To that one guest

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Dear lady,
I had 3 items at the SCO as I was leaving today. I wanted to do 2 transactions because I had gifts for my first order. Muttering "You shouldn't have more than 1 item at SCO." does nothing for you or me.
Also: Really? You're going to be that anal about it? Wow. People like you are the reason I hate the holidays.

That is when I split it into three and want to pay with part credit and cash on each one..

When you try to return 4 sheet sets, two coats, one that has tons of fuzz and hair on it, and a bunch of other items without a receipt and with an out of state license, OF COURSE you're going to get denied. Nice try claiming the hair on the coat was mine, but you ranting in front of the other guests about how rude my manager was when he denied your returns didn't help your case. Demanding to speak to another manager, and being rude to yet a third, then asking for all our names is not going to get us to change our minds. The squeaky wheel doesn't get the grease when that wheel is a fraudster.
You're lucky.
When I was in line at my counter for my break, the woman ahead of me turned around & saw my attire saying "You're on the WRONG SIDE! You're supposed to be BEHIND the counter!"
I looked at her laconically & said "Not if I'm on BREAK."
You're lucky.
When I was in line at my counter for my break, the woman ahead of me turned around & saw my attire saying "You're on the WRONG SIDE! You're supposed to be BEHIND the counter!"
I looked at her laconically & said "Not if I'm on BREAK."

You are lucky lady I am going to let you keep your teeth.
Please tell me about a price change BEFORE I've totaled you out handed you your receipt.

What's your problem? A guest had 3 items. One of the items didn't have a tag, so I called for help and you snapped at the guest, "Then you shouldn't have come to the Express lane then should you?"

God, I can't wait for January.
Just gonna list them off. All of these are seperate occasions during my 8 hour shift today.
-Dont fucking dig through my cart as I'm demerching an endcap. I will punch you (not really sadly).
-Don't whistle to get my attention, I'm not a dog.
-No, I don't work here. I just wear red, khakis, a nametag, walkie and PDA for fun.
-Go ahead and tell my LOD that I won't give you a half off discount for something that isn't even damaged.
TTOG: Instead of saying "sorry for bothering you while you're on your meal" and proceeding to ask for my help (i was carrying starbucks) why didn't you just leave me alone and find somebody else???
TTOG: You heard me announce i was going on break and had the nerve to ask me for assistance when there were two other TMs immediately nearby... .-.
TTOG: You spent a good five minutes before hanging up with a speech about why you love Target. It made my day and you are great. I love you, ma'am. <3
To that one creep: you are very lucky that I was on the clock today and I need my job, or you have no idea how bad your day would have become. If you honestly think it's okay to repeatedly make sexually explicit remarks to a 16 year old female cashier even after she has told you multiple times that you're making her uncomfortable, you're even more messed up than I thought. Remember that trespass order is good for every one of our properties, and I took a photo of you and emailed it to every loss prevention officer and every manager in the company along with a description of what you did. I sincerely hope you're dumb enough to set foot in one of our stores again so you can be hauled off for trespassing.
To that one old veteran in line: thanks for being they ONLY ONE out of dozens of guests to step up and tell Mr. Creep to fuck off, and for telling security so we could deal with him properly. You're the real MVP.
TTOG: go ahead and "call the cops," they're not going to do anything for you. We did nothing wrong.
Had a guest threaten to call the cops a while back because a group of kids kept on cussing. Was hilarious watching my LOD try to explain why cops can't help.
TTOG: I really hope you don't pay in coins all the time.

The bread you bought came to $3.69. We eventually got $3 worth of coins, but then you couldn't remember how much you gave me, so we had to start all over.

TTOtherG: You just counted out 20 $1 bills and then handed them to me and told me "Count them again." I then asked you how many there were and you responded "Well, I dunno, count them."

Head, meet register a thousand times for both of these transactions.
To All Guests Who Did This:

Why are you like this

To All Guests Who Did This:

Why are you like this

My stores endcap in that exact same spot wasn't as bad, but had half toys and half seasonal thrown on there. People, just because toys is half empty doesn't mean it's half off too..
Leave an empty cart by Seasonal and Toy endymes. They will usually put it in the cart.
Until someone wants the cart and dumps the items on the endcap so that they can take it! Granted, if the cart is ever still there when you get to it, then an improvement has still been made. 😀
Until someone wants the cart and dumps the items on the endcap so that they can take it! Granted, if the cart is ever still there when you get to it, then an improvement has still been made. 😀
This literally happens to me every time lmao I have a cart for strays and a cart for toys while I'm going through the zone and without fail if I leave the cart alone for 15 minutes someone will take what has the least amount and just. Shove it into the other cart.
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