To that one Team Member I - ARCHIVED

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Something along the lines of:
"Y'know, I used to wonder what we'd do without you & now I know: we got better."
Best delivered with a cheesy smile.

When she worked at SB, her attitude was that she was single-handedlly holding the place together. All of the TMs newer than her lived in fear of her because she would berate us constantly for things she said we did wrong. And she just made comments behind the backs of the TMs older than her.

I'd have been singing "Ding dong, the witch is dead!" whenever she walked by.
To my entire team (especially the TL), I would love to know what the hell you did yesterday morning. Judging by the 30+ carts/tubs/flats of backstock, it obviously wasn't backstocking. Judging by the 8 or so instocks EXFs still in the gun at 7pm, it wasn't pulling priority pulls. Judging by the complaints of grocery, it wasn't pulling POGs for the floor. It sure wasn't the audit batch either.

At this point, I almost wish I was TL again so I could light some fires under people's asses. I'm tired of the floor coming to me to take care of things rather than our ACTUAL TL. I'm tired of hearing "well, it's 4th quarter what do you expect?" as some kind of excuse. Yes, it's the holidays and not everything is going to get done but I damn well expect to see SOMETHING accomplished. Oh you got the CAFs done on time? Congratufuckinglations on 3 people pulling 1.5 hours worth of pulls in less than an hour. Let me go write you a Vibe card telling you to do better than that.
To the LOD today...when I step in and tell you not to allow the return, I get a bit uneasy when I see the look in your eyes as you debate whether you'd rather tick off the "guest" or me. Had you gone any further with that return, ap had just walked in the door and they would have been called over to stop you. Glad you decided to grow a pair and side with me.

Backstory....I was covering guest services lunch, and ended up with a huge back up. I was calling around to every other store for a guest looking for a product that we apparently don't carry. The LOD finally responds to my begging for back up. As I'm watching this line form, I notice two separate people in line with iPad returns. This is trouble, and something I knew I needed to watch.

(The entire time this goes down, I'm on hold with another store):

Guest steps up to return iPad. I can't see the receipt from where I'm at, so I let the LOD scan the receipt and the iPad. As soon as he scanned the iPad, I could see the screen where it asks for the price. Meaning that it had just been purchased today at another Spot. I stick my head over, check the receipt, and sure enough, the iPad was paid for half in cash and half on a gift card. I immediately inform them both that we cannot complete the return at our store until the next day. Needless to say, the guest is NOT happy because he's now tied up a couple of hundred dollars in cash that he can't get back (plus the gift card amount he was trying to get back in cash by coming to our store). I nicely pointed out that the return could be processed today down at the Spot where the purchase was from. He really didn't like that (he knew I was on to him). Finally the LOD, after eyeing me and watching this decided to agree with me. So both him (and his buddy in line with the other iPad) quietly left, their little scam not working.

I'm just glad I was on hold forever with the other store, so I could chase these guys off. But sheesh, if we let one go through, they'll all be at our doorstep trying the same thing.
Heh, I had one in a couple of weeks ago that was bought on the same day, different store with a traveler's check. I declined the return. He wanted to know how soon he could return it. I smiled innocently at him and told him as soon as the traveler's check cleared. Needless to say, that was the LAST thing he wanted to hear. Then I promptly turned in the store information to ap so they could make a phone call to the original store. :good:
Guest steps up to return iPad. I can't see the receipt from where I'm at, so I let the LOD scan the receipt and the iPad. As soon as he scanned the iPad, I could see the screen where it asks for the price. Meaning that it had just been purchased today at another Spot. I stick my head over, check the receipt, and sure enough, the iPad was paid for half in cash and half on a gift card.

Make sure AP knows about the situation, and notify them if they come back into your store. More than likely, there using fake cash, and than hitting up nearby stores, to cash out there fraudulently purchased items. Typically, we can't stop them from making purchases, but we can get optimal video of them, and notify every store in the region. IC can and has gotten Secret Service involved too, before...
To that one etl, I get that you wanna give [hl tm] 40 hours, but it's kinda not fair to give [hl tm] softlines hours when I'm only 2 hours away from 40... and [new sl tm] has 40 hours. It's not faaaair. *throws temper tantrum*

I'm being a baby.

To my etl sl, thaank you for not being a dick and for acknowledging that I have useful qualities/skills. Backstory: One of my TLs only ever mentions things I'm doing wrong. I'm sure there are things I'm doing right, because well, I'm not jobless, but I was always questioning things because she only ever criticizes, so my confidence was taking a bit of a dive. Don't think she's ever heard of the compliment sandwich lol.
To the one in charge today.....


Why day after day do you normally have to prove that guest correct when she declared you a B the other night?!?!

To the rest of the team - well, I was prepared to stay until 6pm. Sorry!

I'd also like to actually learn more - but keep getting stymied and pushed aside by the one above. Thanks for helping me when you can - I hope you guys know I feel basically useless and I'm sorry about it.
To pretty much the entire team tonight (mostly seasonal TMs): When there's a phone call or a callbox goes off, please respond. Even if you're with a guest, let us know that you're unable to get the call so someone else can get it and we don't have to hear the LOD bitching about it. You have walkies; use them.

To that one cart attendant: What would possess you to think you could do your job without a walkie? :facepalm:
To the new guy on hardlines: I have been here for two years and not once complained to anybody about having to walk home 2 miles when I miss the bus. You live in my neighborhood. Your 90 day review is tomorrow. You bitch constantly about not missing your bus, and the ETL-HR says she'll make it so you don't have to close during the open until midnight times?

I really hope you don't make it past your 90 day review. You whine way too much.
To those who closed at my store the other night: I'm so glad I wasn't there, I couldn't have dealt with the chaos that ensued that night. No CAF pusher (only 1 scheduled, they NCNS), and the closing cart attendant called off. Along with not having enough people there for how busy we have been lately. Props to all of you for doing the best you could.
Story: Team member "A" asks team member "B" to change shifts for the next three days to which he agreed. Team member has been working the morning shift but had to change his schedule due to his second job.

Team member "B" had the early morning shift for the next three days (the days team member "A" wants to swap). Team member "A" goes to ETL and ETL approves and says to come at a certain time, but not specifying if it was day time or night time. Team member "A" thought the ETL meant to come in at night time.

Day one: Team member "B" comes in on time at Team member "A"'s old shift. However, Team member "A" does not show up for his shift in the morning and instead comes in the afternoon. In that morning, ETL says Team member "A" is a no call/no show. Team member "A" says he thought the ETL knew that he was to come in during the afternoon.

Fault on both individuals:

ETL should have made it clear that he meant to come in the morning not in the afternoon and team member "A" should have ask him to confirm the time to come in.
To the ETL-LOG at my store. Learn how to do your damn job. You certainly don't act like you've been with the company for almost 15 years. You continually ask people to come in early to help with the trucks that your team can never get done, even though you have the most hours in the entire store. No wonder you've lost so many people in the past week. I don't blame them for leaving. Your TLs are almost all awful and can't handle the stress of holiday season either.
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To pretty much the entire team tonight (mostly seasonal TMs): When there's a phone call or a callbox goes off, please respond. Even if you're with a guest, let us know that you're unable to get the call so someone else can get it and we don't have to hear the LOD bitching about it. You have walkies; use them.

You mean those like us aren't supposed to run around the store rampant to do it for them? What a novel idea. Seriously though, you have no idea how much this has been irritating me the last few shifts.
To the new girl in hardlines: You were a tremendous help on Black Friday when everything was so messy in the backroom. I really hope they keep you past seasonal because as far as I know, you're one of the better seasonal hires.

To my superior: Thanks for having a bit of a sense of humor as of late. We've had our issues but maybe we're finally getting onto the same page.
to that one softlines seasonal will be lucky if you make it to Christmas. Your attitude sucks, your zone sucks, and you can't follow instructions worth crap, oh and your breaks are longer than they should be.

to the other new/seasonal tm's...I doubt any of you but one(maybe one or two true seasonal...I haven't worked with many of them) are going to make it past 4th quarter. Just because you were hired under the regular hiring doesn't mean you automatically get a pass to go are still under your 90 days.

to the tm who asked me why I wasn't a TL....heck if I know.

to the ETL's who upon hearing my plan thank you for already mourning me leaving. To my ETL....thank you for saying we would work on it. (for personal reasons I will need to transfer(if I don't find another job)and I want to do it as a TL not a TM)
To the closing LOD: Calm down. I'm not getting a flu shot. I very rarely get sick. The closest I've becoming to being sick are my headaches.
For the love of Pete, whoever gave the directive that there should be no backstock for dollar spot needs to be strung up by their toes. Now, whoever fills dollar spot just tosses things in willy-nilly on top of other things, making the entire area look bad and impossible to sell. We now have an overflowing cart of dollar spot things we have taken off of the shelves so guests can get to the other products. And we would have probably a second cart if the front end team had a chance to clean up the entire area. It's bad enough straightening up the area after guests have been through. But having to do double work after other team members have been through?!? ARGH!!
To the other HL TMs working today: Learn how to respond to things!!!!! I was getting just about every phone call & call for HL. I know you had walkies, I saw them. You all made me REALLY miss P-fresh today. That and being mobbed by guests in seasonal....
To the BR TM that I said wasn't a crappy seasonal hire, thanks for walking out 2 hours into your shift. People like you are a joke. It's your own fault for being in a difficult program at school and expecting retail to be easy.

To the BR TM that I was expecting to be fired: Thank you for the NCNS, I appreciate the extra hours, especially in my old workcenter. Glad to see you go.
For the love of Pete, whoever gave the directive that there should be no backstock for dollar spot needs to be strung up by their toes. Now, whoever fills dollar spot just tosses things in willy-nilly on top of other things, making the entire area look bad and impossible to sell. We now have an overflowing cart of dollar spot things we have taken off of the shelves so guests can get to the other products. And we would have probably a second cart if the front end team had a chance to clean up the entire area. It's bad enough straightening up the area after guests have been through. But having to do double work after other team members have been through?!? ARGH!!

At my store, all the excess gets flexed. After a while, nothing is in the correct location anymore.
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