I was backroom today, but I have this little tidbit. GSTL calls back to have two cupcake holders pulled. I answer and find the items he's looking for. Top shelf, top box. It's only my second BR shift ever and I'm not used to pulling down big boxes on the ladder. (no worries! no one was injured in this story.) I try to look in the other two locs, but one had a ghost and the other only had one. So I pull down the box, and deciding to be nice for the guest, open it up (it was a casepack of 2) and take out the holders. Then I take them all the way to the front lanes where I see the GSTL looking frantically around for me and a lady looking impatient on her cell phone. He points to her and I hurry over with the holders. "Here you go, ma'am," I say with a smile, and try to figure out if she wants them in her cart or not. Nope. She takes them from me and gives me a look of annoyance. Then she continues on her phone conversation, "Yeah, I'm just finishing up at Target...took forever."
I keep my smile pasted on my face and head back to the backroom. You're welcome, cell phone lady. Next time, I'm coming out with them IN THE BOX and maybe I'll throw it off the top shelf too...just kidding.