To that one guest

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To the guest who decided she was going to be unreasonably mean from the get-go: I feel bad that you are so unhappy with your life that you need to make everyone around you feel like crap. It is a well known fact that you cannot use one coupon on two separate items and yet you were so outraged with what I and my GSTL told you that you ripped/stole the coupon out of one of our front end weekly ads and demanded I use that because you couldn't wait for my "manager's supervisor" you requested during the hissy fit you were throwing. Get over yourself.
To ALL guests coming in to buy toys...please actually know what the hell the name of the toy is that you're looking for. Just because your friend got it here doesn't mean I know what it is! I am not a mind reader!

Whip out the personal device on & find it there.
to that one guest who made my day.

I'm sorry that it took 40 minutes to do your return today. I knew that it was frustrating but you were so nice and you made it worth all the time we spent trying to make the situation right for you. Your attitude was the reason we went well out of our way to get things worked out.
I appreciate you taking the time to call the guest relations number and tell them how wonderful our store is! I also appreciate you asking me to call up the STL so you could personally tell him how nice and understanding the whole guest service team was. Guests like you are the reason i love working in retail!
I appreciate you applying for a Redcard, I really do. But since your address was wrong on your ID, I keyed in what you told me. Then you approved it on the screen as being correct. Then after it's all said and done, you ask me if I keyed in your address, with an entirely different building number and apartment number?! Argh! If you didn't understand I wanted YOUR address when I asked, it should have been obvious when it asked you (in Spanish) to verify it was correct.

I'm so glad my GSA was standing right there by that point and able to translate and explain to you the best thing to do.
To ALL guests coming in to buy toys...please actually know what the hell the name of the toy is that you're looking for. Just because your friend got it here doesn't mean I know what it is! I am not a mind reader!

But what if they do know???

They know so much they know the specific model of toy they are looking for, which you can't search for because it is all under the same DPCI. And which you are not going to find because a collector came in when you opened and cleaned you out of all the "rare" toys and won't return them until the 89th day of their receipt because they couldn't get them to sell!
But what if they do know???

They know so much they know the specific model of toy they are looking for, which you can't search for because it is all under the same DPCI. And which you are not going to find because a collector came in when you opened and cleaned you out of all the "rare" toys and won't return them until the 89th day of their receipt because they couldn't get them to sell!

I don't deal with the collector dudes..we all know who they are and stay away!
To that one guest on the phone....let me set the stage for you. At one GS register, I am entertaining a guest who is trying to return part of his purchase of high value electronics from two different stores earlier in the day (with the rest he tried to take to a different store later), while AP discusses the situation with a SrTL and tries to figure out how to handle it. At another GS register, I am also waiting for AP to return so he can get a decent lock on the women trying to exchange about 6 cans of formula for a different kind without a receipt. At the other register, I am helping the guests who aren't trying to scam us. I also have some idiot who is trying to do prank phone calls, but doing a poor job of fact, he keeps hanging up on me when I don't give him the response he's looking for. the middle of all of this, you call to inform me that I need to inform our cashiers that they need to be more careful about deactivating electronics?! You tell me you just bought an MP3 player at our store, walked into the store next door, and on the way out, set off their alarms and almost got you in major trouble because the daughter had it in her purse? And then you can't figure out why I wasn't convinced this was a huge tragedy? Well, here's why....

1) If you bought the MP3 player with us, and set off our alarms, you obviously didn't care enough to have someone deactivate it then, knowing you would be going into another store.
2) If this is all true, all you would have had to do was show them the MP3 player, walk through the alarm detectors without it, and then when it was clear, you would have been on your way.
3) But really, if you set off their alarms because of it going out of their store, you should have set off their alarms going INTO the store, and that would have been the clue right there that something was amiss.

But I suspect that you likely didn't set off our alarms going out or theirs going in. So you may want to double check with your daughter to see if she didn't try taking something.

So no....I with everything else I had going on, I was more amused than concerned. Deal with it.
To that one guest on the phone....let me set the stage for you. At one GS register, I am entertaining a guest who is trying to return part of his purchase of high value electronics from two different stores earlier in the day (with the rest he tried to take to a different store later), while AP discusses the situation with a SrTL and tries to figure out how to handle it. At another GS register, I am also waiting for AP to return so he can get a decent lock on the women trying to exchange about 6 cans of formula for a different kind without a receipt. At the other register, I am helping the guests who aren't trying to scam us. I also have some idiot who is trying to do prank phone calls, but doing a poor job of fact, he keeps hanging up on me when I don't give him the response he's looking for. the middle of all of this, you call to inform me that I need to inform our cashiers that they need to be more careful about deactivating electronics?! You tell me you just bought an MP3 player at our store, walked into the store next door, and on the way out, set off their alarms and almost got you in major trouble because the daughter had it in her purse? And then you can't figure out why I wasn't convinced this was a huge tragedy? Well, here's why....

1) If you bought the MP3 player with us, and set off our alarms, you obviously didn't care enough to have someone deactivate it then, knowing you would be going into another store.
2) If this is all true, all you would have had to do was show them the MP3 player, walk through the alarm detectors without it, and then when it was clear, you would have been on your way.
3) But really, if you set off their alarms because of it going out of their store, you should have set off their alarms going INTO the store, and that would have been the clue right there that something was amiss.

But I suspect that you likely didn't set off our alarms going out or theirs going in. So you may want to double check with your daughter to see if she didn't try taking something.

So no....I with everything else I had going on, I was more amused than concerned. Deal with it.

The manager at Musicland/Sam Goody used to come and complain, because we did not deactivate our security tickets on items. I tried to explain to her that we did, but because many items come with different type of security tickets (some electronic and some magnetic) and as her store used the later that is why her alarms were going off.
To the guest who unplugged one of the Christmas displays, took a clearance tag from someplace else and dragged it over to the vacuum wall to show me insisting that there had been "no one to help you between here and there".
You are full of it.
I'm sure you hoped that you would find someone who didn't know anything about it and would just sell it to you.
Lucky for us you grabbed exactly the wrong person.
To the guest who unplugged one of the Christmas displays, took a clearance tag from someplace else and dragged it over to the vacuum wall to show me insisting that there had been "no one to help you between here and there".
You are full of it.
I'm sure you hoped that you would find someone who didn't know anything about it and would just sell it to you.
Lucky for us you grabbed exactly the wrong person.

Oh, you mean you didn't VIBE it out?! XD
To the guest who unplugged one of the Christmas displays, took a clearance tag from someplace else and dragged it over to the vacuum wall to show me insisting that there had been "no one to help you between here and there".
You are full of it.
I'm sure you hoped that you would find someone who didn't know anything about it and would just sell it to you.
Lucky for us you grabbed exactly the wrong person.

Indeed, with an evil look I would say no. My etl would stare you & say no way. Then, my etlge would say, I am sorry that is not the case.
Now walk away & leave my display here. Thank you. No vibe on displays!
Too all guests that want to buy various Baby Basics displays...
How can you not understand the words "health hazard" and the fact that we can't guarantee that the strollers and car seats haven't been tampered with?! the middle of all of this, you call to inform me that I need to inform our cashiers that they need to be more careful about deactivating electronics?! You tell me you just bought an MP3 player at our store, walked into the store next door, and on the way out, set off their alarms and almost got you in major trouble because the daughter had it in her purse?

So, I actually do know a little bit about the Towers & Would like to give some insight on this..

You know that Black Pad on the GS & Electronics Boat that says "CheckPoint", well that's basically a mini magnet destroyer. You see, when companies ship us Pre-Tagged items (also know as sourcetags) they include two security tags to function with alarms @ Walmart & Target & other retailers.

Well, what happens is, when a item is swiped over that Black Pad (there also built into the grey scanners, on checklanes) a magnetic pulse destroys the circuit of the security tag, rendering it useless. However, our pads are only designed to destroy the tags for our security towers/door alarms.. and not other retailers. So, if a guest takes a item into another store, and they use that other brand of alarms, they will set off the alarms..

As far as AP/Store Concern, as long as the tags are not tripping our alarms after a legitimate purchase. We simply don't care...
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