To that one guest

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To that (what I will generously call a) woman who tried on a dozen swimsuits, apparently while wearing no undergarments and on your period: You are a disgusting human being. I hope you die in a fire.
To that (what I will generously call a) woman who tried on a dozen swimsuits, apparently while wearing no undergarments and on your period: You are a disgusting human being. I hope you die in a fire.

That is gross and completely discusting! And of course, they can't be sold now. You sometimes wonder what people are thinking.
Three or four year old child in cart with mom stares at me for a while. Then he points to me and says, "Mommy, is that my daddy?"

I was pushing a flat through toys last night, and heard this comment from a little girl in her cart.....Mom turned about as red as the cart and turned the other way.....
I was pushing a flat through toys last night, and heard this comment from a little girl in her cart.....Mom turned about as red as the cart and turned the other way.....

When my oldest was about 1, I was sitting in the BX (military) and a sgt came in and she looked up and called him Dada. He gave her and me such a funny look. See, he was black and we were definitely not. I just laughed and told him that to her if you were male you were Dada.
My son's name is William (16 months). He calls his dad "Da-dee" and himself "dada." For some reason, he thinks that's how you pronounce his name. When people are talking to him and calling him baby, no matter where we go, he looks at them and says, "dada." As though he's correcting them and he's not a baby. LOL. My coworkers don't even blink anymore when he's around telling everyone "dada." I get worried when I'm standing right there and he calls people "mama." hehe!
To that one guest who came thru my lane with a stack of uncut coupons ( the whole inserts) ,no I do not have any scissors and I do not know in which inserts that specific coupon is ,and no you can not use 3 coupons on the same item ...
To that one guest who came thru my lane with a stack of uncut coupons ( the whole inserts) ,no I do not have any scissors and I do not know in which inserts that specific coupon is ,and no you can not use 3 coupons on the same item ...

I hate that, too! I would never think about doing that. I spend the time at home cutting out my coupons. I also try to make sure I've pulled the coupons that I think I'm going to be using. I always have it all sorted out before I'm in the checkout. My husband (he usually does the grocery shopping) is the same way.
To that (what I will generously call a) woman who tried on a dozen swimsuits, apparently while wearing no undergarments and on your period: You are a disgusting human being. I hope you die in a fire.

oh you got my biohazard of the Sorry I so know how disgusting it is
Her sister has come through SL in my store more than once, since I was at SD when they brought me all the "eww" garments to defect out.
I can't believe you were stupid enough to try and get a REFILL on the very Rx that got you ARRESTED! Hope you're enjoying your stay in a 5x9...
Why get angry when I can't do math in my head? Why not make up your mind and give me the change before I hit total?
I guess I would get a little upset too. You don't even have to do math in your head. It is just counting up to the next coin or dollar. Its' not difficult you should practice it. I think its pretty sad actually that a lot of cashiers can't figure it out and I have to explain to them what to do and I'm not adding in my head. I do agree you shouldn't have to wait until they fish around in the bottom of a purse for coins holding up a line but come on minor adding and subtracting is not difficult.
I guess I would get a little upset too. You don't even have to do math in your head. It is just counting up to the next coin or dollar. Its' not difficult you should practice it. I think its pretty sad actually that a lot of cashiers can't figure it out and I have to explain to them what to do and I'm not adding in my head. I do agree you shouldn't have to wait until they fish around in the bottom of a purse for coins holding up a line but come on minor adding and subtracting is not difficult.

Some people are better at it than others. It's not counting to the next dollar or coin but rather seperate digits (such as $4.03 and $3.94 (that's just an example, albiet a probably poor one)). It's harder than, say, reading upside down.
To the guest who had me watch her cart of merchandise and pocketbook so she could run out the door to go smoke.....thank you for wasting several minutes of my time. Hopefully karma will catch up to you....
I was backroom today, but I have this little tidbit. GSTL calls back to have two cupcake holders pulled. I answer and find the items he's looking for. Top shelf, top box. It's only my second BR shift ever and I'm not used to pulling down big boxes on the ladder. (no worries! no one was injured in this story.) I try to look in the other two locs, but one had a ghost and the other only had one. So I pull down the box, and deciding to be nice for the guest, open it up (it was a casepack of 2) and take out the holders. Then I take them all the way to the front lanes where I see the GSTL looking frantically around for me and a lady looking impatient on her cell phone. He points to her and I hurry over with the holders. "Here you go, ma'am," I say with a smile, and try to figure out if she wants them in her cart or not. Nope. She takes them from me and gives me a look of annoyance. Then she continues on her phone conversation, "Yeah, I'm just finishing up at Target...took forever."
I keep my smile pasted on my face and head back to the backroom. You're welcome, cell phone lady. Next time, I'm coming out with them IN THE BOX and maybe I'll throw it off the top shelf too...just kidding.
To that one guest: next time you try to stab a hole in my card reader with the pen, I will stab a hole in your iPhone.
To the customers who thought it would be a good idea to come into the Wally where I work and have a scavenger hunt: of course I'm going to ask you if I can help you. My bosses expect me to provide every customer with good customer service. Plus, I want you guys out of the store ASAP because it's a store, not a playground.
I just hope I don't have to tell another kid to stop running. I'm not sure why kids are out in the middle of the night anyhow. Whatever happened to sleeping at night?
And yes, I even ask the customers on their cell phones if they need help finding stuff.
To the guest who had me watch her cart of merchandise and pocketbook so she could run out the door to go smoke.....thank you for wasting several minutes of my time. Hopefully karma will catch up to you....
When did that happen? I love the people when I have a long line that will leave their cart outside the restroom and ask me to watch it. Half the time I totally forget about it.
To that one guest who was clearly frustrated because of the guest in front of you: thank you for being civil with me after she left.
To that one guest that ordered popcorn and then decided to be like hansel and gretel and leave a trail everywhere you went...I don't care too much for you. I would be okay if you didn't stop, look at your trail of popcorn, and then keep walking. That's not something middle-aged women do. I expect that from a child, but not you.
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