To that one guest

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Well, any one dumb enough to rob TARGET?
Go for Nordstrom's instead.

Red, I work there now.

Please don't give anyone ideas...

Edit, I can tell you more of our Customers Guests uses Credit/Debit cards.. we get very little cash.
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Guess I don't understand why we wouldnt just give them whats in the register drawers... I'd rather not screw over someone trying to rob me lol.

Maybe thats why it was discontinued, idk.

I've been afraid at previous jobs where I worked a register that if I got robbed, the person would be suspicious that I was holding out on some of the money, and shoot me anyway! Unless they rob me on a new till at Spot, I don't worry about that too much.
To that one Spanish-speaking guest: Had your friend not corrected you in English after you said "gracias," I probably would've responded with "de nada." So thanks for speaking the language I studied for 5.25 years in school. 😀
I've been afraid at previous jobs where I worked a register that if I got robbed, the person would be suspicious that I was holding out on some of the money, and shoot me anyway!

I work at a gas station now. I face that every time I am on the clock.
To that one guest who said that she was going to call Oprah(and that she better not support target) because we couldn't return 2 items that weren't in the system anymore(i.d. return)..good luck with that..
We have a guest at out Target who always puts $1 of every purchase on her REDcard and pays the rest on another debit card.

We try to tell her that it will only take 5 cents off but she's adamant on believing that she's cheating the system.
We have a guest at out Target who always puts $1 of every purchase on her REDcard and pays the rest on another debit card.

We try to tell her that it will only take 5 cents off but she's adamant on believing that she's cheating the system.

Apparently she's not looking at her savings for the trip. Oy.
We have a guest at out Target who always puts $1 of every purchase on her REDcard and pays the rest on another debit card.

We try to tell her that it will only take 5 cents off but she's adamant on believing that she's cheating the system.

We have people who do this in the pharmacy, but they'll do it with their RED DEBIT card and put the rest on their REGULAR Debit card (some even proceed to write BOTH transactions down immediately in their checkbook)??? I mean, I understand that they use the RED card for the RxRewards points (they don't get a discount unless they buy something else and they can link ANY credit/debit card to their RxRewards acct.), but I'll ask if they get points for the debit purchase and they say "no, I can just keep track of it better"??? Yes, we have some "winners" in pharmacy...
To that one guest... For the love of all that is good, call the store before you drive 75+ miles for something on a registry just because the person made/started the registry at our store! Also? Print out the actual registry pages, the ones that have the aisle and DPCI... it will tell you if we carry it at all! :dash1:
To that one guest... For the love of all that is good, call the store before you drive 75+ miles for something on a registry just because the person made/started the registry at our store! Also? Print out the actual registry pages, the ones that have the aisle and DPCI... it will tell you if we carry it at all! :dash1:

To that one guest who asked for the LOD because, "On Target.Com, it said this item was available in Target stores. You don't have it. I demand that you order it for me and have it shipped to my home today."

Coming right up, ma'am. Just give me your credit card number, checking account number, social security number, and date of birth so that my Uncle in Nigeria can have it shipped for you, mkay?
To that one guest who shouted profanities because we didn't have any electric carts available: Seriously, cool your ****ing jets. You need the exercise anyways.

Tell him to talk to the guests that keep on insisting on leaving them outside where for some strange reason they don't get recharged:\
Watched an older lady driving one of those carts with her small grandson hanging on the side, until she went too sharp around a corner & knocked him off.
Yeh, it's not nice to laugh while a little kid is crying but I couldn't help myself.
I'd love to hear the explanation she gives his mother.
To that one guest who asked for the LOD because, "On Target.Com, it said this item was available in Target stores. You don't have it. I demand that you order it for me and have it shipped to my home today."

Coming right up, ma'am. Just give me your credit card number, checking account number, social security number, and date of birth so that my Uncle in Nigeria can have it shipped for you, mkay?

"Alright sir, don't be surprised if you see a 25 thousand dollar cash advance and two plane tickets to cancun for me and my future wife"
We have Geek Squad in our electronics department, and an older guest walked up to the boat with a TV delivery plan in hand, and I asked:
"Can I help you?"
Him: "I bought a TV in here...*mumbles* *mumbles*"
Me, recognizing him as buying a delivery plan yesterday, "Oh this was yesterday?"
Him: "Yes yesterday. That's what I just said."
Me: "Oh I'm sorry. What is your question?"
Him: "Do you just like to repeat what everyone says?"
Me, thinking he was just giving me a hard time: "Apparently!"
Him: "Does it make it easier for you to understand me by repeating everything I just said?"
Me, giving him this stare of death: "What's your question."

After he said a few words I turned to our Geek Squad agent and said, here you go, and walked away. I wanted to punch that old dude in the face. It was a good thing I went for a walk.
We have Geek Squad in our electronics department, and an older guest walked up to the boat with a TV delivery plan in hand, and I asked:
"Can I help you?"
Him: "I bought a TV in here...*mumbles* *mumbles*"
Me, recognizing him as buying a delivery plan yesterday, "Oh this was yesterday?"
Him: "Yes yesterday. That's what I just said."
Me: "Oh I'm sorry. What is your question?"
Him: "Do you just like to repeat what everyone says?"
Me, thinking he was just giving me a hard time: "Apparently!"
Him: "Does it make it easier for you to understand me by repeating everything I just said?"
Me, giving him this stare of death: "What's your question."

After he said a few words I turned to our Geek Squad agent and said, here you go, and walked away. I wanted to punch that old dude in the face. It was a good thing I went for a walk.

Lod, channel 4!
to the guest that was giving me **** because i was off the clock... F*** you! you really think complaining to the ETL will do S***? go for it dumbass, it just makes you look retarded
to all of those guests...yes even you annoying little pipsqueak....thank you!! Thank you for asking questions and having things I could fix, it made my first day back after a week (2 days off given by my STL by taking away those hours, 1 day because of Sandy) bearable as I try and find a different job.
To all of those guests returning the Halloween candy you didn't use: I hate you. First, Spot gives you the money back, but doesn't get any money back on it since all we can do is toss it out. So all you are doing is helping to eventually raise prices. Second, they can only put so much in the TSC before the TMs run screaming the other way when they see, the vast majority of it will be tossed into the dumpster. What an incredible waste of food. I hope next year Spot does the same thing with bulk candy that they did with the Halloween costumes/accessories: after 10/31, it's your problem.

To that guest with the unused Halloween costume you cannot return. No, I don't know what you're supposed to do with it. It's yours to what you want with it.
To all of those guests returning the Halloween candy you didn't use: I hate you. First, Spot gives you the money back, but doesn't get any money back on it since all we can do is toss it out. So all you are doing is helping to eventually raise prices. Second, they can only put so much in the TSC before the TMs run screaming the other way when they see, the vast majority of it will be tossed into the dumpster. What an incredible waste of food. I hope next year Spot does the same thing with bulk candy that they did with the Halloween costumes/accessories: after 10/31, it's your problem.

To that guest with the unused Halloween costume you cannot return. No, I don't know what you're supposed to do with it. It's yours to what you want with it.

I thought that too but there was a memo saying otherwise or an urgent news. They were talking about it at guest service when i was sorting out my reshop i found while zoning market tonight.
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