To that one guest

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To that rude extreme couponer with the bad attitude I had the other day: Go jump off a bridge. A really tall bridge. Preferably with very sharp rocks beneath.
To that rude extreme couponer with the bad attitude I had the other day: Go jump off a bridge. A really tall bridge. Preferably with very sharp rocks beneath.
You should have been strict with them since they wanted to be a rude jerk. "Just a REMINDER, our policy is you present ALL the coupons at the beginning of the transaction. "
To the weirdest guest in the history of guests:

He was dabbing rubbing alcohol on the shirts back in mens before one of us caught him. He wanted to see if the colors were going to run. Dude, what if they did run, would you have just left $100 worth of ruined clothing there?!?!?! At least he was cool about it and said he would buy them.
To the weirdest guest in the history of guests:

He was dabbing rubbing alcohol on the shirts back in mens before one of us caught him. He wanted to see if the colors were going to run. Dude, what if they did run, would you have just left $100 worth of ruined clothing there?!?!?! At least he was cool about it and said he would buy them.

Okay ... What The Everliving F*%k. Who the hell does this?!?
To that one old lady guest who thought that we were going to match an online price that you found on google. No ma'am. I don't care that you found it on your phone all by yourself, I don't care that the Target up the street did it for you the other day and I definitely don't care if you decide you don't want to shop at Target as much now. I'm not losing my job because other Targets don't know how to follow the rules.
To that one old lady guest who thought that we were going to match an online price that you found on google. No ma'am. I don't care that you found it on your phone all by yourself, I don't care that the Target up the street did it for you the other day and I definitely don't care if you decide you don't want to shop at Target as much now. I'm not losing my job because other Targets don't know how to follow the rules.

Yet another entitled guest who thinks that all retail workers are her servants.
I don't know who pissed me off more the other night when I was pushing a tub of merchandise to the floor -

1) The woman who stood with her cart right next to the tub and then was staring off into space trying to figure out where to go next

2) Her husband who stood there looking at me while I'm waiting for his wife to move instead of saying "Gee, dear. Can you show some common courtesy and move?"


3) The couple who spent 10 minutes on the phone talking/arguing to their mother/MIL about whether she wanted a 2 liter of Sprite Zero or a 12 pack because we don't have 6 packs. "Mom, we are in Target, not the supermarket" was repeated a minimum of 20 times. FYI, they ended up getting her a diet pepsi from the cooler at the register (for some reason, they had to announce that when the finally left the aisle).....

I can find them, all evidently.....
To a guest I cashed out tonight: Why did you put all your items on the belt, let me bag them .. and then when I get to the end of your items I see reusable bags? I had to take all her items out of the plastic ones and had to put them in her bags. Seriously, why didn't she give me the bags first? Geez.
To a guest I cashed out tonight: Why did you put all your items on the belt, let me bag them .. and then when I get to the end of your items I see reusable bags? I had to take all her items out of the plastic ones and had to put them in her bags. Seriously, why didn't she give me the bags first? Geez.

I wonder how a GSTL, LOd would feel about telling the guest: "I'm sorry ma'am, but you should have handed the bags to me first." I'd still give her her reusble bag discounts, but geeze, to make someone re bag all your items because you're a douchebag is going too far.
Thanks to the one guest who walked around in Market 10 minutes after closing so you could continue finding items for your cartwheel. You saved 74 cents too! Congratulations on your savings and wasting everyone's time! *claps*
To a guest I cashed out tonight: Why did you put all your items on the belt, let me bag them .. and then when I get to the end of your items I see reusable bags? I had to take all her items out of the plastic ones and had to put them in her bags. Seriously, why didn't she give me the bags first? Geez.

I wonder how a GSTL, LOd would feel about telling the guest: "I'm sorry ma'am, but you should have handed the bags to me first." I'd still give her her reusble bag discounts, but geeze, to make someone re bag all your items because you're a douchebag is going too far.
I would have put the plastic bags into the reusable bags. With a straight face.
To a guest I cashed out tonight: Why did you put all your items on the belt, let me bag them .. and then when I get to the end of your items I see reusable bags? I had to take all her items out of the plastic ones and had to put them in her bags. Seriously, why didn't she give me the bags first? Geez.

I've had similar, only at the end they say they want paper. I'm not sure if it was the look I gave her, but she said she'd take plastic this time.
To a guest I cashed out tonight: Why did you put all your items on the belt, let me bag them .. and then when I get to the end of your items I see reusable bags? I had to take all her items out of the plastic ones and had to put them in her bags. Seriously, why didn't she give me the bags first? Geez.

I wonder how a GSTL, LOd would feel about telling the guest: "I'm sorry ma'am, but you should have handed the bags to me first." I'd still give her her reusble bag discounts, but geeze, to make someone re bag all your items because you're a douchebag is going too far.
I would have put the plastic bags into the reusable bags. With a straight face.

I've done this before, but sometimes I just pour the items from the plastic bags onto the reusable bags.
To a guest I cashed out tonight: Why did you put all your items on the belt, let me bag them .. and then when I get to the end of your items I see reusable bags? I had to take all her items out of the plastic ones and had to put them in her bags. Seriously, why didn't she give me the bags first? Geez.

I wonder how a GSTL, LOd would feel about telling the guest: "I'm sorry ma'am, but you should have handed the bags to me first." I'd still give her her reusble bag discounts, but geeze, to make someone re bag all your items because you're a douchebag is going too far.
I would have put the plastic bags into the reusable bags. With a straight face.

That is what I should have done!!
To a guest I cashed out tonight: Why did you put all your items on the belt, let me bag them .. and then when I get to the end of your items I see reusable bags? I had to take all her items out of the plastic ones and had to put them in her bags. Seriously, why didn't she give me the bags first? Geez.

I wonder how a GSTL, LOd would feel about telling the guest: "I'm sorry ma'am, but you should have handed the bags to me first." I'd still give her her reusble bag discounts, but geeze, to make someone re bag all your items because you're a douchebag is going too far.
I would have put the plastic bags into the reusable bags. With a straight face.
This is what I do because 99% of the time, there's no room on the counter at the pharmacy to re-bag everything. I give them the discount, but the plastic bags just go in the reusable ones 😉
To that one guest, after I saved you almost $100 adding a discount card (which I didn't HAVE to do), I can't believe you actually had the nerve to complain that it actually took as long as I told you it would??? The reason we write the "promised time" on the bag when we take in the prescription is precisely because of people like you because I guarantee, I didn't tell you it would be 10 minutes for 2 CII prescriptions, ESPECIALLY the way the day was going!!!! I'm glad my STL had my back and told you our "typical wait time is 20 minutes" and apologized that "you must've misheard what I said" instead of kissing your butt.
To that "gentleman" who nearly had me in tears by the end of his purchase, thanks for reminding me why I treat everyone with respect. Talking down to me, humiliating me in front of a line and my peers, and asking if the computer would do my work correctly so I "wouldn't be confused" isn't bothering me now, but knowing you're walking around treating people like that is. I still want to take a cheese grater to your face though.
To the woman who just had to have the triangular snow tube that was in the clearance aisle weeks ago, "It's gone! it's gone!" Leave me alone, I don't care if it would be perfect for the ocean!
After a guest bitched at me for asking to scan her ID for alcohol:

Me: I'm sorry, but it's corporate policy, I can't override it without losing my job.

Guest: it is not corporate policy. (Nearest major grocery retail chain) and Walgreens have never scanned my id.

*facepalm* Really?
To that one guest who opened the toaster and couldn't get it back into the box and just left it there looking a hot mess:


Seriously, it's a toaster.
To all those starbucks guests: for the last f**king time - we DO NOT carry the breakfast sandwiches!!! What's in the case is what we got!!
Go next door for breakfast biscuits or to a stand alone starbucks but get the frack off my counter!!!
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