To that one guest

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To the one guest who argued with me about the price difference between two items on a shelf, I'm not sure why you think Shampoo and Conditioner are the same thing, or why $.05 is worth arguing about.....but thanks for wasting 10 minutes of my time......

But thanks to the guest who gave me a smile when they announced the team huddle tonight, asked a group of employees walking by "Does that mean that it's our signal to start shoplifting since you'll all be at the meeting?"
To that one guest, thanks for not bringing in your daughter who wore that Halloween costume to witness you throw the costume at me. That would have been sad. And, Yes, screaming that I was a b**** who didn't know that Target accepts returns up to 90 days certainly convinced me to accept the return. Uh, no, and have a good evening, ma'am.
To that one guest, thanks for not bringing in your daughter who wore that Halloween costume to witness you throw the costume at me. That would have been sad. And, Yes, screaming that I was a b**** who didn't know that Target accepts returns up to 90 days certainly convinced me to accept the return. Uh, no, and have a good evening, ma'am.

So, when someone throws something at you, what do you do? I know you are a GSA/GSTL, so would that be a good time to call over my GSA/GSTL? I'm thinking minimum wage means I don't make enough to put up with that.
I smile sweetly and say, "This conversation is over. Have a good day." I did that when I wasn't a GSTL.

Why waste GSTL/GSA's time or any more of mine? If they persist, I call AP and have them escorted out. Life is too short, money is too scarce to put with up with BS. Of course, I have to know that I'm following policy. And we're lucky in that our GSAs/GSTLs/LODs take no BS either. Yes, they will override a TMs decision if the guest is being decent. If the guest is being an azz, then it's "This conversation is over."
Thank you. I don't want to waste anyone's time, but I don't want to be rude to a guest, either. Most guests I've had a GS are great, so I don't have much experience in the nastiness yet, so I'm asking lots of questions.

And I think the GSTL/GSAs are getting good at telling when I'm asking for something for a guest because they've been nice vs. when I'm asking for something for a guest because they are being a pain.
When I first trained at Guest Service as a TM, I was hesitant to be firm with a guest and would always call a GSA/GSTL. The more I learned about our store's policy and the more I learned how my GSA/GSTL/LOD would react to the guest's demeanor, the more confident I became in ending a conversation on my own. Experience at the Service Desk is your friend. You have a level head so I'm sure it's only a matter of time before you have the confidence in yourself and the confidence of your GSA/GSTL/LOD to make those decisions.
I appreciate your phone call. I know I'm covering electronics and normally, I do pretty well.

But when you asked me, "Has a movie like expendables 2 been released this week" - it is not very clear.

I don't know off the top of my head what's been released, but if you give me a moment I can look into it. But you chided me... Saying you wanted a movie "LIKE expendables 2, not expendables 2 released that week".

I say, I don't know. Let me check out and see what actions films we have on the release shelf. And then you tell me where the new release section is ... I gotta tell ya, I appreciate your help... I know where it's at, but I was by the fitting room helping a guest when I answered your call.

I'm sorry my suggestions did not help you figure out what to purchase, though you weren't entirely sure what you wanted to purchase. But again, I appreciate you taking out your frustration on me. Retail Monkey.

Dear future guests this evening. I have a migraine...being at service desk, I can't call out without creating chaos. This means my head wants to explode whenever I am vertical, sound really bothers me (light not so much), and the nausea is enough to make me want to throw up on someone's shoes. So please, be kind.
Dear future guests this evening. I have a migraine...being at service desk, I can't call out without creating chaos. This means my head wants to explode whenever I am vertical, sound really bothers me (light not so much), and the nausea is enough to make me want to throw up on someone's shoes. So please, be kind.
Anything with caffeine can reduce the migraine. Good luck.
I took your advice and swung by Starbucks before I started. A tall Carmel brûlée was enough to kill most of the pain and nausea. Thanks!
I took your advice and swung by Starbucks before I started. A tall Carmel brûlée was enough to kill most of the pain and nausea. Thanks!

A friend of mine saw a migraine specialist who recommended vitamin B2 and Doctor Pepper (can be any caffienated cherryish soda, I like diet Coke cherry zero). Have been using it for years with marvelous results and no expensive migraine pills!
I take a daily pill to keep them away (I would have them weekly otherwise). It's cheap enough...but if I get overly busy and don't get to the pharmacy to get a refill and skip a few days (like I did), well, then I feel consequences.
A friend of mine saw a migraine specialist who recommended vitamin B2 and Doctor Pepper (can be any caffienated cherryish soda, I like diet Coke cherry zero). Have been using it for years with marvelous results and no expensive migraine pills!

caffeine helps most people but there are a few it has the opposite effect and further restricts the blood vessels. I had the expensive pills for awhile because I was getting so many a month but the haze from them was awful. Went back to just Dr. Pepper or Mtn. Dew and 3 500mg tylenols....they did the trick. Leaving my ex got rid of them almost completely (I suffer from stress ones mostly, ever since I figured out what my food triggers are)
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