"I was told to come over here because I don't have a PIN"
"What card were you trying to use?"
"My Redcard" -- It's the credit one.
"Okay so you're going to have to either call the number on the card or jump online and reset your PIN."
"But I never chose a PIN."
"When you applied for your Redcard you would have chosen a PIN."
"It didn't ask me for a PIN."
"Did you apply in store or online? How long ago did you apply."
"In store, about a month ago."
"When you applied, you would have chosen a PIN. It would have been the screen right before you signed."
"But I didn't have the card at the time."
"I know, you were applying for it at the time. It would have asked you for a phone number, an email, social security number, and your license."
"Can't you just look it up?"
"I'm sorry Ma'am, we don't keep any information on our Redcards, it's for your security."
"Well then I probably won't use the card again because I don't like that."
The lady actually smiled at me when she said that last line. Well then if you don't like the card, then don't use it. It's not my fault you don't know how to remember your PIN, and you're too lazy to call the number on the card and reset it.