TTOG: I really do wish whoever got your wife that $250.00 electronic, got her a gift receipt.
No, I can't let you just go get another. No, sorry, I can't give you store credit- that's 150% more than I can give in store credit on a picture ID return. You'll have to call the manufacturer. The number will be on the users manual inside the box, somewhere close to the pristinely wrapped electronic devices. Should be easy to find since everything is so tightly and neatly packed- almost like it hadn't been disturbed since packaging. Wow!
I really do appreciate you assuring me you're not trying to make my life miserable. Twice. The acknowledgement of my comfort is very kind. No, I don't know what they're going to ask you when you call them. You told me what was wrong, though... and you seemed to know what you were taking about, so, they'll probably know exactly what's up!!
It's been months since I showed him the customer service number for the company that manufacturers that electronic device, and then turned to assist another guest.
Months since I looked up from that fast, friendly, transaction to see that the guy with the no-receipt electronics return... was gone.
I think he's lost ... what's the code for lost guy with a shady electronics return? 😵