To that one guest

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TTOG: sorry, but I can't dictate when our order comes in. I can transfer it to another store or you can wait until our order comes in tomorrow, those are your options. No, I can't "put a rush on it," it comes when it comes.
TTOG: I told you that you could only use cash to reload your prepaid AMEX and you didn't believe me. Told me to call the manager over. GSTL comes over and doesn't know about the policy change (surprise, surprise) and tells me to please just try it. I do and...drumroll...IT DOESN'T WORK. FOH, guest. Acting like I don't know what the fuck I'm talking about. I'm an active member on TBR, doncha know?
TTOG: when you call at 5:58 and ask us if we can stay open to wait for a Rx that hasn't come (that you haven't even CALLED the doctor for), don't get pissy with me when I say "Sorry, we can't. We close at 6...." If it was something we already had filled and you were on your way? Maybe, for a max of 10 minutes or so, but when you don't know WHEN/IF it is coming? NO!
TTOG: Please stop calling my store and complaining about the lines..while you are waiting in line. You do this every week. Please gtfo and go to wal mart.
Actually, had a guest do this when I was working one time years ago. She shows up at lunchtime when it usually was busy. About everyone on the SF was already on the registers. Then when she did get up to the register she just left her full cart and left after complaining to me.
Actually, had a guest do this when I was working one time years ago. She shows up at lunchtime when it usually was busy. About everyone on the SF was already on the registers. Then when she did get up to the register she just left her full cart and left after complaining to me.
She probably works at walmart & spends her lunch making other retail employees as miserable as her.
She probably works at walmart & spends her lunch making other retail employees as miserable as her.
The way she was dressed she probably worked at either one of the offices or more upscale stores in the area. She acted like she thought she was above us.
TTOG: At least try to be a little bit more smooth next time. You're just embarrassing yourself.
Here's the story:
Sketchy, drug-addict type comes into our store and returns $130 worth of cosmetic items. He didn't steal it off our sales floor, so we didn't deny the return, he got his gift card, and went on his merry way. Twenty minutes later, we notice he's back in the store, trying to purchase different gift cards with the return gift card, which he obviously can't do. Another TPS and I watch him approaching random guests near the registers and realize something is up. I throw on my winter jacket over my uniform shirt so I appear a little less conspicuous and make my way over to see what this guy's up to. At this point he approaches me and says:
"Hey man, I've got no money and I need gas. I've got this gift card for $130. If you give me like 50 bucks you can have it."
Recall that I did put a winter jacket on, but I'm still wearing Khaki 5-11 cargo pants and black law enforcement uniform boots, with a walkie earpeice in my ear (don't judge me, I'm in a super sketchy store and all the other TPS's dress the same way). Clearly I am some sort of law enforcement or security. He was, for some reason, absolutely astounded when I told him: "I'm security, and you can't solicit in here. You need to leave now and not come back, or we will contact the police." He left, clearly dejected, with his gift card in hand, probably quite sad that he couldn't get his heroin fix just yet. An interesting side note is that I watched him exit the store, get in his car, and drive away. So clearly his "I'm out of gas" sob story is a lie.
I pieced together his whole story later. Apparently, the supermarket across the street from my store has a machine that will give cash for gift cards. This was causing us a lot of problems because druggies were stealing from us, doing no-receipt returns, cashing in the gift cards, and using the money for heroin. Apparently Target and some of the other retailers complained enough and the machines no longer accept the gift cards that we give for returns, which are apparently somehow encoded differently than normal gift cards. So when the machine rejected the return gift card, he came back and tried to buy different gift cards that he would be able to cash in. When he couldn't do that, he decided to just try to sell off the gift cards to random guests. This is when he chose to approach me, out of all the people in the store, to try and sell off the card and got booted. All in all, definitely not the smartest criminal I've had to deal with. I'm sure I haven't seen the last of him, but I'm actually kind of interested to see what he comes up with next...
TTOG: I don't have to sell you that wine if you don't give me your date of birth, yes you clearly look over 21 (probably mid 60s), we can't identify you by your birthday, and when you asked quite rudely if I "wanted your social security number as well" I don't need it because target already has it from when you signed up for that red card, just give me your birthday so I can get on with my life, I could have made you dig out your ID you little SOB.
I have never gone off on a guest but I almost commenced neck snapping 😡😡

Your compliments to me were nice and all, but I don't wanna date your son so don't introduce him to me and give me that face. I'll just show you a picture of my girlfriend next time.
TTOG: I was right behind you in line when you started giving the new little cashier problems with all your coupons.
Sadly for you, I caught the eye of the GSTL who came over quick & busted your lying a$$.
I don't even work there any more but I STILL hate scammers.
TTOG: I'm sorry you had to wait until the previous guest was finished with their transaction to check out your damn LIGHTBULBS! I wasn't "just standing there..." I was keeping guests from slipping and falling on the flour that was all over the damn floor from the guest who dropped the 10# bag until someone could come with a broom/dustpan to clean it up.
TTOG: I was right behind you in line when you started giving the new little cashier problems with all your coupons.
Sadly for you, I caught the eye of the GSTL who came over quick & busted your lying a$$.
I don't even work there any more but I STILL hate scammers.
I did that at my store the other day as well. I knew the lady from the pharmacy, where she's always a PITA too!
To Those 20 Plus Guests: You do realize there are manual doors next to the automatic sliding doors, right? Just because a poor elderly woman had her power cart die in front of the automatic door doesn't mean you all had to make a line stretching back to the check lanes complaining about how you couldn't exit... I'm pretty disappointed in the fact the LOD and I literally had to hold the manual doors open and wave you through just to get you to move while the CA brought a new power cart up. Jeesh, people. Don't be so lazy!
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