To that one guest

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It drives me crazy when...

I'm on register and shut off my light to go home or on break/lunch (which we have to do on time so as not to go into compliance or screw up the rest of the break schedule) and guests walk up as I'm finishing my last transaction. I politely inform them I'm closed after my current guest, apologize and try to let them know of a nearby register with little-to-no wait. 9 times out of 10 the guests I've turned down get very huffy/pissy and make negative remarks about how they have to wait in line. I'm sorry but it's not my fault you failed to notice my light was turned off when there are 4 or 5 other registers with their lights turned on.

When working Guest Service and guests come up and place their return on the counter and just stares at me. I'm no mind reader to know what the issue is or what the guest wants to do. This is the conversation I find myself having more often than not,

Myself - Is this a return?
Guest - Yes.
Myself - Do you have a receipt?
Guest - No.
Myself - Did you purchase this on a credit card or with a check?
Guest - No.
Myself - Was it a gift?
Guest - Yes (or no.)

It drives me crazy that I have to drag it out of them. Don't just throw your stuff on the counter and say nothing and expect me to know what your situation is. I have to take care of sometimes a hundred guests per GS shift. I've seen everything... I can't automatically know what you want or need to do. It could be anything.

I could rant all day but this post itself is long enough for now.
I hate when they come up to me and ask - how much is this. If I don't have a PDA or myDevice and am not near a Register, I will sometimes hold the item up to my head and blurt out some stupidly high price. The ones who don't laugh think I am serious.
Yes people I can connect the product to my brain and the price falls out of my mouth. Smh
TTOG: Thank you so much for the compliment. There had been a guest who had come to our store looking for a fitbit band we didn't have in stock. She had told me that this was the fifth store she had been to today for it. The website was screwing up, but our iPods had the correct count. Only one store in the area had it. I then offered to call for her, and she told me that would be great. Then she told me that not a single other store had checked the iPods for other stores, simply telling her the website counts were probably correct, nor did they offer to call another store. She said I made her day. I think she made mine honestly.
I usually slow down to a comfortable speed when that happens, and I spend extra time fiddling with my bags if any come off. For bonus points I "forget" to hit total, so they have swiped their card, have all their shit loaded up, and are looking at me with that panicked look of "I have to get out of here!" and OH I forgot to total it! So sorry! *slowly hands the receipt after folding it 4 times*
I love being passive aggressive with annoying, rude or presumptuous guests.
My main positions are in FA and CA. I hate cashiering and only do it when the front lanes need a back up.
TTOG, no, I can't give you food out of the QMOS bin. You can always go to the place we donate to and try and get some food if you need it, but most of this in here isn't good enough to donate and based on how full your cart is already, it seems like you don't need it as much as others. >_>
TTOG don't tell me to grab my own bottle of mouth wash because you're reading the label on the one you're holding after you plainly told me you can't read the label because you don't have your glasses!
TTOG, no, I can't give you food out of the QMOS bin. You can always go to the place we donate to and try and get some food if you need it, but most of this in here isn't good enough to donate and based on how full your cart is already, it seems like you don't need it as much as others. >_> they know that QMOS stuff is spoiled (or on the verge of spoiling?)
TTOG: Seriously control your child before I do it for you. It is not ok for her to be running up and down my section and destroying every bit of zoning I just did.
To that lazy mom: Stop leaving your kids in the cafe. We are NOT f@#!$ babysitters for your demon spawn.
They got into fights, threw food at each other &, just as we were about to call AP over, you texted the oldest so they all ran off to meet you at the doors on the other side.
Stop getting mad we are sold out of gear for Super Bowl TWO days before game. And that we are sold out of skittles again TWO days before the big game
TTOG at the pharmacy.. No, your prescription will not be done faster because you told them "i have kids waiting in the car"

You did not like their response of "oh, well why dont you go back to your car and make sure your kids are fine since nobody is watching them, and come back in... How long will a prescription take to fill? 10 minutes? Yeah come back in 10 minutes hun. I was baffled by our pharmacist and gave her a high 5.
TTOG: Thanks for making me waste a lot of time talking in circles with you. I lost track of how many times I tried to explain that, since the items you were returning and the item you wanted to buy were different types and prices, I couldn't process it as an even exchange, but since the item you were returning was only eligible for store credit, you could easily just return the one and just buy the other with the gift card you would get. It's really not that hard of a concept, so why did you continue asking "but can't you just do it as an exchange???"?
TTOG: I can't return things from a card lookup without a barcode or DPCI (called it an item number) or the actual receipt. So I'm sorry (not) that we didn't have any on the shelf, and that we can't look through all your purchased items on your card (ugh). You'll just have to bring in the receipt, which I assume you did because I saw them in the reshop carts later with white barcode labels attached. You didn't have to be such a bitch about it, if I tell you I can't do something it doesn't make it "ridiculous" it means that you're a cunt for using that word to describe a return at a retail store and that most other people don't have this problem. Returns are easy, we just need a few things, and if you don't have those we won't give you any money until you come back with them.

TTO Vendor: Telling me that a lot of our customers are front of a customer...lololol I didn't know how to react, probably had this look on my face:
TTOG: You seriously have some anger issues. First you get angry that I can't give you a free giftcard (when the sign clearly says part of a coupon promotion, not a giftcard promotion). Next you get angry after I get the coupon for you, because you decided to pay while I was gone instead of waiting, and now you didn't get your discount. (Seriously, what part of "hold on, let me get it for you" made you think you should swipe your card?) And then finally, you curse out the guest standing behind you when he pretty much tells you it was all your fault.
Oh, you want your discount after you already paid? Well shucks, looks like I forgot how to do the "fix a mistake" thing with your receipt. Guess you'll have to get the fuck out of my line and go wait at guest service. Have a great day.
Eh, to be honest, sounds like your error as much as the guests. Did they swipe their card prematurely? Sure, but no reason for you to hit total before going to find a coupon.
@Nauzhror It's the guest's job to bring the coupon to the register, so she was already in the wrong. I shouldn't have to hold up the line to go get it for her. And she only told me she wanted to use a coupon after I hit total.
TTOG who stopped me on my lunch while I was wearing a blue t-shirt and had none of my equipment on me asking if I worked here and wanted me to get a videogame out for him.

...and that one lady who wanted the value of her coupons returned when she returned her product.
TTOG who stopped me on my lunch while I was wearing a blue t-shirt and had none of my equipment on me asking if I worked here and wanted me to get a videogame out for him.

...and that one lady who wanted the value of her coupons returned when she returned her product.
I think they can smell the Target on us...
TTOG at the pharmacy.. No, your prescription will not be done faster because you told them "i have kids waiting in the car"

You did not like their response of "oh, well why dont you go back to your car and make sure your kids are fine since nobody is watching them, and come back in... How long will a prescription take to fill? 10 minutes? Yeah come back in 10 minutes hun. I was baffled by our pharmacist and gave her a high 5.
You can replace "kid" with "husband/wife," or "but I left my car running on the sidewalk" or any other ridiculous excuse you can think of. Despite popular belief, we do more than "just throw the pills in the bottle" when filling a prescription 😉
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