To that one guest

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That, or early on a Saturday morning, everyone wants $40 back in cash. It's bad enough when I get a bunch of guests doing it, but when the early TMs going on break do it? I really want to smack someone.

Just a question....what do the lanes start out with in the morning? Is it the same as pharmacy? (I think) We get 1-$20, 3-$10, 5-$5, 50-$1.
I was the irritate customer yesterday when I was checking under the hood of my wife's car for a burning smell to only find that the oil cap was left off 3 days prior when we took it to Walmart for an oil change. I called the store and only got the shift manager and gave her a lashing of frustrated customer feedback.

I loved the lines she gave me, "We at Walmart want to make you 'the customer' happy and want to rectify the situation with you" then shift manager told me "Just to let you know our Tire & Lube technicians are not licensed mechanics but are certified by Walmart through company training..." That really made me have a comfortable warm and fuzzy feeling...<insert sarcastic laugh>

Really how could someone forget to but the oil cap on.

I went to WalMart ONCE to get my oil changed, only to find out that they never actually CHANGED THE OIL (or at least not the filter)!!! When I went back to the dealer (because I would get coupons periodically for free oil changes), they asked me when I had gotten the oil changed last and I told them when it was and they said "Hmmm, that's interesting because you have a *brand* oil filter and they can't get these at WalMart and your oil is FILTHY". I had them put it in writing and wrote a letter to WalMart corporate and they sent me back an apology letter with a coupon for a free oil change ::huh:
I went to WalMart ONCE to get my oil changed, only to find out that they never actually CHANGED THE OIL (or at least not the filter)!!! When I went back to the dealer (because I would get coupons periodically for free oil changes), they asked me when I had gotten the oil changed last and I told them when it was and they said "Hmmm, that's interesting because you have a *brand* oil filter and they can't get these at WalMart and your oil is FILTHY". I had them put it in writing and wrote a letter to WalMart corporate and they sent me back an apology letter with a coupon for a free oil change ::huh:

I'm sure you're going to run right out and use that.
Just a question....what do the lanes start out with in the morning? Is it the same as pharmacy? (I think) We get 1-$20, 3-$10, 5-$5, 50-$1.

Sounds like what I start with when I open. And the 20 and 10s disappear quickly because there's always that guest that only has a 100 or wants cash back.

that's correct. 150. The only registers in our store that gets more is guest service.

Doesn't that add up to $125?
To that one guest who spent an HOUR filling out an application at the kiosk and complaining about it the entire time. If you have a problem with the application, you are going to hate working for Spot when you can't have your way on every little thing. With your attitude and inability to problem solve on an application (which of course no one else saw but me), I really hope your application either goes to the bottom of the pile, or you and I never cross work center paths.
To that one guest who spent an HOUR filling out an application at the kiosk and complaining about it the entire time. If you have a problem with the application, you are going to hate working for Spot when you can't have your way on every little thing. With your attitude and inability to problem solve on an application (which of course no one else saw but me), I really hope your application either goes to the bottom of the pile, or you and I never cross work center paths.

I get the numb nuts who call back to the fitting room when there is a TM at guest services, and they ask me how to fill out the application. My answer is, "I am sorry I can not see the screen but if you ask the Team Member right at guest services I am sure they can help." Then I hang up and pray they never get a call to interview at our store. (Though I am pretty sure I have trained a couple of them)
Our operator is the Guest services tm. So even once she figured out she was calling me not five feet away, she still used the phone.
I'm pretty sure that's standard at every store. The only variance I've seen is the change fund (015) & guest service registers, which are banked heavier because of returns.
How many remember 016?
It's 1-$20, 3-$10s, 10-$5s & 50-$1s = $150.

i wish that was the case at my petrol station.... here you end up with $100 as starting funds. if the person on the drawer had a vendetta against you, then you could be easily left with one single dollar bill.
I'll have to double check, but I'm fairly sure we don't get 10-$5s...

Afaik best practice is $150 per register for all target stores, except for service desk which varies from store to store i believe.

@RED: What was 016? Change fund for service desk?
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Back in the day, 015 was CURRENCY change fund & 016 was COIN change fund. I'd just started cash office when the 2 were merged.
Did anyone's store have a robbery fund (to the old-timers)?
Back in the day, 015 was CURRENCY change fund & 016 was COIN change fund. I'd just started cash off when the 2 were merged.
Did anyone's store have a robbery fund (to the old-timers)?

My (first) store had a robbery fund.. Basically a few hundreds and some $1 & $10 bills in between them.
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whats the purpose of a robbery fund..? money to give out if you're robbed? lol.
whats the purpose of a robbery fund..? money to give out if you're robbed? lol.

That's EXACTLY what it was intended for. It was usually a brick of ones (about $1000) wrapped with larger bills ($50s or $100s) in a deposit bag locked in a drawer near photo/SD.
I don't know of any stores in the area that ever had to give it out, tho, so they discontinued it & we sent the large bills to the bank. Didn't have to order $1s for quite a while...
Guess I don't understand why we wouldnt just give them whats in the register drawers... I'd rather not screw over someone trying to rob me lol.

Maybe thats why it was discontinued, idk.
That's EXACTLY what it was intended for. It was usually a brick of ones (about $1000) wrapped with larger bills ($50s or $100s) in a deposit bag locked in a drawer near photo/SD.
I don't know of any stores in the area that ever had to give it out, tho, so they discontinued it & we sent the large bills to the bank. Didn't have to order $1s for quite a while...

I feel bad for anyone that fell for that. Just think, you risked felony charges for a bunch of ones from Target, lol.
Guess I don't understand why we wouldnt just give them whats in the register drawers... I'd rather not screw over someone trying to rob me lol.

Because, hopefully they'll be worrying about leaving and thinking they just took today's store deposit.

Just imagine, if they were to get into the real Cash Office..
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