To that one guest

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To that one guest who came up to me while I was stocking the hand soap - why would you ask me if I could fill your prescription? Do I look like the pharmacy? And as dirty, sweaty and filthy as I was yesterday thanks to the 100+ degree backroom and lack of bodies, why would you want me to?
To that one guest who came up to me while I was stocking the hand soap - why would you ask me if I could fill your prescription? Do I look like the pharmacy? And as dirty, sweaty and filthy as I was yesterday thanks to the 100+ degree backroom and lack of bodies, why would you want me to?

I wish I'd heard that. That would've given me a laugh.😛ardon:
To that middle aged customer that ripped apart the facial tissue wall, b***hed at me because they were only "girly colors", then made fun of me while yelling at your wife about something else over the phone - you owe me a new step stool.
Stop taking the bags off my holders when they aren't full and I still have an item or two to stick in. Otherwise I end up with a random item that has to to in its own bag for no good reason except that you pulled the bags into your cart before I was done filling them up. Unless, of course, you don't want all your cold items together in this heat....
Stop taking the bags off my holders when they aren't full and I still have an item or two to stick in. Otherwise I end up with a random item that has to to in its own bag for no good reason except that you pulled the bags into your cart before I was done filling them up. Unless, of course, you don't want all your cold items together in this heat....

I HATE when guests do that. Or when they just take a bag. I try to keep the arms closed for the easily reachable bags so they can't take them. Until I need a small or large bag...
To that one guest who came up to me while I was stocking the hand soap - why would you ask me if I could fill your prescription? Do I look like the pharmacy? And as dirty, sweaty and filthy as I was yesterday thanks to the 100+ degree backroom and lack of bodies, why would you want me to?

On a side note we had to have a HVAC tech come out today, as one of our units was blowing hot air. It got up to 96 degrees today here.
Actual conversation

Me: hi, do you have a Target Redcard?
Guest: no.
Me: would you like to sign up for one and...
(watches guest swipe Redcard)
Me: Ok, then.
Actual conversation

Me: hi, do you have a Target Redcard?
Guest: no.
Me: would you like to sign up for one and...
(watches guest swipe Redcard)
Me: Ok, then.

They must be the opposite-world version of the guest who'll say they do have a RedCard when you read the prompt, but they really don't!
Isn't that the truth! I love how a guest will quibble over a 50 cent coupon, but then tell me they have a Redcard, but don't want to use it. Really?
I ought to try that with larger purchases. I just hate to be pushy. My LOD was telling me that they would love to get our usage rate above 1/6. Maybe when it cools down and people aren't quite so on edge.
Yeah, you definitely don't want to come off as pushy. I usually only use lines like that if I think the guest will appreciate it. You have to feel it out.
If I've seen them pull out a debit card (& they don't have a check), I get 'em to go for the redcard then use their debit to pay it off immediately at SD.
If I've seen them pull out a debit card (& they don't have a check), I get 'em to go for the redcard then use their debit to pay it off immediately at SD.
Or paid cash on redcard at GS after purchases made. 5% off & credit card slip. If they the lost the slip, easy find on returns.
To that guest who threw a fit at our other tech and our pharmacist because the tech verified the guest's address by asking "On X Street, right?" instead of "What's your address?": Calm down. Nobody heard your address, and there isn't some other lady out there with the same name trying to steal your meds. And even if we did live in some bizarro-world where people got their kicks by fraudulently picking up someone else's atenolol, we have ways of finding out who picked it up. me crazy, but if someone was going to steal her identity, the tech giving ONLY the street name would be LESS information than the guest answering the question with her ENTIRE address, wouldn't it???

To the 2 guests last week that were "pill shopping"....glad we busted you, but even MORE happy that I wasn't working when you came in 😉 (sorry to the techs that had to deal with you, though)... me crazy, but if someone was going to steal her identity, the tech giving ONLY the street name would be LESS information than the guest answering the question with her ENTIRE address, wouldn't it???.

Basically, yeah. And no other guests or TMs were around to hear it anyway, so we could've recited her Social Security Number and she still would've been safe. She was just pissy to be pissy. We need to verify addresses to make sure we have the right person, so that Susan Johnson doesn't get Susan Johnston's meds (just pulled those names from the top of my head, so no HIPAA violations. :good: ) We have several pairs of unrelated people with similar or identical names. Most of them appreciate that we verify their address or date of birth, because nobody wants a mix-up.
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To the woman that comes in and smiles at me and steals all the time. Give me two-three weeks after training is done. We're gonna catch that ass soon as I put the APTL on game...
Some reason she always appears when hes not here.

I had 2 guests who would steal from spot too. I told ap what I had seen & when they came by. The mistake they made was, they went by pharmacy to get their drugs refills. Ap got a picture & shown to the pharmacy team for the name of the guest. Bingo!
Don't mess with pharmacy, they know names, drugs, etc. I bow to them, plus I help them too.
Had a guest today who almost made me risk my job to tell them to f*ck off. I was coaching my PA on his terrible close last night. I stood a foot or so back from the meat cooler and pointed at the ground beef that was not couponed. The guest was looking at the meat and apparently thought he was blocking us so he stepped aside and said "sorry Ill move" to which I replied "No your fine". I kept on coaching and proceeded to point to the chicken that was out of date and wasnt pulled which was where this guy was now standing. He belted out of nowhere "JESUS CHRIST ILL GET OF YOUR WAY!" I stopped and just looked at him like wtf is this guys deal? He went on a rant about how rude I was and how hes the "customer". I told him "No you were fine I was just pointing some things out" and his reply was "Yeah I know im fine YOU'RE NOT!" Since our LOD at the time is the most dont-give-a-f*ck ETL we have I seriously considered putting that a**hole in his place but figured worst-case-scenario it wasnt worth going without a paycheck. Wish there was a way to find out where these people work and go return the favor.
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Had a guest today who almost made me risk my job to tell them to f*ck off. I was coaching my CA on his terrible close last night. I stood a foot or so back from the meat cooler and pointed at the ground beef that was not couponed. The guest was looking at the meat and apparently thought he was blocking us so he stepped aside and said "sorry Ill move" to which I replied "No your fine". I kept on coaching and proceeded to point to the chicken that was out of date and wasnt pulled which was where this guy was now standing. He belted out of nowhere "JESUS CHRIST ILL GET OF YOUR WAY!" I stopped and just looked at him like wtf is this guys deal? He went on a rant about how rude I was and how hes the "customer". I told him "No you were fine I was just pointing some things out" and his reply was "Yeah I know im fine YOU'RE NOT!" Since our LOD at the time is the most dont-give-a-f*ck ETL we have I seriously considered putting that a**hole in his place but figured worst-case-scenario it wasnt worth going without a paycheck. Wish there was a way to find out where these people work and go return the favor.
You were coaching a ca on the floor? Off stage, next time. Or do you mean pa?
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