To that one guest

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Guest: But the other store
Well, hi guess what? WE'RE NOT THE OTHER STORE. Ugh, I hate it when they bitch about stuff like this. I had one today.

Guest: OK, I don't want these clothes, because the other Target has them on clearance and you don't...Why?

Me: Well I don't exactly--

Guest: Eh, I'll just go to the other Target never mind.

Guest in fitting room: Do you think I would be a size 6 or 8 in this blazer?
Me: I really don't know, I would suggest you try them on...
Guest: I'm a medium. Which is closer to a medium?
Me: I really don't know.
Guest: I know I seem normal, but I have short term memory loss!!
Me: ???

Seriously though, I'm supposed to look at this woman and know what size she would be? I don't even know my own size half the time.
TTOG: please control your child. Allowing them to "play" with the card reader/pen (read: repeatedly poking the screen with the pen) is not acceptable. Although, the look on your face when you asked where the pen on the CVS touchscreen was priceless when I said, "it broke because too many kids played with it."😎
When a guest at the lane behind me puts a bunch of used plastic bags on my guest's bags.

k then
TTOG: no, I can't walk you to the shampoo. I gave you the exact aisle and even told you how to get there while I was on hold on the phone.
I had a guest get mad because I pointed out where our paper corner is and wouldn't walk them there. I'm sitting there, helping with the food truck, and a guest wanted to know where paper corner was. So I said it's in the main aisle and all the way down on her left. She's like "Can you show me" I said I can't because I've already had this product out for damn near 30 min and the TL's watch the time like hawks. She gets mad and storms off in the opposite direction, after I gave her instructions like I would to my 4 year old nephew. Some old bitty walks up and says "You could have just brought her over there, you know." I had to bite my tongue to stop myself from saying stuff I would(only while on the clock) regret.
TTMultipleG: If you're going to leave because you don't want to wait in line, JUST LEAVE Ugh, I don't need to know you're leaving my lane to go to SCO, nor do I care that you do. There was no need to announce "Excuse me, I only have one item, so I'm just going to leave and do self-checkout..."

Good for you, I have other guests that need assistance.
When I responded to back-up last time, the GSA was directing me to lane 11 so I tapped the next person in the nearest line to follow me.
Some dick rushed ahead & was unloading his basket so I took her to lane 10 instead.
As I helped her unload her basket, he said "Weren't you SUPPOSED to open on 11?!"
I said, "Oh, no. That register has been crashing all day."
By then my line was three deep.
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Ttog: There is a reason I very strategically pull certain guests from the line to ring them up at GS. I promise it's not random or discrimination. Thanks for causing another huge line that takes backup TMs away from the lanes, where we need them, to GS.

Your selfish ass chasing the guests I pulled to GS with your 50+ items is now part of the problem.
TTOG who had me slice them 8 pounds of ham for 1.99 a pound -- sorry for being a dick. You wanted some yesterday, and deli had closed early so you missed out on the sale. I didn't mind giving you the discounted price at all. It was more the fact that I had to cut 8 POUNDS OF HAM thinly sliced and put into one pound packages.

( I don't work in deli. )
TTOG who had me slice them 8 pounds of ham for 1.99 a pound -- sorry for being a dick. You wanted some yesterday, and deli had closed early so you missed out on the sale. I didn't mind giving you the discounted price at all. It was more the fact that I had to cut 8 POUNDS OF HAM thinly sliced and put into one pound packages.

( I don't work in deli. )
I'm so sorry you had to deal with that... At least they didn't say "shredded" or "chipped!"
I do have one recurring guest who comes in maybe once a month and gets whole chubs of Archer Farms meats and, without fail, tells me that it's OK if I give her all her free cheese in one block. Excuse me, no. We need to keep the inventory halfway accurate so I'm going to hack off 1/2 lb chunks and you can deal with the half a million bags of cheese. She gets annoyed and offended every time I tell her, too, and walks off in a mild huff. Always comes back for her cheese, though.
I'm so sorry you had to deal with that... At least they didn't say "shredded" or "chipped!"
I do have one recurring guest who comes in maybe once a month and gets whole chubs of Archer Farms meats and, without fail, tells me that it's OK if I give her all her free cheese in one block. Excuse me, no. We need to keep the inventory halfway accurate so I'm going to hack off 1/2 lb chunks and you can deal with the half a million bags of cheese. She gets annoyed and offended every time I tell her, too, and walks off in a mild huff. Always comes back for her cheese, though.

Keep slinging those cheddar rocks!
TToG: Why? Like, why? I'm not too bothered by the fact that you drank my soda. What really bothers me is that you saw an open soda can and decided to drink out of it.

TToG: While I understand that you needed assistance, don't freaking wander inside the electronics stock room and yell at me to help you. If you were just close to the door, that'd be sorta fine, but you decided to go the extra mile and corner me in the aisle. I really should talk to the AP-ETL to see what he would recommend there, since I feel like that's a situation that calls for AP.
TTOG who calls to ask if they can return an HBA item and gets pissy when I say that I can't say with 100% certainly we'll be able to give them a refund without receipt due to our store policy.
TTOG who tries again to return several DVDs without receipt. I remember you well from the last time you tried to do the same thing.
To both of you, certainly you can have my name. I'm following store policy and treating you with respect and kindness and I have high survey scores. You don't scare me one bit, but you both have a nice day.
I really should talk to the AP-ETL to see what he would recommend there, since I feel like that's a situation that calls for AP.
Do it. Talk to AP as soon as you can. That's grounds for Trespassing and maybe even legal action.

TToG: I'm sorry we don't have what you were looking for. You have no reason to fucking scream at me like I just kicked your puppy in front of a bus. I would have shouted back but our APTL saved your ass and mine.
TTOG - I almost had a heart attack when I saw you and your 5 year old son take almost every garbage can we sell and put it in the aisle as you compared them but I was impressed when he tried to walk away you taught him to clean up after himself and not make more work for others.
Today was the very first time I rang up an item that was clearance but had a clearance sticker for something 100% different and only $5.98

The shoes themselves rang up for $34, but the clearance(which I had to type the code in) rang up for $5.98. The lady was about to tell me "well, it was on the clearance shelf.. I should just get it anyways" but I called my GSTL over right away.

I know this customer didn't do it, and I mostly called my GSTL over just to let him know and confirm it was a misplaced sticker. She was literally about to give me that argument though lol.

Oh well, kind of fun. The customer was cool with us having to turn it away from her unless she wanted to pay full price.
To follow up ^,

TTOG: I agreed to ring you out because I was bored as hell. Little did I know that EVERYTHING you had was "on clearance" & that you were going to argue with me about every price. A word of advice: if you're going to take a sticker off one item and place it on another, be careful not to rip it in half! (How the hell you even managed that, I will never know.) Piecing it back together is not going to make me believe that a $20 Nexxus product was $1.68, especially when the clearance tag said "15" in the corner! And no, I won't give your items back because I'm not going to let you scam a new cashier up front.
To follow up ^,

TTOG: I agreed to ring you out because I was bored as hell. Little did I know that EVERYTHING you had was "on clearance" & that you were going to argue with me about every price. A word of advice: if you're going to take a sticker off one item and place it on another, be careful not to rip it in half! (How the hell you even managed that, I will never know.) Piecing it back together is not going to make me believe that a $20 Nexxus product was $1.68, especially when the clearance tag said "15" in the corner! And no, I won't give your items back because I'm not going to let you scam a new cashier up front.

I tried to peel one of the clearance stickers off and it's like cut into 3 sections, I couldn't do it without 100% messing up the sticker. This was back when I was a newbie and the clearance tag was over the barcode and I had no idea I had to just enter in the code on the sticker so I thought "if I rip it off I'll be able to get to the barcode!" and ended up completely ruining the sticker. Good thing my GSTL showed me the code and how to type it in lol
I tried to peel one of the clearance stickers off and it's like cut into 3 sections, I couldn't do it without 100% messing up the sticker. This was back when I was a newbie and the clearance tag was over the barcode and I had no idea I had to just enter in the code on the sticker so I thought "if I rip it off I'll be able to get to the barcode!" and ended up completely ruining the sticker. Good thing my GSTL showed me the code and how to type it in lol
If the clearance sticker is completely covering the barcode, I would remove it anyway. Most TMs on the Price Change team know better than to put the sticker over the barcode. Most scammers do this so you'll just key in the DPCI & the guest gets their "discount".
I tried to peel one of the clearance stickers off and it's like cut into 3 sections, I couldn't do it without 100% messing up the sticker. This was back when I was a newbie and the clearance tag was over the barcode and I had no idea I had to just enter in the code on the sticker so I thought "if I rip it off I'll be able to get to the barcode!" and ended up completely ruining the sticker. Good thing my GSTL showed me the code and how to type it in lol
This one wasn't torn where the "cuts" were, though. It was right down the middle...😵
If the clearance sticker is completely covering the barcode, I would remove it anyway. Most TMs on the Price Change team know better than to put the sticker over the barcode. Most scammers do this so you'll just key in the DPCI & the guest gets their "discount".
Had a gal come thru with four pieces of women's clothing that I KNEW were just set.
Every single item had a clearance sticker across the bar code on the hang tag & the DPCIs didn't match.
Told her I knew these weren't right, listing all the reasons above & said she must've intercepted a ticket-switcher.
I said I couldn't honor the prices.
When she protested, I called a TL over who happened to be the SLTL.
She shut her down quick & the 'guest' ended up not buying anything (surprised? not).
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