TTOG: setting a POG in electronics. 30 minutes after the store opens this pimply-faced, portly, perspiring lad jumps in front of me with a push shoving his iPhone in my face, "Where are they!!!!!!" Ummmm ... where are what? "Are you STOOPID??? The SNES CLASSICCCCCC!! My phone tells me they are here! WHERE ARE THEY????" Umm sorry, Sir, but unfortunately we are sold out now. "NO! My phone says they are HERE!!! You are a LIAR!!!!" He then literally jumps up and down in a tantrum as I begin to wonder if I am on some sort of hidden cam show. I calmly point to a sign the Electronics TL posted shortly after all 10 units were purchased within minutes of the store opening indicating our sold-out status. "NOOOOOO!" He begins sobbing literally with tears and all. Another guest who is watching this unusual display of emotion speaks up with, "someone needs to get laid ... and in a hurry". I have to shuffle off quickly to avoid laughing out loud in front of the crying fella. Priceless.