To that one guest

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Kind of related to EBT, I had a guest ask me if we would start accepting WIC after the Pfresh remodel is done. I really wanted to say, "God, I certainly hope not" 😛
Kind of related to EBT, I had a guest ask me if we would start accepting WIC after the Pfresh remodel is done. I really wanted to say, "God, I certainly hope not" 😛
Our Target's accepting WIC now, as are some other stores I've noticed. I'm sure, eventually, /ALL/ targets will be taking WIC.... sigh.
Depends on the state (state of denial, state of confusion, state of intoxication, state of inebriation, etc).
Our state has an anti-competition clause that certain Targets & Walmarts that are within X miles of a grocery store can NOT accept WIC.
WIC is pretty easy to do. The only time it sucks is when the guest can't read properly (aka most of them)
WIC is pretty easy to do. The only time it sucks is when the guest can't read properly (aka most of them)

I guess I should be glad my store doesn't accept WIC then. Our guests don't know how to read anything.
To that one guest and guest's spouse that took all of the lenticular puzzles and then wrecked the entire puzzle wall looking for more, I would be so upset with you if I hadn't perfect zoned the puzzles 10 minutes ago, and there wasn't an entire endcap filled with lenticular puzzles directly behind you. But I did, and there was. so raaaaaawwrrr :angry:

Whoa! Perfectly zoned puzzles!?! That's never happened at my store. Generally that's the last section of the Toys/Sporting Goods zone to get done, and by that point it's just cover up any diamond possible with whatever works, labels and price points be damned. I'm not casting stones here, I'm definitely guilty of it too!
I still remember the guest who wanted a big bag for her 12pk sodas.

I also /love/ the guests who insist we double-bag EVERYTHING, even though most of the time they aren't remotely heavy.


Few days ago, but still:

Woman, don't give me this *****y, "maybe you should learn some facts" response when I tell you that last time I checked, people could NOT get cash back from using EBT Food. EBT Cash, yes, but NOT EBT Food. :|

If you /HAD/ been able to get cash back, then I would assume that it would of GIVEN YOU THAT OPTION.

Imagine that.

Had a guest today get all pissy because she couldn't get cash back from her flex-spending debit card :facepalm:
Had a guest today get all pissy because she couldn't get cash back from her flex-spending debit card :facepalm:

There's one guest we have who I'm pretty sure is literally crazy (has very indepth convos with himself, acts generally pretty strange) To bag up his 12 packs, he breaks the case in half (so there's 2 half cases of 6) and then double bag it. Seems like a horrendous waste of plastic when 12 packs already have a handle on them. Yet he seemed to think it was the greatest thing ever when he was telling me about it.
To the mom trying to order lunch for her kids: Hang...up...your...@#$!!! Your kids kept TRYING to tell you what they wanted but you were SO distracted talking to your BFF (about 'nothing' important, no less) that you WEREN'T paying attention & kept screwing up the order! Add to that, you were holding up a long line while you fumbled getting your card out one-handed because of your @#$!! phone! Up to now, I'd been pretty proud of how I was doing in FA.
Thanks eversomuch for showing me the flipside. :angry2:
To the mom trying to order lunch for her kids: Hang...up...your...@#$!!! Your kids kept TRYING to tell you what they wanted but you were SO distracted talking to your BFF (about 'nothing' important, no less) that you WEREN'T paying attention & kept screwing up the order! Add to that, you were holding up a long line while you fumbled getting your card out one-handed because of your @#$!! phone! Up to now, I'd been pretty proud of how I was doing in FA.
Thanks eversomuch for showing me the flipside. :angry2:

Here's a beer, red!
@redeye58 I had to quit working at FA because I couldn't keep myself from going home and drinking obscene amounts of alcohol after working there. Good times.
Nah, my drinking actually dropped when I stepped aside from GSA.
Those service desk calls were driving me to drink (Maalox).
Nah, my drinking actually dropped when I stepped aside from GSA.
Those service desk calls were driving me to drink (Maalox).

I had one of *those* guests today. I had a piece of food that was out of date that was given to me by a cashier, so I was damaging it out at guest service. A guest saw me doing it and demanded I explain the food donations process. I explained that once a week, someone comes and picks up everything that we can't sell and that's still edible. She demanded to know more information, luckily our CTL was in...
I wish that the county of the Target I work in would ban plastic bags, so all you annoying people who DEMAND that I give you the reusable bag credit are forced to use your bags for nothing in return. :|

Give me a break, people.

Most of the time I remember to scan the coupon, and I usually do it after each reusable I'm done filling so I'm sure not to miss it... and if by some chance I forget and don't remember myself, feel free to mention it POLITELY. Not whinge and ***** at me because god forbid I forgot your five-****ing-cents per ****ing-bag. (sorry for the language... frustrated!!)


Forgive me for being human, no need to copy an attitude.

Oh, wait, I forgot. Five cents is going to kill you.
I wish that the county of the Target I work in would ban plastic bags, so all you annoying people who DEMAND that I give you the reusable bag credit are forced to use your bags for nothing in return. :|

Give me a break, people.

Most of the time I remember to scan the coupon, and I usually do it after each reusable I'm done filling so I'm sure not to miss it... and if by some chance I forget and don't remember myself, feel free to mention it POLITELY. Not whinge and ***** at me because god forbid I forgot your five-****ing-cents per ****ing-bag. (sorry for the language... frustrated!!)


Forgive me for being human, no need to copy an attitude.

Oh, wait, I forgot. Five cents is going to kill you.

The few times that the cashier caught their own mistakes, I got the credit in cash. I think once or twice I politely asked about it but there were times when we both forgot. It was a nickel or a dime so it wasn't worth the effort after leaving the store.
Then I cleaned out my car and stuck all the re-useable bags in the trunk and they've been there for months. I find the plastic bags to be good for kitty box duty. Most of them though I take to Target and put them in the plastic bag recycling at the front of the store.
Re: bag credit - No, lady. You don't get the bag credit for not using a bag. You get it for using a REUSABLE bag.
I don't care how you try to justify saving the planet by NOT using a bag, you still don't get it - the concept nor the nickle.
Most of the time I remember to scan the coupon, and I usually do it after each reusable I'm done filling so I'm sure not to miss it... and if by some chance I forget and don't remember myself, feel free to mention it POLITELY. Not whinge and ***** at me because god forbid I forgot your five-****ing-cents per ****ing-bag. (sorry for the language... frustrated!!)

Just because you said whinge. 😀
To the lady who pitched a fit when I said we couldn't send in her reels -

it's an online thing, here's the brochure. Oh, Walgreens and Walmart send them in from the store? I'm sorry, we've never done that here. No, I don't know what shipping costs. Does it cost a fortune? I have no idea. Oh, you're going to sit and huff but not say anything to me? Ok, goodbye, I'm going to ring up the guest next to you. Wait, you're still here? Walmart and Walgreens send them in? THEN GO THERE!
To the lady who pitched a fit when I said we couldn't send in her reels -

it's an online thing, here's the brochure. Oh, Walgreens and Walmart send them in from the store? I'm sorry, we've never done that here. No, I don't know what shipping costs. Does it cost a fortune? I have no idea. Oh, you're going to sit and huff but not say anything to me? Ok, goodbye, I'm going to ring up the guest next to you. Wait, you're still here? Walmart and Walgreens send them in? THEN GO THERE!
To the mommy who when her five/six year old kid asked "Where's Daddy?" said,
"Don't you remember, we buried him in the backyard?"
Lady, I love your sense of humor but I'm not sure you want to say that in public.
We have a lot of people who just wouldn't get it.
While doing a revision in girls, a mother and her two children were passing by. Her son starts calling her name over and over.
"Mommy, mommy, mommy."
"What hon?"
"I .... see ...... BOOBIES!" (As he points to the little girl bras.)

I had to duck behind a gondola, I was giggling so hard. She just laughed a little and walked on.
Re: bag credit - No, lady. You don't get the bag credit for not using a bag. You get it for using a REUSABLE bag.
I don't care how you try to justify saving the planet by NOT using a bag, you still don't get it - the concept nor the nickle.

I give people the credit for not using a bag. In the end, it's the same thing. We don't expend a bag, they get the credit.
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