To other guests today: Its halfway through August. Why are you looking for beach towels now?
To other guests today: Its halfway through August. Why are you looking for beach towels now?
Reminds me when I was at SD a few yrs back & a woman was kvetching about her return being refused.To The Next Guest who uses "With all the money I spend here at Target..." as an excuse to be rude, I apologize in advance for reaching across the service desk and snapping your neck.
What do they expect you to do with that speech?Reminds me when I was at SD a few yrs back & a woman was kvetching about her return being refused.
She was right in the middle of the "I spend THOUSANDS of DOLLARS in this store EVERY YEAR!" when an older, well-dressed woman behind her said "So? I spend TENS of THOUSANDS of dollars here & I KNOW what the return policy is!"
As the other woman stormed off, she stepped up & muttered "Amateurs...."
My store bathroom is in the back.
"Kvetching?" "It's a bird expression..."Reminds me when I was at SD a few yrs back & a woman was kvetching about her return being refused.
She was right in the middle of the "I spend THOUSANDS of DOLLARS in this store EVERY YEAR!" when an older, well-dressed woman behind her said "So? I spend TENS of THOUSANDS of dollars here & I KNOW what the return policy is!"
As the other woman stormed off, she stepped up & muttered "Amateurs...."
TTOG: I do appreciate you being one of the single friendliest people I have ever met in my life. Both of the time's I've rung you up you remind me that people can be friendly and happy to all of us even if we're in bad moods.
I do not appreciate, however, that the only reason you are being friendly is to push your religious belief that "love between you and god is unconditional", followed by offering to give me a "letter" from god that you pass out to everyone you meet. Our religious beliefs (or lack thereof if you pick the wrong person) are not exactly something any cashier wants to discuss in the middle of a shift, especially when realizing your friendliness is for that purpose.
Forever remains one of the only stories that actually surprises even some of the more veteran members of my store, despite all of the stuff they've seen.
I'm so glad I don't close the SD anymore. I did that for my first two years at Spot.TTOG: Fuck you for returning an empty eyeshadow pallet. I *knew* I should have opened it while you were still there. That's okay. AP has a couple of great shots of you now. Tread lightly if you ever come back into the store.
TTO(other)G: You came into the store high as a kite at 10:30 p.m. and then proceeded to complain that you had to pay $1.56 for some shoes. IT SAID RIGHT ON YOUR RECEIPT that the return value for the shoes you returned cost LESS than the shoes you wanted to purchase. And don't throw your gold AMEX on the counter and expect me to do something with it. I'm so glad the LOD backed me up on this. The only reason why we adjusted the price on the new shoes was to get you the fuck out of the store so we could finish cleaning the service desk (and you could get back to your Percocet or Valium or whateverthefuck you were on).
Ah, the life of SDTMs. lol
What? What is a/are "Basic White Girl(s)"?To that rowdy group of Basic White Girls: I can't even.
What? What is a/are "Basic White Girl(s)"?
What? What is a/are "Basic White Girl(s)"?
The ones who take selfies with a turtle mask & leave their Starbucks cup behind on a shelve. I say with a smile, can help find something? They say no. I say do you know who else put that mask on, a sick little kid the other day...What? What is a/are "Basic White Girl(s)"?
Kinda like the "Guidos" thing a couple yrs back:
"I can't even" are the last words of every Basic White Girl who is "literally dying."
Count me among the many who rejoiced when Jersey Shore was canceled.