To that one guest

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To that one guest who not only returned a pair of shoes he bought that were too tight, but also attempted to claim that they were the reason that his toenails turned black and blue (ewww gross). He tried to tell the LOD that we should reimburse him for the 2 days of work he missed! Get real, buddy. If the shoes were that tight, why didn't you TAKE THEM OFF, dumba$&?!
to those guests who come in a half hour before the store closes to try on 12+ pieces of clothing- WHY? what beach/pool party starts at midnight that you need to have a swimsuit right then and there? And really? to the ones who came in've known about your events for weeks...getting the swimsuits the night before is ridiculous!!
To the guest who brought in the post date CII Rx...NO, we DON'T "fill these early ALL THE TIME" because it's ILLEGAL!!! I OBVIOUSLY have a better memory than you because you were a PITA LAST month!!! (although, it wasn't an Rx date issue last month, you just wanted it 10 days early)! If you're THAT worried about your meds, maybe you shouldn't wait until the day you run out to get your refill!!! Oh, and btw, you shouldn't be running out anyway since you got the last 30-day supply on 6/19!
I don't care if the Target down the road will take your expired coupons. We will not. But you did amuse the LOD who was standing behind me as we kept playing coupon shuffle since you were apparently hoping I would suddenly lose my ability to remember the date.
To the guest who flipped out over the fact that her Rx wasn't ready when she came to pick it up: sorry, it's not OUR fault your doctor's handwriting is worse than a kindergartner and the office staff can't even decipher it. No, we CAN'T just take the directions off "an old prescription" because it's changed EVERY TIME she's written the prescription and we have to verify what is scribbled on the Rx. And NO, your "I saw her last month sometime, just make up a date" won't work for the date of the Rx, either"....I told you when you dropped it off, we'd probably have to call and verify what was written because I couldn't tell. AND NO, THEY DIDN'T SAY WHEN THEY WERE CALLING BACK!!!!!!!! I don't care if "you've been up since 6 a.m. and don't have time to wait and really would like to go home", I've been up since 6 as well and am tired of listening to people like you b!tch and moan over a Rx for something COSMETIC!!!!
Fair waring to people with weak stomachs you may not want to read further.

To the guest that vomited in a snack bowl from the salesfloor and then left it on the top shelf without saying anything @#*# you! One of our TMs was unlucky enough to have it spill on him while zoning. Lucky he had street clothes to change into and our LOD gave him a free new red polo from those prized you get for great team cards.
To the guest that vomited in a snack bowl from the salesfloor and then left it on the top shelf without saying anything @#*# you! One of our TMs was unlucky enough to have it spill on him while zoning. Lucky he had street clothes to change into and our LOD gave him a free new red polo from those prized you get for great team cards.
There's a special place in h3ll for them.....
A little note to guests ...
look down every once in a while, preferable at the yellow pop up that says wet floor and the huge pile of enviro-absorb that we're trying to sweep up.
That way you won't be tracking the damn stuff all over the store.
The big eyes and 'I'm really sorry' kinda doesn't cut it since this is the second time you pushed your cart through the pile when we tried to block you off.
A little note to guests ...
look down every once in a while, preferable at the yellow pop up that says wet floor and the huge pile of enviro-absorb that we're trying to sweep up.
That way you won't be tracking the damn stuff all over the store.
The big eyes and 'I'm really sorry' kinda doesn't cut it since this is the second time you pushed your cart through the pile when we tried to block you off.

I had a guest throw up all over the front end of the store. I put multiple wet floor signs up and even placed carts around the mess while I went to get the cleaning cart and some guests STILL managed to walk through it. Then my ETL-HR actually tried to b*tch me out for it.
To the guest that vomited in a snack bowl from the salesfloor and then left it on the top shelf without saying anything @#*# you! One of our TMs was unlucky enough to have it spill on him while zoning. Lucky he had street clothes to change into and our LOD gave him a free new red polo from those prized you get for great team cards.

Did AP try to find it on camera? Seems like they could trespass the person, at the very least.
To the one guest who goes into Dollar Spot and eats ONE truffle from the three truffle box than REPLACES it. You're an ass...

To any guest who refuses to put clothes on the conveyor belt because it 'looks dirty'.. no... I just cleaned it...

To the guest who says 'I want to see your manager! Ima get you fired!' because I wouldn't return her item since it was passed 90 days, LEARN TO READ! We have rules and no I won't get fired for following them. Kindly screw off.
Here are just a few things I've seen:

To that one guest who spit tobacco into a bottle, and left it on the shelf: Ick.

To each guest who refuses to empty their hand basket onto the belt: How dare YOU! My shoulder hurts after an 8 hour shift of doing this.

And also to each guest who refuses to put carts in the corrals: *sigh* This is why I hate working at Target. It's not fun running from one end of the parking lot to the other in 100+ degree heat >.<

To the guest who comes in 5 to closing, and leaves 15 after: GO HOME! I need to catch the train >.>

To the guests who think they can get away with massive coupon fraud: HAH! I know who you are! I make sure to waste as much of your time as possible.

Finally, To the guest that freaks out that it's their items, not the person in front of them: For crying out loud: I ALREADY FINISHED RINGING THEM UP! GET OFF YOUR PHONE!

I thought this only happend to me.
Nope, Happens to me too, every day. >.<

Ok, Im done for now. 🙂
to the guest who puked in the fitting room and didn't tell me....geez louise is it really that hard to say "sorry, you will want to clean that up."? (this was on top of the tm doing the same thing into my garbage can tonight.

to that guest who took offense when I said "careful with that" to you putting your drink in your purse...I didn't want you to have that lovely blue liquid all over your fake chanel....wasn't implying you stole it from us.

to the nutter jobs who have been back at the fitting room the last few shifts...ay yi yi!!
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