To that one TM that's been training me, I owe you sooooooooo much. You are a freaking saint and I mean it. I wish there was something I could do for you. Just know that you've made me feel very welcome here. 🙂
Best way to show your appreciation is to do a great job & give credit to them that trained you.
Worth far more than a vibe card.
My ETL mails us thank you cards, usually after big projects or after accomplishing something big. It's worth way more than a vibe card.
Vibe cards are only written down, because at huddle they make it a requirement to write 1-3 vibe cards. Of course TMs just end up writing down some
dumb meaningless thing; thanks for... zoning, cleaning up a spill, walking a guest to item, showing up.
If you want to thank your trainer, just thank him/her in person. Maybe give them recognition/credit during huddle or whenever.