TTOG: You ma'am, are a Godsend
Guest comes up to the counter with an online order to return. Guest hands me the packing slip. "I want you to read what's on that packing slip, and I want to see your reaction when I show you what I got." Packing slip has a Brita pitcher, two water filter replacements, and a rug. Guest hands me the box. The box has sandwich bags, Kind bars, and two packs of snacks of some kind. I look at the packing slip, look in the box, look at the name printed on the packing slip, then the name on the box. Guest said she had the same reaction as me. I process the items as wrong item when doing the return, have a TM bring up the two items we had in store, and place an order for the filter replacements we did not have via Mygo. The guest could have been extremely upset about it considering it was a birthday gift, but she had a good laugh about it with me instead. She was our highlight of the day.