at target started as a self-improvement thing, it’s never been about needing the money. I totally relate.
My employment at target started as a self-improvement thing, it’s never been about needing the money. I totally relate.
Yes!! Self improvement is a great way of putting it!
I’ve always been very reserved since I was child, so I made it a point to go for jobs that are people oriented. The target sales floor has been great experience in terms of that
My employment at target started as a self-improvement thing, it’s never been about needing the money. I totally relate.
TTOG: Don’t think I didn’t hear you comment to your kid “honey, this is why we stay in school so you can get a good job, so you never have to stack fucking toothpaste like that kid” while I was right next to you zoning A. First of all, fuck you, don’t think I didn’t notice your fake LV purse and fake Gucci shoes that literally don’t even exist! Little do you fucking know I have $175,000 saved up at 19 years old, and only work at target so that I NEVER forget the value of money and working hard. I bust my ass 5 days a week 6-7 hours because I WANT TO. So screw you and your demeaning comment. Don’t be so fast to judge.
Same. If you doubled my pharmacy manager’s salary & added mine to it, you still wouldn’t be at what my husband makes. I had a mom and her daughter at the register and her daughter told me my wedding ring was pretty. I thanked her and turned to grab their bag. When I did, the mom whispered to her, “oh, that’s not real. When you’re older, you’ll marry someone who can afford to buy you one like that that’s real.” I brought their bags back and said to the girl, “just so you know, this is definitely real, but it’s not the size that matters, it’s the amount of love in the ring.” The little girl asked how long my husband and I were married and I told her 21 years. She then turned to her mom and asked “mom, why didn’t you and daddy stay married? Was it because there wasn’t enough love in your ring” The mom’s face turned about 10 shades of red and she said, “ummmm.....I guess not.” PharmaQueen-1, BitchyMom-0😀

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