To that one Team Member I - ARCHIVED

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We printed and laminated a bunch of SUBT999 signs, and everyone has been instructed to slap those on any vehicles that require it (mostly plano-related or overstock). We had a problem for a while where people were just using SUBT999 on all sorts of stuff, which led to huge outs on the floor, which then leads to massive research pulls.

If you notice that your backstock is coming back out during CAFs, with each item, pull, then toggle over to SUBT and finish the subt999 process. It's faster.
STO only is not the right way because it gives me more work. It's not going to kill lazy backroom team members to use shift 7 or the ESC button and toggle back and forth with STO and SUBT when backstocking during the CAF pull hours 11am to 5pm. I use to just put the regurgitated backstock on a backstock tub but now when they half ass it, their regurgitated backstock gets put on a pull tub. And I hate having to defend myself on this crap. Can you honestly tell me that someone in the building is buying a full two tier cart of hbo2 at 1pm on a Wednesday? Can you honestly say that? It's backstock plain and simple. You did it the wrong way and I get to suffer because of your laziness, incompetence, and unwillingness to do the right sensible thing. Crap like this is why I think the backroom team members should all be given at least one shift per week in backroom day and see what it's like to pull 30 CAF pulls by yourself and for it take 50 to 59 minutes. Once you get to be in that situation, I don't think you will be saying "just suck it up or quit". You will get to see what it's like. You will get to be frustrated because of someone else's stupidity and laziness. And I hear about accuracy and numbers. Well, I will throw some numbers at you. What is your excuse on the whole "using STO only is the right way to backstock" if I have to pull a full tub of one fillgroup and it causes the CAF pulls to roll over? And yes, that has happened numerous times to me. I feel like I'm in The Twilight Zone on this. Typical Target mentality.

Could you be any more negative? I'm starting to think you are a troll because you bitch and complain about every single thing. Every 12 pm our cafs are atleast 35 batches and nobody complains. It's our job, if you don't like it go somewhere else. If you are that behind when the hour is almost up (which you shouldn't be), just call LOD. If I am ever about to miss on the hourly cafs I call LOD and normally 2-3 ETLS come to the back and start pulling the remaining batches. They don't care and they understand that they can sometimes be big. But they also expect me to push if I ever finish the cafs 20-30 minutes early and the floor is busy, or even do a carry out if nobody else is available. Maybe your store is just awful but most everyone on our team realizes that everything is a TEAM effort.

Get in a mentality:
Do your work POSITIVELY and help people.
People will help you when you need help.
Everybody helps everybody.
Your store makes sales.
You get hours.
You're happier.
STO is the right way. For various reasons your store accumulator is inaccurate. The system thinks it needs all the product that was just backstocked. If POGs are set right and Endcaps are tied, and everything is pushed to the piece and not overstocked, the accumulator would be right. Don't blame backroom.

The large amount of HBA backstock might be from killed SPLs (which the accumulator doesn't recognize right away). If that's the case, whoever backstocked those items should've used SUBT9999 first to reset the accumulator instead of just STOing them.
I do not know every DPCI for Target. Please don't assume that by leaving/giving me an item with no numbers that I am able to defect it out. In order for me to defect something out I NEED NUMBERS!

And for goodness sake, PLEASE CLEAN UP AFTER YOURSELF! There is not much more aggravating than arriving at my work area and find a gooey, slimy mess! This is why there are paper towels, XSORB, ESIM bags, etc. for your use.

edit - spelling
To the softlines team: There is no possible way you're all with guests every time the GSTL calls for back-up. We had shit to do in hardlines too, but we responded without any problems. There's no reason why you all can't do the same.

To my STL: Thank you for helping me create an awesome vibe moment for a guest, even if it resulted from complete and utter incompetence on corporate's part.
If I am ever about to miss on the hourly cafs I call LOD and normally 2-3 ETLS come to the back and start pulling the remaining batches.

Wait...ETLs pulling batches? Ours would rather let them roll before coming to the backroom. The occasional times I have had to ask for help to finish pulling, they sent me people who don't even know how to use the PDA. Then they come back yelling at me because I sent those people back to the floor. Apparently, the idea that "training takes time and 15 minutes before the hour is up is not the time to be training someone unfamiliar with the backroom on how to pull" is a difficult one.

We have had 1 ETL who would help pull. He was a former logistics ETL and rotated to a different store.
To one of the team leads the other day at work: Don't tell me to hurry up. When I am doing something as fast as I possibly can, you telling me to hurry up just makes me do things half-assed. I do not feel sorry that a whole aisle of the AD ended up in the trash.
quick barely relevant question: ... ok maybe not quick, anyway...

OH counts of item x show 84. SFQ: 81. BRQ: 4.
Go to BR. SUBT 4 from BRLocation
Stand Alone RSCH item x to 85.
Sto 4 to BR Location.

can this create ghosts? how so?
quick barely relevant question: ... ok maybe not quick, anyway...

OH counts of item x show 84. SFQ: 81. BRQ: 4.
Go to BR. SUBT 4 from BRLocation
Stand Alone RSCH item x to 85.
Sto 4 to BR Location.

can this create ghosts? how so?
I hated Algebra II in school.....this looks and feels like a nasty word problem....the answer is y? 😛
quick barely relevant question: ... ok maybe not quick, anyway...

OH counts of item x show 84. SFQ: 81. BRQ: 4.
Go to BR. SUBT 4 from BRLocation
Stand Alone RSCH item x to 85.
Sto 4 to BR Location.

can this create ghosts? how so?
Negative I do this all the time and it hasn't cause any issues. The only way it would cause a error is if you key that you STOd 5 instead of the 4 you are actually putting in the location
To that one Team Member that used the bathroom before me: I'm not sure what you ate/drank/took to make your urine reek to strongly but maybe you should consider laying off of it. If this seems rude to point out, then maybe you should also consider flushing the fricking toilet!
To that one Team Member that used the bathroom before me: I'm not sure what you ate/drank/took to make your urine reek to strongly but maybe you should consider laying off of it. If this seems rude to point out, then maybe you should also consider flushing the fricking toilet!
I've had this happen to me too. Someone must stink up the bathroom in my store, because they just installed one of those fans that come on when you turn the light on!! Oh, and someone just recently put a toilet plunger in the employee bathroom been there for about 2 months now. I bet the poor cart attendant had a nice surprise one day.
To my ETLs and GSTLs ... please stop pressuring me to get so many redcards! I am doing the best I can without openly harrassing/bullying the guests!

Also, to my coworkers ... thanks for being my buddies too 🙂 Coming to work is much nicer when you get to see your pals.
To that one Team Member that used the bathroom before me: I'm not sure what you ate/drank/took to make your urine reek to strongly but maybe you should consider laying off of it. If this seems rude to point out, then maybe you should also consider flushing the fricking toilet!
I've had this happen to me too. Someone must stink up the bathroom in my store, because they just installed one of those fans that come on when you turn the light on!! Oh, and someone just recently put a toilet plunger in the employee bathroom been there for about 2 months now. I bet the poor cart attendant had a nice surprise one day.

Agreed. It's like when the TM opens the door cause you're waiting patiently for the backroom bathroom


and then it hits you


and then they didn't even flush and....

To that one TM, would you mind not being such a creeper? Stop hanging around my workcenter and making the most awkward smalltalk imaginable. I don't want to be friends with you.
It's really unnecessary for you to be a total bitch. You don't need to take it out on me and the other plano team members. No wonder why nobody wants to work with you. As a new team member, telling us that we are all wrong and we don't know what we are talking about isn't going to make you any friends when some of us have been doing it for years.
To the Target Benefits Center: Yeah, if you guys could stop charging me for things I'm not enrolled in (as a smoker, which I'm not), that'd be great. Also, your phone system is the worst thing ever because the automated voice is so condescending that I nearly threw my phone across the room.
to that one team member...good luck in your new endeavors. We will miss you!!

to three of the softlines brand members...get it together!!!

to the flow team...I am so sorry you aren't getting properly trained but it is really common sense that Hanes items don't belong with Fruit of the Loom and vice versa.

to that one ETL, our STL and whichever district people who were covering for the first two...exactly how many calls to the hotline, team leads (and members)quitting did you cover up before a HQ muckety muck started an investigation on said ETL (and in reality probably the STL)?

oh and STL and HR ETL do not blame the fact that the schedule for next week is STILL not up on Wednesday night on the lone HR team member being out of the office for the last two weeks....they do nothing schedule wise.
to my ETL. You suck running truck. cant wait till my logistics TL is back. p.s. bet you where up set i would not stay longer after you put me one cardboard when nobody else wanted to do it.
To the ETL-GE, listen to your GSTL...he knows what he is talking about. He told you that you were scheduling me against my availability on the two week out and that needed to be changed. But you didn't change it. *slow clap*

To my GSTL...thanks for recognizing that it wasn't my fault that the ETL-GE did that and that we needed to put that time on another one of my shifts to make up for it.
to that one team member who uses "off of it" like some people use "like" and/or "umm" is the most ridiculous phrase I've heard and makes absolutely no sense
To the ETL-Log who told our GSTL that we had a pallet full of medium bags in the back room three weeks ago and he wasn't to order any more. My GSTL believed you. My GSTL continued to believe you when the back room people told me two weeks ago we were down to two boxes, and I told my GSTL we were running out. Saturday we nearly ran out of medium bags, but were able to borrow some from another store. Sometime today we ran out completely. Thankfully we were able to borrow some more from another store, but that was after at least 4 hours of having none.

If there are none on the truck tomorrow, we will not make it through the weekend, and it's a long time until Monday's truck if we don't have those medium bags. Next time double check before you make such a bold proclamation. You gave the front end a huge headache to deal with and gave us lots of unhappy guests (who all think we are a bunch of morons now...because, frankly, who the hell runs out of medium bags?).

I've lost count of how many times this has happened at my store. One of our GSTLs is in charge of ordering supplies for the front end, and...well, let's just say she's not always on the ball when it comes to ordering.
We've been out of gift card envelopes for two weeks. I've given up hope on those things. But medium bags?! That was a horrible miscommunication, and no one is blaming our GSTL for that one. I've never hoped to see something come in on a truck so badly before...
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