To that one guest

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Lol one time I had a guest who was like you need to make that more clear and put it on the receipt... So I showed her on the receipt and she left to complain to corporate

I once had a guest point at the return policy listed on the gift receipt at the bottom of his regular receipt and insist the return policy for his electronics was 90 days. I took him back to the top and pointed to the modified return policy listed directly beneath the line item. His response? "Well I didn't read that, you need to make it more clear". Yeah ok buddy.
Ma'am the only time we close at midnight is during the holidays.
No, like, Christmas/Hanukkah...THOSE holidays... not EVERY holiday. No, its not just Christmas, it's during Hanukkah, too. Actually Hanukkah does matter, I'm Jewish, Ma'am.
Anyway, I'm going to need an override to process a return this big. Yes, even if you do have receipts for all of them.
Except for this top which isn't on any of your receipts. Yes, I'm positive. (No, the DPCI hasn't changed.) Yea and THAT shirt was bought during a buy one, get one 50% off promo. You get half of what you paid for both, total, back, instead of the full 11.99 for this one shirt, because of the way the system is set up. Roll your eyes until they fall out of your head. You're the one that hoarded almost a grand worth of returns until a few days before the oldest receipt expired, and came in single digit minutes before store close.

Who has that kind of money just laying around?!
Trying to explain to someone how the return policy was 30 days for electronics and not 90 (she kept swearing it was 90 because she “LOOKED AT THE WEBSITE!”) she was like “how is it my problem that it’s 30 days, no one told me that!” And I was like, “yeah, we did.” And pointed to return by date on her receipt and she goes “YOU REALLY THINK I WOULD EVER READ THAT?” I instantly was like “listen there is nothing else we could have done we literally tried to tell you as plainly as possible that it was 30 days, it’s not my fault or the store’s fault you couldn’t be bothered to read it. There’s nothing we can do. Have a good day” she then said she would come back with her sister because “her sister knows target policy and knows what to do” and I was like “if your sister can somehow make your receipt not expired and invalid I’d love to do it for you.” She never did come back with her ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I tell everyone who checks out at Electronics the return policy, I always remind every guest
I can't believe you had the audacity to claim racism...

No worries brah. I've learned that 99.8% of the time, the people who drop the "R" word don't really think you are being prejudiced. What's really happening is that they expect you or your manager to get spooked enough to bend or break company policy for them, or get free shit, or both. In other words they're scammers playing the guilt angle. I've seen it happen millions of times...only winning move is not to play.
No worries brah. I've learned that 99.8% of the time, the people who drop the "R" word don't really think you are being prejudiced. What's really happening is that they expect you or your manager to get spooked enough to bend or break company policy for them, or get free shit, or both. In other words they're scammers playing the guilt angle. I've seen it happen millions of times...only winning move is not to play.
Yep. Had a customer accuse me of being racist once because I wouldn’t allow her to return medication that had been picked up 3 days prior. Told her it had nothing to do with her race, it’s the law in my state. Wanted to speak to the pharmacist (who was on lunch.) Went and got the pharmacist, who happens to be the same race as the customer. She denied the return as well.
Had a guest who wanted to purchase something online so I start using the MyCheckout device to do it. Ask her for her email. She doesn't have one. Doesn't understand why she needs an email. I explain it's how we send confirmation, when your order ships, when it arrives, and your receipt. Asks if we can just call her when the item arrives. I tell her we cannot. Offer to help her create an email real quick on her smart phone. Asks if I can use my email instead. I tell her no, I cannot use my personal email for her sensitive information. Sorry ma'am, but if you're unwilling to create an email to order something that's only available online then no, I cannot help you. Have a nice day.
Had a guest who wanted to purchase something online so I start using the MyCheckout device to do it. Ask her for her email. She doesn't have one. Doesn't understand why she needs an email. I explain it's how we send confirmation, when your order ships, when it arrives, and your receipt. Asks if we can just call her when the item arrives. I tell her we cannot. Offer to help her create an email real quick on her smart phone. Asks if I can use my email instead. I tell her no, I cannot use my personal email for her sensitive information. Sorry ma'am, but if you're unwilling to create an email to order something that's only available online then no, I cannot help you. Have a nice day.

at my store, we use our ETL-GE's email for myCheckout guests who don't have an email address (literally only happened once) and just write down the confirmation number and phone number if they have any problems
at my store, we use our ETL-GE's email for myCheckout guests who don't have an email address (literally only happened once) and just write down the confirmation number and phone number if they have any problems

That's actually a really good idea. I'll definitely need to bring it up to my GSTL and see what they say.
TTOG in the fitting room who dumped a huge pile of inside out clothing and empty hangers in my cart, laughed and said: "I'm sorry, don't hate me." My job required me to smile at that inconsiderate comment. But for the record, I didn't actually think it was funny. You're not forgiven, and I do hate you. Please leave.
Who in the second decade of the 21st century doesn't have an email address? I could see someone not wanting to give it out due to spam and non-spam advertising. Especially since emails me advertisements every single day without fail, and sometimes twice a day. But not have one? And assisting by offering the store email, that's like slipping meth to an addict. My 82 year old grandmother uses email, text, and FB daily, so no excuses for anyone else.
Who in the second decade of the 21st century doesn't have an email address? I could see someone not wanting to give it out due to spam and non-spam advertising. Especially since emails me advertisements every single day without fail, and sometimes twice a day. But not have one? And assisting by offering the store email, that's like slipping meth to an addict. My 82 year old grandmother uses email, text, and FB daily, so no excuses for anyone else.

Your 82 year old grandma didn't cuss you up one side and down the other like the 70-ish year old man whom I asked if he wanted a red card.
He doesnt do that technology shit, doesn't do email, doesn't do text message, doesn't even have a smart phone.
So there's that.
TTOG: You can tell me your life story THREE TIMES and I still can't do anything beyond a return or exchange.

You ordered it online. You had it shipped to a nearby store. I can return it here, or exchange it, but that's it. You're going to have to call the 800 number for online order support....sure, I'll listen a fourth time.
TTOG: You can tell me your life story THREE TIMES and I still can't do anything beyond a return or exchange.

You ordered it online. You had it shipped to a nearby store. I can return it here, or exchange it, but that's it. You're going to have to call the 800 number for online order support....sure, I'll listen a fourth time.
What were they wanting?
Sounds like they wanted the online order fairy to magically change it to a different product that is also online only.
What were they wanting?

The product. Lol.
But she wasn't happy with the quality of what she received in her order. Which is absolutely legit and understandable. The quality, and/or state some online orders arrive in is jaw-dropping.
She called during a lull a few nights ago.
She bought us out of something. Made a special trip to another store and bought one more. Got that one home and realized it had been washed and shrunk. So, she made that trip again, returned that one, decided the others in that store were also washed... drove home, and ordered one from online. When that one arrived there was no receipt with it, and, you guessed it, it had been washed and shrunk. Per her, the packaging of ours was different from the one she bought at the other store, and the one she ordered online. I'm sure she's probably not wrong. Picture is the same, just no plastic wrap or whatever is around one that hasn't been opened yet.
I told her we could exchange it, or return it for a refund, and she told me we were out of stock, and no one knew when we were getting more in, and that she didn't get a receipt with it... because she spoke to someone (????? When? I don't know...) and they said she'd get a receipt after everything "processed." (????? Do we need a sacrifice a chicken to get receipts with orders now?) I tried to tell her the receipt would probably be emailed to her ... and she cut me off mid sentence and went into the story again.

I think she ordered a "ship from store" ... because she's adamant that it was packaged identical to the ones at the other store.
Edit: and that other store was defaulted as her Store, for whatever reason.

Each time she told me something new, I asked her to verify something, or determined something, she would tell me the story all over again. I don't know how many times we went through it.

So, I gave her the online order support 800 number. They'll be able to tell her what went wrong, and how to fix it. They'll have order history, receipts, DPCI (which she wouldn't give me when I asked for it, she would just launch into the story again), everything she'll need to get it handled.
If you mean clothing, I have a very hard time believing that every item was washed and shrunk. If it was clothing, she just got bigger.
I doubt any of it was washed & shrunk, but it could very well have been from a different manufacturer or different batch.
TTOG: You can dead-lift 350 pounds? Great. Dude. Stop looking me up and down.
Oh. Magnum condoms don't fit you? That's nice... please take a step back away from me.
You have millions of dollars? Why do you shop at target? Go away please.
If I was your girlfriend I wouldn't be allowed to have a job because you're a possessive guy and you would want me all to yourself? Creepy. Well you were creepy from the start, but, that's creepy.
You usually shop at YOUR costco which is in the snooty, I mean rich, part of town, but you were in the area? That's nice.
You own a successful business? So do drug dealers that haven't been caught yet. No motherf***er I don't want your business card. Yup, that's going in the garbage. Where's my hand sanitizer?
No I haven't seen you around.
You've seen me? Oh? Where? Oh, it doesn't matter?... Just matters you've never seen me out with a man?
Bro I work, run and sleep. That's my life. I haven't been out in months. I'm a recluse like that. Plus, I don't really run with your.. crowd.
You keep mentioning "your costco" ... yea the one that sells bottles of Dom, and Dom Rose. I'm aware. I've been there before. It's kind of a shitty Costco. Mine is cleaner, bigger, and friendlier. Like a lot of guys I could go to dinner with right now if I called any one of them up. (Ring a ling ding... judge me. Lol.)

No. I won't go to dinner with you.
My best friend can bench your maximum deadlift, and he saw more combat in Afghanistan than anyone else I know. Hes a very angry man that will pick up the phone no matter what time it is, and doesn't let me date. Let alone socialize with creepy losers. He's like a big brother... but I can think he's hot and it's not gross.

Oh, hey, this is our AP. He doesn't like creepy dudes. You're a creepy dude.

The product. Lol.
But she wasn't happy with the quality of what she received in her order. Which is absolutely legit and understandable. The quality, and/or state some online orders arrive in is jaw-dropping.
She called during a lull a few nights ago.
She bought us out of something. Made a special trip to another store and bought one more. Got that one home and realized it had been washed and shrunk. So, she made that trip again, returned that one, decided the others in that store were also washed... drove home, and ordered one from online. When that one arrived there was no receipt with it, and, you guessed it, it had been washed and shrunk. Per her, the packaging of ours was different from the one she bought at the other store, and the one she ordered online. I'm sure she's probably not wrong. Picture is the same, just no plastic wrap or whatever is around one that hasn't been opened yet.
I told her we could exchange it, or return it for a refund, and she told me we were out of stock, and no one knew when we were getting more in, and that she didn't get a receipt with it... because she spoke to someone (????? When? I don't know...) and they said she'd get a receipt after everything "processed." (????? Do we need a sacrifice a chicken to get receipts with orders now?) I tried to tell her the receipt would probably be emailed to her ... and she cut me off mid sentence and went into the story again.

I think she ordered a "ship from store" ... because she's adamant that it was packaged identical to the ones at the other store.
Edit: and that other store was defaulted as her Store, for whatever reason.

Each time she told me something new, I asked her to verify something, or determined something, she would tell me the story all over again. I don't know how many times we went through it.

So, I gave her the online order support 800 number. They'll be able to tell her what went wrong, and how to fix it. They'll have order history, receipts, DPCI (which she wouldn't give me when I asked for it, she would just launch into the story again), everything she'll need to get it handled.

Even if there is a receipt included it doesn't mean that barcode will work. Had two receipts that did not work for me yesterday.
To that one guest:

No Ma'am, I cannot look up how much you have on your prepaid gift card, you'll have to either call the number I can give you or find the balance online.
Oh, you don't want to do it yourself you want me to do it? Well I don't have any other guests right now so let me help you (I'm good that way).
Yes I know it's taking a while to do this, it's an automated system and I'm trying to listen to you and type in these numbers at the same time. Oh sorry, I hit the wrong button. Let me start over.
Okay the balances on these cards are this and this. Oh you already had that written down but you wanted to be sure? Well thank you for wasting my time, it's not like I have a million other things I can be doing instead.
Yes Ma'am, I know it's a long process. Yes Ma'am I know it's inconvenient. No Ma'am, I cannot change the way the cards are handled. No Ma'am, I have no say when it comes to corporate decisions. Sorry Ma'am that I ruined your day. I sincerely apologize for that. Have a nice day!
TTOG: No, I’m sorry, I can’t come help you find that item, I’m the only one on the pharmacy right now.....I’m sorry you’re “in a hurry,” but I can’t leave the pharmacy...It should be down that aisle, on the left side, about half way, the other side....yes, right there....the bottom, I don’t know if there are more in the back, you’ll have to ask a Target team, I’m not a Target team member, I’m a CVS, I’m sorry, I can’t call someone over.....I’m sorry that box is all banged up, but you’ll have to find a target employee....yes, I realize you’re in a hurry, but I really can’t help you....sorry, I have to answer the phone....
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