To That One Guest - II

Guest: this doesn’t have a barcode. How much is it?
Me: *types in DPCI* it’s $14.99.
Guest: oh. Is it on sale?
Me: no, full price.
Guest: how do you know?
Me: because it’s ringing up full price.
Guest: do you have any coupons I can use?
Me: no I don’t.
Guest: can I get a discount on it?
Me: why?
Guest: because there’s no tag.
Me: no, there’s no damage to the item itself.
Guest: okay. Well I’m paying with cash but I still want my 15%.
Me: 15% for what?
Guest: I have a red card.
Me: the red card discount is only 5%. And you have to use your card to get the discount.
Guest: but I want to pay with cash.
Me: then you can’t get the discount.
Guest: but I’m a card holder.
Me: you have to actually use it though.
Guest: are you sure?
Me: yes.
Guest: okay.

Like omg she was perfectly nice and polite but this entire interaction was so stupid lol
that's like the people who are like I'm only gonna pay a dollar on my RC so I can get the 5%... like ok Susan enjoy your 5 cents off
Imagine the payment fuckery that will be happening in the future once bank accounts are tied to fingerprints. Skeevy guests trying to pay with the severed fingers of their latest mugging victims, fingerprint readers failing to read the print because they didn't keep the finger on ice, etc.


Guest: Uhh sorry I left my fingers at home, can't you look it up using my iris????


Guest: Are you fucking kidding me? The other Amazon-Target in Amazon Commerce Zone 4 lets me do it all the time!!


Guest: Can't you just give me the items on credit and have them dock it from my next Amazon paycheck??

CASHIER_BOT_00747284569: ..... STOP ERROR 0x000016A FATAL_EXCEPTION: logic_engine.sys
TTOG:, i'm not going to take 15% off your bag of fertilizer because it's 15% off at Home Depot. even at Home Depot's 15% off price, ours is still cheaper! you wanted me to just take 15% off our price? no, that's not how that works. sorry. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Should have offered to price match vs Home Depot. Then they pay more
TTOG: Must you shop when you're in Supreme Bitch Mode at 10:30 at night? You had a WIC order with un-WIC-able milk, so we found you one that was WIC approved. You then whined about how you always get the un-WIC-able milk at Cub.

Well, we're not Cub
You didn't have to get it if the correct brand wasn't available.

Then after your uncomfortable WIC order, I rang up your regular order, which you again proceeded to bitch about for another 5 minutes because I wasn't bagging exactly how you wanted. 🙄.

The best part was when you got super angry with me because I wasn't handing you your change "correctly" and snapped "NO, You gotta hand people their change!"

1. What. The. Hell. Is your problem?
2. Please never come back.
TTOG: The reason you're "having trouble taking the shirt off the mannequin" is because you're NOT SUPPOSED TO TAKE IT OFF IN THE FIRST PLACE. Believe it or not, only people who WORK HERE know how to handle a mannequin. They have detachable arms that can easily fall off and break if they're not lifted properly, plus they're heavy as shit. In other words, if you don't know what the fuck you're doing, leave it alone before you break it! Normally we need at least two softlines team members just to pick up a mannequin, and you were really about to undress it yourself? And then what, were you just gonna walk away and leave our display naked? Not the first time I've seen somebody do it either. It just really pisses me off how entitled some people can be.
Had a guest want to return a four pack of those pure leaf teas for a double refund because one of them had something floating inside the top of it. No Sunny, you can exchange it, but I'm not giving you double your money because you can't check your purchases.
Imagine the payment fuckery that will be happening in the future once bank accounts are tied to fingerprints. Skeevy guests trying to pay with the severed fingers of their latest mugging victims, fingerprint readers failing to read the print because they didn't keep the finger on ice, etc.


Guest: Uhh sorry I left my fingers at home, can't you look it up using my iris????


Guest: Are you fucking kidding me? The other Amazon-Target in Amazon Commerce Zone 4 lets me do it all the time!!


Guest: Can't you just give me the items on credit and have them dock it from my next Amazon paycheck??

CASHIER_BOT_00747284569: ..... STOP ERROR 0x000016A FATAL_EXCEPTION: logic_engine.sys
Real-talk tho.

My right index finger does NOT print. When I first enlisted and went to DEERs for my CAC (alpha bravo Charlie!) it took 15 minutes before my right index finger would electronically print.
That should have been, like, indicator #15 that I was in for a bad time.

If the civilian world follows that trend I'm paying with cash 400% of the time.
Real-talk tho.

My right index finger does NOT print. When I first enlisted and went to DEERs for my CAC (alpha bravo Charlie!) it took 15 minutes before my right index finger would electronically print.
That should have been, like, indicator #15 that I was in for a bad time.

If the civilian world follows that trend I'm paying with cash 400% of the time.
I don't have any fingerprint thing set up for any app. Do you have to use that particular finger for stuff like online banking or unlocking your phone, or is the choice of finger up to you?
I don't have any fingerprint thing set up for any app. Do you have to use that particular finger for stuff like online banking or unlocking your phone, or is the choice of finger up to you?

I prefer to keep my fingerprints to myself. I may want to be a burglar some day and I would like to make it as difficult as possible for the police in trying to identify me.
I prefer to keep my fingerprints to myself. I may want to be a burglar some day and I would like to make it as difficult as possible for the police in trying to identify me.
Real story, apparently Ancestry and 23andMe put a lot of genetic information available to the public, so that people can find other people with similar DNA (maybe a lost cousin). The genetic information has no identifying information so it seemed okay to do. Police agencies have started comparing DNA from crimes to the public databases to find criminals, and once a match or a 1st degree relative match is found then they get a warrant for the identifying information. It's apparently going through the court system now as to whether that's legal or whether the initial search of the public database should require a warrant, and apparently the two companies are in the process of getting rid of the public database because of this.
I prefer to keep my fingerprints to myself. I may want to be a burglar some day and I would like to make it as difficult as possible for the police in trying to identify me.

I was a Peace Corps Volunteer so my fingerprints are already on file with the FBI, so no life of crime for me. Alas. That said, the fingerprint detection used in the iPhone doesn't make it possible to access or recreate your fingerprint based on the data they store. I read an article about it a few years ago, and it was pretty interesting. Apple, for all their faults, does security quite a bit better than most.

But I won't touch 23&Me or Ancestry or similar with a 100-foot, heat-sterilized pole.
I was a Peace Corps Volunteer so my fingerprints are already on file with the FBI, so no life of crime for me.

Me too, military half a lifetime ago.

Had a job interview recently, government job, I did not realize that part of the interview was getting my fingerprints taken during the interview. Glad I've lived a boring life.
TTOG you can stand there all night and call me names but I'm not letting you "return"/steal over $500 worth of merch. I personally stood there and helped your wife pick out half of those items. You really expect me to believe that she's so stupid she brought in the items she wanted to return and let a TM take them and reshop them? Bye.
Happens daily at my store. So annoying! Target return policy needs to change.. RECEIPT OR CARD ONLY !!! no ID returns!!!!
I was a Peace Corps Volunteer so my fingerprints are already on file with the FBI, so no life of crime for me.

My spouse works in the private sector, but has prints on file at the federal level. He has been deemed to not be a threat to the United States according to the letter he received after updating his prints this year. So any serious crime is left up to me, I guess.
TTOG The receipt was very clear, you're just an idiot. How tf do you think the cashier would have been able to change the total of the receipt without changing the price of an item? You said so yourself that every item and price was correct so go away.

She didn't understand until I stood there and pulled out my phone to add the prices, line by line. Oi vey.
Hey Guys,

I am new to Target and start this Monday, I am coming from Home Depot as a Service Desk Supervisor which means I handled our buy online pickup in store team as well as some front end stuff.

I was hired by Target in what I presume to me a low volume store as the HR Senior Team Leader as there is no ETL-HR at my store. I was the backup scheduler at Depot so I have some HR experience.

Any insight or tips would be appreciated, I've been reading about the overhaul where there are no more Sr. TL's so if anyone knows what happens to the HR TL I'd appreciate it too.

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