TTOG: What bit you in the ass today? I had just come back from lunch and we were in semi-clusterfuck mode. There had been 3 calls for backup before I got back on the floor. The GSTL started prepping a lane for me, while also letting guests know I'd be available soon.
I came around and saw *one* woman coming toward my lane and ask if it was OK to come in. Both the GSTL and I said yes, so she came in. Now, if you had already gotten in line like you claimed, you must be the Flash, because neither the guest or I saw you.
It was only after the guest had already put her stuff on the belt that I saw you try to reach over her and put your items before hers. You then snapped at both me and the guest that "The *right* goes to whoever's NEXT IN LINE" because we said so.
*Deep breath*
1. We never said anything along those lines.
2. There is no *right* to the line when there's 1 person
And 3. I didn't even know you were anywhere near my line until that guest came in. Only after that did I see you come up behind her and start trying to put your order before hers.
Then after she left, you let out a disgusted sigh and said "Oh, she totally just budded in line...tch."
*Another deep breath*
Honest to God, people, this isn't a soap opera. I can't deal with this shit on top of the fact that it was completely insane at the time. 🙄🙄😵🙄😵🙄😵😵
I need degreaser....