To that one guest

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Had a code brown in RTW one time that ruined a rack of blouses. Had to defect them out wearing gloves & put them in plastic bags as a biohazard.
To the guest last night who was trying to grab a motorized cart. Wouldn't it make more sense to grab the one that's in the front? Instead, you attempt to grab the one in the middle thinking you could get it out of the side gap in the fencing. You fail miserably however, hitting the other motorized carts a good ten times before finally giving up.
Had a code brown in RTW one time that ruined a rack of blouses. Had to defect them out wearing gloves & put them in plastic bags as a biohazard.

WHA???? How the heck do you get it on a rack of blouses??? That's one heck of a blowout!!! EWWWW!!!!
The girl stuck her hand down her pants & went along a rack with said hand. Her mom grabbed her (by the OTHER hand) & quickly left.
Had a code brown in RTW one time that ruined a rack of blouses. Had to defect them out wearing gloves & put them in plastic bags as a biohazard.

We had a code brown in one of our toy aisles. We waited for the cart attendant to leave, then called the closing LOD to help with a bio spill. We also had a rat in domestics. A fellow TM killed the rat and had that same ETL clean up the bio spill. I would feel bad but this ETL has caused several TMs to quit on the spot.
To the guests in FA who ordered a hotdog minutes before close time, and proceeded to curse at me for refusing to serve her/make her food, demanding free food, when I told them the machine had already been cleaned/there was no time to make more. Despite offering her pizza and other items I had not closed, she continues yelling at raving and demands to speak to the manager so she can get me 'fired'. I direct them to the guest service area where LOD resides, and I was sure I'd get in trouble or they'd defend the guest, but to my surprise they did not. However, she stayed after an hour more carrying on and causing problems for everyone. The worst part is that they work for a dollar store within the same shopping area, which I won't be visiting any time soon based on employee conduct.

I felt really bad about it, but I try to keep stations open as long as possible without being late to check out.

A few days later, FATL gives me a thank you note-card like we do in the store, commending me for being patient with the guest.
From a former FATM, way to go. :excited:

In my early days, I always worked FA that started cleaning stuff and closing stuff in the last hour because closers were given 5.5 hour shifts and had to be out by 10 before the 6th hour. So we had to close early. We would occasionally get peopel demanding stuff at the very last minute and even after.

Remember one guest that came 10 min after FA close and wanted all the wasted popcorn even though I was already boiling out the kettle and started pulling the last of the popcorn into the trash by hand. He gave me such attitude and almost got the GSTL to give him free popcorn until told her I was already thrown it out and cleaning the kettle.
Haha being at a 'Canadian shopping spree vacation' store, I know exactly what you mean... hopefully it's not another Canadian holiday coming up.

My favorite thing working in electronics was trying to keep it together when Canadians would ask about GPS systems and why the ones we sold didn't have maps of Canada preloaded and if I could discount it for them due to this horrific omission.
Haha being at a 'Canadian shopping spree vacation' store, I know exactly what you mean... hopefully it's not another Canadian holiday coming up.

My favorite thing working in electronics was trying to keep it together when Canadians would ask about GPS systems and why the ones we sold didn't have maps of Canada preloaded and if I could discount it for them due to this horrific omission.

That's OK, my friends in Alaska and Hawaii will be happy to tell you that all too often the US GPS don't include them.
to those cholo mother**kers who wanted to fight me when i got out of work...

next time you face me with your gang asking me where im from, you better best to do something, instead of me walking right threw you and you not do $hit about it, p***y's.
To that one guest who thinks she A.) doesn't have to wait in line like everyone else & B.) can ONLY be helped by the pharmacist: get over yourself. You are no more important than anyone else and your demands are getting old. I'm glad the pharmacist put you in your place yesterday and the look on your face when she did was PRICELESS!

To the other guest who tried to pull a "sob story scam" on us yesterday: nice try. However, if you're going to try and BS us again, you might want to write down the "story" you're feeding us so you don't keep changing it to every person you speak to...
to the guest who wouldn't let me touch her giftcard to scan. do you think i have cooties or something? you are the worst of the worst, i seriously wish i was sick so i could infect you and not feel bad about it.
to the guests who piss and moan about the 6 garment rule...get over yourself. No way, no how am I going to bend the rules because you don't want to make multiple trips.

to the guests who, fully dressed, ask me to switch out their clothes. can walk the less than 50 feet, I promise our floors aren't made of lava.
the other day i was in the express lane & i had a guest tell me i'm going too fast....................... like i didn't even know how to respond back to him.

Next time you get a complaint that you're going too fast, scan very slowly and make sure they're aware of how pissed off the rest of the line will be because of their ignorance.
Bt, what new job?

oh and to the callers at my new job....
Wait. Wha....?

hee hee...thought I'd find a way to put that in...I started this week doing what I like doing, office management. I have to keep the Target job right now because it is an upstart company(can't tell what...that would def. give me away) and can't give full time or benefits so between the two I work full time.

Oh, you sneaker, you.
Hope it eventually becomes full-time so you can escape the red dead. 😉
the other day i was in the express lane & i had a guest tell me i'm going too fast....................... like i didn't even know how to respond back to him.

Next time you get a complaint that you're going too fast, scan very slowly and make sure they're aware of how pissed off the rest of the line will be because of their ignorance.

Don't even bother scanning, how about manually punching in each UPC? Give him your redcard spiel too.
today is the second time this week that a guest hands me a fake $100 bill to pay with. i guess i look f**kin stupid to them. lol.
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