To that one guest

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I wouldn't care except for the risk of some overly-anal leader taking offense to it as mrk said, and the fact that I've had enough guests get pissy when I say I'm sorry but I'm on my break/lunch I can't help you with X but that gentleman/lady over there can, that I just don't want to deal with guests off the clock.
There are just some of us who seem to have RETAIL tattooed on our forehead or something.

I've had people stop me in other stores to ask me where things where and if I know I'll tell them.
It drove my wife crazy.
my little under 4 years at Target is my only retail but everybody, and I mean everybody, asks me where everything is no matter what I am wearing or where I am. Heck, even team members do it when they see me in street clothes. Takes an extra minute but I make it up in some other way time clock wise. It helps them and it's only truly irritating if they do it while I am on the phone or talking to somebody else. Go with the flow
I've had guests stand near me while I'm CLEARLY shopping and wearing earbuds, waaiting for me to stop and notice them. One time I took an earbud out because I thought the guy just wanted to hit on me. Nooooope (Lana Kane voice). I don't usually mind pointing things out, because I'd do it if I didn't work at tgt and knew where it was. But, if I have earbuds in and my purse, etc, I'm giving you a dirty look when you interrupt it. I don't mind too much if I'm not wearing earbuds, because well, I should probably go to the break room instead, when I'm early. I don't because they watch the most depressing tv in there. And because I don't like the weird forced socializing that some people try to involve me in in that room.

To that guest looking for that particular superman tee shirt for Easter, I'm happy I was able to find it, and the little happy dance you did with your son was too cute! Today was tough, but being able to do something for someone who was appreciative brought some light to my day.
Guests I can at least understand being confused and asking me where stuff is when I'm not on the clock...however...

I worked a nine hour shift at guest services yesterday. I told the TM following me everything she needed to know, told her to have a nice night, and went to the TSC to clock out, collect my stuff, etc. The entrance that the employees park near is on the guest services side, so I was passing guest services (which had a line like 5 people deep) and the same TM called out to me, nearly 3 steps from the door and home free, if I could helps the guest at the registry kiosk who had a paper jam.

I looked at her, couldn't believe she was asking me that, but did go over and unjam it (why she couldn't just ask the guest to step one foot to the right and use the next kiosk and leave the paper jam until my GSTL or I got in today, I don't know). Somewhere in there, she said to me, "oh, sorry, I didn't realize you were leaving."

Seriously? I told her to have a nice night, and was walking out the entrance with my jacket on and keys and purse in hand and she didn't know I was off the clock??

Naturally the entire time the guest just stared at me, cold-faced, not saying a word. I think she expected me to stick around and be sure she got her registry after I got it unjammed. But that was not happening.
I was working on cash tonight and an item didn't scan at the sale price - no big deal, it happens all the time. I was about to change it (it was only a dollar anyway) when the lady started screaming at me, saying I overcharged her and tried to scam her. I apologized and said that sometimes sale prices aren't put in the system on time and assured her I adjusted it. She didn't even listen - just continued screaming at me saying I intentionally and purposely overcharged her. Thankfully, a guy I work with was on his way to relieve me for my break. He saw what was going on and told me to go. The lady then proceeds to yell at him and question why I called him over to deal with her, to which he said I was going for break. She didn't like that answer and started swearing at the both of us. I seriously couldn't believe it… do people seriously have no sense of how to act in public anymore? And why do people have this logic that cashiers just pull prices out of thin air? All I do is scan your stuff and bag it. I don't make up the prices, and I have absolutely nothing to gain by charging you an extra dollar. I am not the one who overcharged you. It was simply an error in the system that I fixed. NOT MY FAULT.

Sorry for ranting, but incidents like that really make me question why I still work here. I just don't understand how people think it's okay to treat people and talk to people like that and make complete asses out of themselves. 😵

Its "guests" and people like this that make me astonished and wonder how they act in their personal lives in other settings. In this case it was a whole dollar...WOW...a WHOLE DOLLAR!!!!! The world is ending guys, that dollar is super serious. And you even changed it shakes head

This is why I can never be assigned to GSTL off the bench and why I would never go to GSTL. I would probably be fired or removed from that position fairly quickly because of all the BS people would put me through.
Unless we're gonna shop, we just leave through the door at tsc. Sometimes there's no one in tsc (their hours dropped) so we have to come in through blue or green doors. That's annoying if you have no plans to shop. You have to like make a bee line to the break room to avoid working. A gstl asked me to jump on register during that short walk before.
To that one 'Supermom' guest today...there are really no words. Telling your kids to "go play" while you browse is not smart. Not pulling them back to you when they decided to play tag is worse. When your son bolted full speed down and around five aisles then promptly tripped over his own feet and fell, biting almost through his tongue, you should have seen it coming. Yelling at the ETL I called to help that you are going to sue the store for negligence was idiotic. Please do not procreate for a third time.
To the guest that keeps wanting me to help them while I am on break or meal break...No I can not legally do my job during that time.

Also I Love when the guest complain because we do not replace watch batteries at Electronics, and since we do not have a tool kit at our jewelry Boat, we can not do it. If I have time I can try to help the guest, but always refuse the rude guest.
To the moms who keeping plopping their kids on my counter: For the LAST TIME - this is NOT a bench!!! Your kid (with so much snot coming out of his nose, he looked like he had a green moustache) reached over with his germy hands & grabbed at the stacks of cups nearby! Thanks to you & him, I had to toss three stacks of cups & sanitize the counter where you sat him! He also didn't smell too good so you MIGHT wanna stop by the bathroom on your way out.
To the moms who keeping plopping their kids on my counter: For the LAST TIME - this is NOT a bench!!! Your kid (with so much snot coming out of his nose, he looked like he had a green moustache) reached over with his germy hands & grabbed at the stacks of cups nearby! Thanks to you & him, I had to toss three stacks of cups & sanitize the counter where you sat him! He also didn't smell too good so you MIGHT wanna stop by the bathroom on your way out.

Little kids are disgusting.
To the guest that keeps wanting me to help them while I am on break or meal break...No I can not legally do my job during that time.

Also I Love when the guest complain because we do not replace watch batteries at Electronics, and since we do not have a tool kit at our jewelry Boat, we can not do it. If I have time I can try to help the guest, but always refuse the rude guest.
don't try to replace watch batteries.....we (the Empirical we) used to but a guest was able to successfully sue over a team member "ruining" their Rolex
To the guest that keeps wanting me to help them while I am on break or meal break...No I can not legally do my job during that time.

Also I Love when the guest complain because we do not replace watch batteries at Electronics, and since we do not have a tool kit at our jewelry Boat, we can not do it. If I have time I can try to help the guest, but always refuse the rude guest.
don't try to replace watch batteries.....we (the Empirical we) used to but a guest was able to successfully sue over a team member "ruining" their Rolex
Oh I don't do replacements on expensive watches. I've only done a handful of them.
don't try to replace watch batteries.....we (the Empirical we) used to but a guest was able to successfully sue over a team member "ruining" their Rolex

I've always wondered about this. I bet that guy was an asshole.
To the guest that keeps wanting me to help them while I am on break or meal break...No I can not legally do my job during that time.

Also I Love when the guest complain because we do not replace watch batteries at Electronics, and since we do not have a tool kit at our jewelry Boat, we can not do it. If I have time I can try to help the guest, but always refuse the rude guest.
don't try to replace watch batteries.....we (the Empirical we) used to but a guest was able to successfully sue over a team member "ruining" their Rolex
Oh I don't do replacements on expensive watches. I've only done a handful of them.
I know that when we did do the batteries (and watchbands) at jewelry we were only supposed to do them on watches that we actually sold at Target.
To that extreme couponer I had yesterday:

FUCK YOU. Your transaction took forever, your coupons were a pain in the ass, you were annoying, and the fact that you put your free $10 gift card in your pocket and then freaked out for extended period of time because you wanted to pay with it and forgot you'd put it there (not my problem!) made me want to brain myself on the POS. I hope your fat ass chokes on a jellybean.
To those guests who lick their finger to separate money, GROSS! Money is dirty enough without your saliva all over it. Once, a guest licked his four fingers between separating each bill. Took all my willpower to not react.
To that one guest in seasonal today...

I am usually very polite (especially today on the last day before easter) as I am moving between aisles. I understand that it is not convenient for you to have team members trying to squeeze by you with push. Now understand...the reason I am trying to get this pushed to the empty location is to avoid you coming to ask me "Don't you guys have ____ still?!" and get the product out on the shelf. So when you refuse to move ever so slightly and look at me like you stepped in dog shit when I said "pardon me", it took all the willpower I had to not just push you out of the way but instead walk two aisles over and go completely around another horde of guests to find myself two feet away from you.

Besides, hearing you spend five minutes to talk to your bff and mull over the life changing decision of whether you wanted the snickers candy or the twix candy was such a waste of good air.
To that extreme couponer I had yesterday:

FUCK YOU. Your transaction took forever, your coupons were a pain in the ass, you were annoying, and the fact that you put your free $10 gift card in your pocket and then freaked out for extended period of time because you wanted to pay with it and forgot you'd put it there (not my problem!) made me want to brain myself on the POS. I hope your fat ass chokes on a jellybean.

Last week I had a regular couponer come in to do a bunch of gift card deals. Her coupons are always legit. She did the math wrong on her "deals" and was very frustrated with me. Better yet, she confused one of her gift cards. We had to dig through the trash and price inquiry ALL of them. I kept asking her if the one she had in her hand was the loaded one I gave her. She said it definitely wasn't. 5 minutes later after scanning ALL the giftcards from the trash, we find out that it WAS the gift card in her hand. It was sooooooo funny to her too. Guess he wasn't laughing? Next time you come in lady, I will not let you do all your gift cards in 5 separate transactions. We're not even "supposed" to do that anyways!!!!
To that extreme couponer I had yesterday:

FUCK YOU. Your transaction took forever, your coupons were a pain in the ass, you were annoying, and the fact that you put your free $10 gift card in your pocket and then freaked out for extended period of time because you wanted to pay with it and forgot you'd put it there (not my problem!) made me want to brain myself on the POS. I hope your fat ass chokes on a jellybean.

Last week I had a regular couponer come in to do a bunch of gift card deals. Her coupons are always legit. She did the math wrong on her "deals" and was very frustrated with me. Better yet, she confused one of her gift cards. We had to dig through the trash and price inquiry ALL of them. I kept asking her if the one she had in her hand was the loaded one I gave her. She said it definitely wasn't. 5 minutes later after scanning ALL the giftcards from the trash, we find out that it WAS the gift card in her hand. It was sooooooo funny to her too. Guess he wasn't laughing? Next time you come in lady, I will not let you do all your gift cards in 5 separate transactions. We're not even "supposed" to do that anyways!!!!

Oh, God, that sucks. I HATE those transactions! These people are leeches.
To those guests in seasonal several minutes after closing: Are you seriously that ****ing oblivious to the world around you? We had four announcements on the PA and half of the lights turned off.


We had to dig through the trash and price inquiry ALL of them.

That's why I wait until the transaction is complete to dispose of the used gift cards. I ain't no garbage picker. 😀
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